A ban on FOREX for Russians. Is it realistic? - page 6


The "problem" can be looked at more broadly. The essence of it is communication over a network of people in general. Financial literacy of population is growing on average, people understand that they do not need intermediaries, especially such greedy ones, they can exchange products of their labor with anyone anywhere in the world, using cryptocurrencies, while exchange of labor products is the essence of economy, proxies cannot be prohibited, just like to prohibit downloading of movies from torrents, only fancy IP-users, which, especially with implementation of IPv6, will be trillions, they can be changed every minute, the only "solution" may be compulsory release of IP-users, which will be the only solution to the problem.

Actually all this is very unfortunate for the old models of pseudo-democracy, there is no solution, we will have to either ultra-totalitarianism and hopelessly lag behind the technology and generally all the neighbours, or the ultra-democracy option, A REAL FULL TRUTH, where politicians, as it should be, are the people's servants, they do not interfere with business, and business also pays them ABSOLUTELY TRUTHFUL taxes, or rather not even "taxes", it is unclear what for, but everyone contributes to these or those specific public projects. All this can be controlled without the possibility of falsification via blockchain technology.

A perfectly young person should not be forbidden to harm himself, including financially, the government should monitor advertising, introduce laws requiring NOT to lie, in advertising, to warn of all risks, as with cigarettes and alcohol, but forbidding a glass of wine, or buying bitcoins is a violation of the basic liberties of the modern human being.

Alexander Ivanov:
It may be prohibited, if the servers are installed inside Russia. If they are in other countries, then nothing will help, no matter what laws are passed.

It doesn't matter where the servers are, it has nothing to do with this.

After all, if everything goes through a public server (a node on the Internet, including a proxy), nothing will help, even if you encrypt the traffic, for obvious reasons

Alexander Ivanov:
Forex will not be banned.
At most, they will create a regulator, but they will still be subordinated to the Western regulators of exchange trading.

If they want it banned, then it depends on the other side, to what extent they need it to bypass blocking again and again, which would result in users suffering a lot.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

For example, a "genius" decision to take out a loan and make a profit on his forex

  • you go to take a loan - you may get a loan - you lose it
  • the loan has to be repaid somehow - you get a new loan - you lose it
  • first, unnecessary things are sold, then a deposit is opened = DRIVING
  • after that, we sell the fridge - hoover - TV - Drain
  • Then a table and chairs are sold, so you can squat, and there is no need for furniture.
  • Then a bed is sold - it is possible to sleep on the floor - flush.
  • Then we have the options - sell a kidney - or a flat
  • they take out a mortgage on the flat and again the loan - flush.
  • and you are bankrupt and also without a home and possibly without a kidney.

I see. I thought the leverage would make you a debtor in the end. For example, for using a credit I heard that a trader gets some kind of payment, whether it is a swap or the interest is deposited at another rate and I remember some nuances I read about it, but this is the first time I heard about becoming a debtor. If I trade with credit money, of course, but it is a disease, gambling addiction. I hope it will not come to that for me))))


Come on, it's no big deal. Let's leave this sick country and trade from across the border. Somewhere from Bali for example))


I see. I thought leverage was something that makes you owe money in the end.

Leverage is just a tool, but in the hands of a fool, especially a greedy adventurous fool, it is like a grenade in the hands of a monkey.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Come on, it's no big deal. Let's leave this sick country and trade from across the border. From somewhere near Bali, for example)).

You don't have to leave the country, you just have to travel :-), you open an account there and trade online. Then the next step is to close the borders :-)) to leave the country and start with the North-Korean version of the Internet.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Theoretically the brokerage company should close orders by stop-out; practically speaking, during super sharp movements it was technically impossible to close orders in time. That was during the jump of franc 2-3 years ago, then many brokerage companies went bankrupt, e.g. Alpari UK, RVD Markets and some others.

So what does this have to do with the trader? he is responsible for the obligations with his deposit. No money no liabilities. If you have not read yet the contract for trading on a real account, maybe there is a zigzag on this subject. We should be careful or they might write something like a broker's losses on execution of a client's order with leverage and exceeding the amount of the client's deposit - the client undertakes to compensate from his own funds. They can do this easily.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

This cannot be the case. It is one thing to engage in activities where poor professionalism can harm other people (such as medicine), then there should be specialised training etc. But here the harm is not more than self (and not even personally, but only to their material condition), so, any restrictions - this is an infringement of rights. Although this is Russia, so everything can happen, including any infringement of rights. I still don't understand why I can't go out in the evening and play in a casino... I can go to a casino and get drunk, but I can't hang out and play roulette in an intelligent way.

In the end everything will come down to fee-based courses for obtaining a qualified investor certificate, that is another way for the government to receive money from the population.

Is a detriment to the country's economy. Funds are not spent on goods, but are lost and taken out of the economy.

No money, no demand for goods, no production, no production, no jobs, no salaries in the pocket )

ZS: Why do they do it this way and not through a vein or into the gums? Why only in a casino? )))

there's libraries for "purely intellectual"))

if you're really desperate, you can play free online poker games


We should take an example from Shvetsov )

One foot here, the other there:

В ЦБ признали конфликт интересов у первого зампреда ЦБ Сергея Швецова
В ЦБ признали конфликт интересов у первого зампреда ЦБ Сергея Швецова
  • 2017.04.07
  • Ведомости
  • www.vedomosti.ru
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