A ban on FOREX for Russians. Is it realistic? - page 2


Yes, let them ban it. How many 'qualified investors' is no more than 10,000. Let them eat each other up, on a significant drop in liquidity.

They seem to hold such positions, they should know what is what. But they don't.

I see that Shvetsov has a soft spot for Forex, so fucking caring. Well, we cannot do it without your care.

To understand the problem you have to use your state's mind. Just imagine that you are a really caring official and you see how your citizens are losing deposits on foreign accounts - small amounts, but multiplied by thousands - not much, but a tangible capital outflow, while the state does not make a penny in addition. Our brokers do not want to work honestly, that is why physical persons work mainly with foreign companies.


To understand the problem, you have to think in terms of the state. Imagine that you are a really caring official and you see your citizens losing deposits on foreign accounts - yes, the amounts are small, but multiplied by thousands - even a little, but already a tangible capital outflow, in addition to which the state does not get a penny from it. Our brokers do not want to work honestly, that is why physical persons work mainly with foreign companies.

Yes, let them do whatever they want. They will never do any better, I don't give a damn. I have no enthusiasm to give them advice, they get paid for it, and not a small one.

The consequences will be: higher commissions, even fewer participants. If in the stock markets they earn 5-7%, futures markets less than 5% and Forex generally 1-2%.

I mean regular earnings. Forex is attractive with small entry amounts, but it is the most unpredictable market.

I have no money for futures and stocks, I have not even investigated them, for the question of algotrading, although there is more opportunity to succeed there.


Increase the personal income tax from forex trading from 13% to 70%, then reduce the tax each year by 5% to 35% in the end.

Especially advise that everyone scatters at all....


Especially advise everyone to scatter at all....

And forex is a gambling addiction. There's no other way around it.


And forex is a gambling addiction. There's no other way around it.

Maybe for you it's gambling addiction. Not for me. You might as well call stock trading gambling.


Maybe for you it's gambling addiction. Not to me it isn't. You might as well call stock trading gambling.

You can earn back your monthly minimum wage on the forex market in a month and you'll be fine. What more could you want?)))


Once again, for those who are particularly gifted. The fact is that many DCs have the ability to trade dollar/ruble, euro/ruble. Some of these trades are actually put on the market,

So it creates liquidity. Suppose forex was banned, the liquidity from this sector for ruble pairs disappeared, i.e. there are less participants.

Then our "highly gifted/highly skilled" participant appears and habitually buys for example dollar/ruble and using the suddenly decreased liquidity collects all offers and pushes the pair to 150 rubles, then another highly skilled participant, seeing that the currency pair has crossed, starts buying again. Well, the trend is all as taught and the price flies away to the area of 250.

High liquidity in forex is not really the case. The dollar, the euro and to a lesser extent the yen and the pound are where the liquidity is. In others the liquidity is much less, and in crosses it is even less.

The main turnover is dollar and euro, I do not remember exactly, but it is about 70% of Forex. Do you want bounces in the rouble +-100-150 roubles welcome, so to say welcom....?!)

What kind of child's play are you doing here?)


The state doesn't love you, oh it doesn't love you! :))


To understand the problem, you have to think in terms of the state. Imagine that you are a really caring official and you see your citizens losing deposits on foreign accounts - yes, the amounts are small, but multiplied by thousands - even a little, but a tangible capital outflow, in addition to which the state does not get a penny from it. Our brokers do not want to work honestly and that is why physical persons work mainly with foreign companies.

The state just wants to collect a percentage from each participant, so they invent where and how to rake. It would be better for the big players to make more profit and less work.

In forex, you'll get your monthly minimum wage back in a month and you'll be fine. What more could you want?)))

I can't do it yet. If I had the money, I would have traded in forts.