A ban on FOREX for Russians. Is it realistic? - page 3

Alexey Busygin:
The government just wants to take a percentage from each participant, so they come up with ideas of where and how to take it. It would be better to milk the big players for more profit and less work.

Yes, it is necessary to simplify the legislation and provide a tax regime similar to offshore. Then representative offices will be opened, everything will be under control and taxes will go to the budget. And it is not clear why this has not been done until now. After all, people demand it, and if you see that the money is flowing past you, is it really so difficult to fix the tax regime and legislation?


Create a petition to the regulator - let them study the offshore experience and apply it instead of banning it.

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Глобальная платформа для ваших кампаний
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There is certainly no need to worry. The main question is not what to ban and why, but how to then CONTROL THAT, and controlling what people do online is not and probably never will be possible. And if you can't control it, then banning it is as stupid as banning the sun from setting, it's out of control.


There is certainly no need to worry. The main question is not what to ban and why, but how to then CONTROL THAT, and controlling what people do online is not and probably never will be possible. And if you can't control it, then banning it is as stupid as banning the sun from setting, it's out of control.

For now. But as soon as the means for tracking and blocking appear, that's it, we're screwed. And if the ban is not for the brokerage companies, but for the traders, then we will all become "outside the law".
Hamsters ))))
Proxies have not been abolished.
Petro Potroshenko also wanted to ban Vkontakte, etc. But everyone goes through proxies.

So it will be here.
Artem Virskiy:

The Central Bank of Russia has again decided to block forex.

What are we going to do?


"Our immediate plans are to allow this service exclusively to qualified investors. Unqualified investors will not be able to be attracted by forex clubs, and in this way we will protect our citizens from losing their savings," Shvetsov said. At the same time, the Central Bank plans to block websites of foreign companies offering forex services to Russians.

"We cannot protect the performance of contractual obligations between such service providers and our citizens, as they are outside the Central Bank's regulation," Shvetsov explained.

Read more on RBC:

A decision can still be made - henceforth, LUNA QUADRATE. But we don't know the true reason for this decision.


"At the same time, the Central Bank plans to block websites of foreign companies offering forex services to Russians."

Actually it looks like an Iron Curtain. You sanction us and we say the moon is square.


In general, any problem needs to be viewed from different angles.

1)"The Bank of Russia intends to strictly supervise the Forex market, limiting its development in Russia.

We like to limit its development :-)))

2) From the other side of the fence

"The Bank of Russia is not keen on this business. We are not against people getting the adrenaline of currency speculation, but we are totally against people losing their money without expecting, shall we say, to play in a financial casino"

this is a true statement - most people do lose

3) in fact most forex accounts are in USD, which fuels the US economy, even with any conversion this tricky country is parasitic - earning income from interest in its currency.

One of the innovations may be a simple rule for Russia, the accounts in rubles only :-))) and the brokerage companies should not be offshore.

Foreign companies should be allowed on the market - but within these rules :-))

ЦБ решил вернуться к идее ограничить доступ к форексу
ЦБ решил вернуться к идее ограничить доступ к форексу
  • www.rbc.ru
По словам первого зампреда ЦБ Сергея Швецова, регулятор планирует закрыть доступ к валютным спекуляциям для неквалифицированных инвесторов

Maybe for you it's gambling addiction. Not to me it isn't. You might as well call stock trading gambling.

When trading stocks - the option to buy shares and stand in a long position, it was 3 years, now it's 5 years - otherwise you pay 13% tax.

Perhaps the Central Bank wants to take over FOREX, an option where only banks will have the right to let private investors into FOREX.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

3) in fact, most forex accounts are in USD, which fuels the US economy, even with any conversion this tricky country is parasitic, earning income from interest in its currency.

One of the innovations may be a simple rule for Russia, the accounts in rubles only :-))) and the brokerage companies should not be offshore.

Foreign companies should be allowed on the market - but within these rules :-))

Let them stop buying U.S. government securities with oil money first, and then let us small traders get screwed
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Let them stop buying U.S. government securities with oil money first, and then let us, small traders, get screwed.

This is where we can get into a tailspin of policy discussions.

I agree with that. Why not invest these funds in building and equipping schools and hospitals, improving life, building roads to develop business within their own country instead of feeding someone else's economy. But these investments can even have a political purpose, and buying papers from the USA creates mutual dependence. I cannot judge how sensible this is. In general, you should first develop yourself - build your own economy and then invest in someone else's, or even better not to invest, but to buy.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

This is where we can get into a tailspin of policy discussions.

I agree with that. Why not invest these funds in building and equipping schools and hospitals, improving life, building roads to develop business within their own country instead of feeding someone else's economy. But these investments can even have a political purpose, and buying papers from the USA creates mutual dependence. I cannot judge how sensible this is. In general, you should first develop yourself - build your own economy and then invest in someone else's, or even better not to invest, but to buy.

This thread is strictly political. )

Alexey Volchanskiy:

This thread is strictly political as it is. )

Russia is not following the economic model of the west, we have an authoritarian method of governance - not economic. Politics and management are handled by one person, and even very well, but he does not manage everywhere. It would be great if science and medicine got to a good level and cloned it down to school principals. And with that sort of arrangement there would be no point in going to the polls. And we could bring back the old pre-revolutionary anthem - God save the Tsar, and all his clones.

Well then let's get back to discussing Market Access Restrictions. Otherwise we'll go to a discussion of medical advances.

Better talk about government sex... you know, how the central bank's gonna"screw the small traders."