A ban on FOREX for Russians. Is it realistic? - page 5

Yuriy Zaytsev:

When trading shares - option to buy shares and stay in a long position, was 3 years now 5 years - otherwise you pay 13% tax.

Perhaps the Central Bank wants to take over FOREX, the option is that only banks will have the right to let private investors into FOREX.

I didn't say anything about the long term. You can speculate in equities too, they are even more predictable. The markets are much faster now than they were, say, 30 years ago.


Shvetsov probably lost another deposit on the forex market and is angry... like I'm no good at it, let no one trade.


The forum is full of morons who think speculation is evil. Morons, if there were no speculators, your instruments would be flying tens of percent up and down.

Speculators are the creators of liquidity. The more diverse the speculators in the market, the more stable it is.

I'm leaving the forum. I am tired of reading bullshit. All have brain damage, a fool pogoditel.


The forum is full of morons who think speculation is evil. Morons, if there were no speculators, your instruments would be flying tens of percent up and down.

Speculators are the creators of liquidity. The more diverse the speculators in the market, the more stable it is.

I'm leaving the forum. I am tired of reading bullshit. They have become brain-dead, they treat fools like fools.

"...I'll run, I won't look back, I'll search the world,

Where the offended man has a corner!

"My carriage! Carriage!...")

Alexander Ivanov:
Proxies are not banned in any way and cannot be blocked. Learn the basics.

You have a big problem with your maths, if you are an ignoramus you don't need to be so confident in an area where you know little more than nothing.

It can be banned if the servers are installed inside Russia. If they are in other countries, nothing can be done about it, no matter what laws you pass.
Forex will not be banned.
At most, they will create a regulator, but they will still be subordinated to Western stock trading regulators.
Listen, how do you get into debt in forex? Does it have something to do with leverage in trading?
Listen, how do you get into a debt hole with forex?

For example, a "genius" decision to take out a loan and make a profit on his forex

  • you go to take a loan - you may get a loan - you lose it
  • the loan has to be repaid somehow - you get a new loan - you lose it
  • afterwards, you start selling unnecessary things, open a deposit = DRIVE
  • after that, we sell the fridge - hoover - TV - Drain
  • Then a table and chairs are sold, so you can squat, and there is no need for furniture.
  • Then a bed is sold - it is possible to sleep on the floor - flush.
  • Then we have the options - sell a kidney - or a flat
  • they take out a mortgage on the flat and again the loan - flush.
  • and you're bankrupt and also without a home and possibly without a kidney.
How do you get into debt with forex? Does it have something to do with leverage in trading?

Theoretically the brokerage company should close orders by stop-out; practically speaking, during super sharp movements it was technically impossible to close orders in time. It was during the jump of franc 2-3 years ago, many brokerage companies went bankrupt, for example British branch of Alpari, RVD Markets and some others.