Is it forbidden to negotiate with customers past the website? - page 14

By the way, an interesting question has arisen ))) Suppose a job is created, they send requests there ... and suppose the customer changes the job title, adding his skype there, and that more than 10; he will not give ))) It turns out all banned ?))). So the change was before the application ... What will happen ?)
Rashid Umarov:

Zelinsky's position is clear - he is now passing all the work through Freelance. He submits applications for work, but none of the completed ones has been there since August.

Rashid, all the negotiations in the applications are available to you. And if you investigate, you'll find that not a single agreement has been passed by Freelance. You and I can personally go through each application I submit and it will be obvious there.

Why I haven't had any work done since August, there's a reason for that too, but not the one you mentioned - work in progress will start appearing now.

I haven't and don't break freelancing rules -- in fact, it's easy to check.

Rashid Umarov:

So every time he comes out defending another performer who works outside of Freelance. Especially if this performer has been complained about by a customer who has decided to outsource his work. He also whitewashes himself in this way.

To protect someone - you need to fully understand the situation - I don't have it, I can't negotiate within requests or around requests.

If you had submitted the material in full, it would have been a different dialogue and different conclusions.

I'm all for objectivity and a lack of reticence and unsubstantiation.

p.s. I would like to close the dialogue on this topic. I do not see the point in it. But on the above-mentioned "accusation" of you saying that I spend my time with you in a private or service Desk to justify on each job that your suspicions are unfounded.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
p.s. I would like to close the dialogue on this topic. I do not see the point in it. But on the aforementioned "accusation" of you saying that I spend my time with you in a private person or service Desk to justify on each job that your suspicions are unfounded.

Do I need it - to correspond in private with each Applicant? And get into the specifics of the business.

Rashid Umarov:

Do I need it - to correspond with each performer in private? And get into the business.

So I don't know why you're publicly accusing me of spending all my work outside of Freelance.

You don't write "probably" -- you write"he now does all the work outside of Freelance".

Since you're so confident, I've offered you "voluntary cooperation with the investigation" -- and I'm willing to justify for each application that I'm not breaking Freelance rules.

I'm just not ready to discuss the "specifics" publicly -- but in private, arbitrage, service Desk - no problem, I'll give thorough reasoned answers to all your doubts and questions.

p.s. I suggest to wind up the dialogue on this forum. If you have specific questions about freelance work -- then I'm open to explanations.

p.s.2 Actually, and you have a complete picture of each job. As soon as a customer or developer says "my Skype..." - you're right there in the job - so it's hard to break Freelance rules and take work away from them.

Nikolay Ivanov:
By the way, an interesting question has arisen ))) Suppose a job is created, they send requests there ... and suppose the customer changes the job title, adding his skype there, and that more than 10; he will not give ))) It turns out all banned ?))). So the change was before the application ... What will happen ?)

They will. There was already a precedent like this - everyone works. Don't make it too hard on yourself.

Artyom Trishkin:

Two situations:

You get on the bus, sit down and turn your back to the window. The doors close, the bus goes...

Conductor: "You owe 25 rubles.
You: "I'll give you 10 and no more, but I'm going anyway"...
You get a kick in the ass ... and here you are standing on the pavement in the wind and thinking about respect

You get on the bus, ask for the fare...

Conductor: "25 rubles."
You: "Sorry, I only have 10 and get off at the bus stop"...
The conductor reflects on nobility and respect

So there you go...

Look for analogies and see the root of the matter...

I've used the third option - ask if you can get a ride for 10. Every third time worked (when I was a student).

And as for Zelinsky - I take orders from other services I get about 5% of those where I apply. Why is not this option considered? (here I am curious to hear the opinion)

Artyom Trishkin:

And you think that a public moderator should only sit around the clock and monitor all forum threads, all resource services and look for violations and "offended"?

Well, browse through at least a small part of the forum - maybe you will realize that you have proposed the impossible. So moderators are programmers too, and also have their own stuff, and can do a lot for the service, and not only take from it, but also give...

Should I spell it out? I am the same as you - just a user of the resource. Write a proposal in servicedesk, what should be added such a point, justify it. Why do you write to me that you are unable to see for yourself any of the features. I will not send such a proposal to servicedesk - I see the buttons, and I understand what they are for.

However, you were quick to see it too when the need arose to write a complaint against the moderator ;)

So you see everything perfectly well, just pretend for some reason.

I also left the branch - how many times can I explain what has been explained many times...

Breaking moderators down into thematic sections. No need to monitor all topics, everyone is responsible for their own section. No need to reinvent the wheel either.
If you moderate for free, you can only make claims about yourself. It's a question of how you value your time and what you're willing to spend it on.
If you consider yourself virtuous and willing to help the needy, you'd better go to Africa and build red cross camps.

As for moderators, the best moderator is an invisible moderator. This is a job that few people should notice and therefore it should be paid, if it is a serious service.
Otherwise, moderators become people with low self-esteem and who try to assert themselves through disputes with other users of the service.
Worst of all, when there are several moderators of this kind, they form groups of like-minded people and use the power granted to them to their detriment and detriment to the service.

Your complaints are of no use to anyone but yourself. The developer is looking for an order and the customer is looking for a doer.

I wonder how literate people invented MQl and how illiterate the moderation here is. Maybe they are different people?

Lazar Buga:

The division of moderators into thematic sections. There is no need to monitor all the topics, everyone is responsible for his section. There is no need to reinvent the wheel either.
If you moderate for free, you can only make claims about yourself. It's a question of how you value your time and what you're willing to spend it on.
If you consider yourself virtuous and willing to help the needy, you'd better go to Africa and build red cross camps.

As for moderators, the best moderator is an invisible moderator. This is a job that few people should notice and therefore it should be paid, if it is a serious service.
Otherwise, moderators become people with low self-esteem and who try to assert themselves through disputes with other users of the service.
Worst of all, when there are several moderators of this kind, they form groups of like-minded people and use the power granted to them to their detriment and detriment to the service.

Your complaints are of no use to anyone but yourself. The developer is looking for an order and the customer is looking for a doer.

I wonder how literate people invented MQl and how illiterate the moderation here is. Maybe these are different people?

If it's about the forum, of course it's different.

But I, as a non-programmer, am surprised by another thing - most people here are not moderators or MK employees, but coders as users of the forum and services.
And I wonder how literate, well-educated coders allow public discussions with humiliation and harassment of other people, but when it comes to themselves - stubbornly do not want to answer for anything, shifting their blame on either moderators, or Metakvotes.


As far as this thread is concerned, it's simple:

  1. don't sign up for work where the customer has provided contact details;
  2. Do not subscribe to work with decompiled;
  3. And if you do - be prepared to be banned from Freelance;
  4. And if you signed up and made a mistake (there were such cases in English - first, a friend signed up, then noticed the decompilation in the attachment, then he clicked on the Complaint, and then he got banned from freelancing) - send a request to the service desk (as far as I know - in such cases, performers-coders are unbanned, that is - I remember a few such cases, but still resolve it the admins).


If you do not like the situation - write to the service desk. Because it's not moderators who ban you in services (whom you dislike so much), but admins "who invented MQL" and to whom you wrote such caustic words as above about forum moderators - I do not think even told ... and these rules (that I wrote above) are not set by moderators but by admins in the service desk ... Are those the same caustic words you wrote to them in the service?

Coders are brave people who are not afraid of responsibility, right? Or am I wrong?


It's simple and there's not much to discuss.


And also (something I always write about) - about the moral responsibility of professionals to newbies.

There are many newbies on the forum who came here for the first time, and there are some who do not know what decompile is (they have not heard such word, but they can be customers), and so on. So professionals should open a branch for newbies (not for someone in particular, but for all) with an explanation of the "hard truths" of what you should, what you should not, what you can and what you can not, and what to do if you do not agree. How to make a proper freelance order, what to pay special attention to, and so on (in pictures).

And then the community will be stronger here, the authority of professionals will be even greater, and newbies will simply love this forum and services for the help and care that they have here coders-users (I write without irony).
That's the way it should be.