A ban on FOREX for Russians. Is it realistic? - page 4


Bees versus honey.

In my opinion, this is just another way of collecting dough.

No one is really going to "ban forex". They already did - they introduced "accreditation". This was the first step. It was also introduced "for the benefit of ordinary people". So what has changed? Nothing has changed - small brokerage companies closed, big ones gave more money.

The same will happen here. Would the government ban such a piece of money ??? I don't believe it. Even the far more criminal and dangerous gambling business is not so much banned. And trading will never be banned at all. True, the danger may be that they will impose so many restrictions that large brokerage companies will think "why bother. But I think they will quickly come to an agreement with major brokerage companies and soften the terms.

When they introduced the accreditation they promised to prohibit the leverage over 10. И ? How did it end? First, just before the introduction - they kept the leverage at 100. And then all the talks about the leverage stopped - and brokerage companies still offer the leverage of 500 and even 1000.

So it will be with these "bans on Forex".


It seems to me that all this is done so that others could get a license from the Central Bank, which have not yet received it (pushed, so to speak). After all, there are already eight companies that officially provide "forex" services in Russia since May 15 this year


Ассоциация форекс-дилеров (АФД)
  • sroafd.ru
Центральный банк Российской Федерации опубликовал в очередном «Вестнике Банка России» информационное письмо с целью предупреждения потребителей финансовых услуг и обращает внимание на сайты, имитирующие официальные сайты некредитных финансовых организаций.
It is impossible to ban.
Bitcoins were banned, but many traded through proxies. Then they allowed it in general.

The idea behind the fuss is that many Russian funds have started to trade against the ruble.

Alexander Ivanov:
Hamsters ))))
Proxies have not been abolished.
Petro Potroshenko also wanted to ban Vkontakte, etc. But everyone goes through proxies.

And so it will be here.

You fool, proxies can be banned too.

All Internet traffic goes through your ISP, you do not have to decrypt it, just figure out what it is and cut it off.

Roskomnadzor has been periodically blocking gambling resources for a long time now.

Proxies are not banned in any way and cannot be blocked. Learn the basics.

Let them block pirate torrents and porn sites first. That would be much more useful.
Alexander Ivanov:
Let them block pirate torrents, porn sites first. That would be much more useful.

Why porn sites? What's the point of letting the heat off after summer walks on the streets? :) In fact, you've now encroached on the sacred, the tyrant in the fog.


Vladislav Soliev:

Why porn sites? What's the point of letting the heat off after summer walks on the streets? :) Actually, you've just encroached on the sacred, the tyrant in the fog.

You're a pervert!