BRENT - page 6

Maxim Romanov:

I've heard that too. But it's all just another throw-in as usual. Who knows why he needs those futures. Besides, it does not say which one he took, maybe he took the December one. Of course, it is difficult to gain such amount. The market has two fools, one buys and one sells. It is not known what guided this person or group and what goals they had.

It was not a hoax. I specifically looked at the open interest data There is indeed a huge preponderance of individuals' longs against lawyers'.

Московская Биржа - Oткрытые позиции по производным финансовым инструментам
Московская Биржа - Oткрытые позиции по производным финансовым инструментам
Влияем на развитие, создаем будущее. Миссия Группы — способствовать экономическому росту и реструктуризации российской экономики путем расширения возможностей по привлечению капитала для компаний и создания удобной, надежной и прозрачной инвестиционной среды для российских и иностранных инвесторов.

So that's a fork in the water:


The giant bet was either made by one person or a very small number of traders, the stock exchange data suggests.


Aleksey Vyazmikin:

So it's a bit of a stick in the mud:

What is it exactly?

One or more people bought it, and not lawyers. That's all the information they could get from the available data. No one claimed more than that. But it is an anomalous event.

I don't remember exactly, but I think there are rules for individuals, limiting the volume of open positions.
If you plan to exceed this limit, you need to get the status of a professional participant, with the relevant certificates.
So if this is not a fake, then behind such a transaction is not just an individual, but an educated trader with professional status.
I do not remember exactly, but I think there are rules for individuals, the limit on the volume of open positions.
If you plan to exceed this limit, you need to get the status of professional participant with appropriate certificates.
So if this is not a fake, it is not just an individual behind such a transaction, but an educated trader with professional status.

Of course. RUB 32bn is more than a professional participant. Probably even a legal representative through a cash-out.

And why does everyone think it's a fake? I've forgotten the details since my article post, but I think representatives of the exchange have confirmed the information. Although I won't swear to it.

Edgar Akhmadeev:

And why does everyone think fake?

Because the only source of reliable information is the stock exchange.
But it has no right to disclose this kind of information.
The rest, it is all the delights of Internet information, media and the like.

The conclusion was made by modified open interest on the stock exchange site, and the scribbling in the Internet with its arguments began.
But the author did not pay attention to the volume of short positions of legal entities.
And made an accent on the physical persons. So maybe it's the other way round, the lawyers bumped the physical ones as much as they wanted to)).
I do not rule out that it was just a redirection of assets from one side to another because of the Rosneft story.
Because futures are hedging instruments for portfolio managers.

Таинственный трейдер сделал гигантскую ставку на нефть на МосБирже | 08.04.20 |
Таинственный трейдер сделал гигантскую ставку на нефть на МосБирже | 08.04.20 |
Пока инвестбанки соревновались в апокалиптических прогнозах по рынку нефти, на Московской бирже появился таинственный трейдер, скупающий нефтяные фьючерсы. Аномальный рост длинных позиций в контрактах на нефть Brent статистика биржи начала фиксировать с 3 апреля - на следующий день после того, как президент США Дональд Трамп объявил о...

Because the only source of reliable information is the stock exchange.
But it has no right to disclose this kind of information.


By law, stock exchanges publish trading reports - all information is taken from there.

And such reports are published in all countries of the world with a developed stock market.



By law, stock exchanges publish trading reports - all information is taken from there.

And such reports are published in all countries of the world with a developed stock market.

All reporting in numbers, impersonal!
What fantasy the author of the article had when he saw the open interest, he passed it off as reality.
This is nonsense.


All reporting is in numbers, impersonal!
What fantasy the author of the article had when he saw the open interest, he passed it off as reality.
This is nonsense.

So of course it's depersonalised reporting. Where do you see the buyer's name in the publications?