Is it forbidden to negotiate with customers past the website? - page 4

Andrey Kisselyov:
When ordering a service as a freelancer, you've already signed a contract and agree with the rules of the service. If you don't agree with the rules why are you going into freelancing, and if you're in it, you agree.

When you get behind the wheel of a car, you agree to the rules of the road.

By getting on the plane you agree that it may not make it to its destination.

By boarding a ship you accept that it may not make it to its destination port.


You are severing your temporal connection to the car, plane or ship by getting out of it.

Tell me, is your ubiquitous, in and out of place, "with respect" a kind of subtle (in your opinion) mockery, a kind of special trolling?

Evgeny Belyaev:

If the customer has written to Galina in person, it means only that he wants to order the program from Galina. And how the deal will be concluded (through the site or bypassing the site) is primarily up to the customer.

And why the contractor does not want to make such an order via Freelance? Because he is sorry to pay the commission, apparently.

Then the customers come to us complaining that the performer violated the terms/obligations, and so on. If before they were simply sent back to where they did the work (back home), now it's time to look closely at such "calculating" performers. If a developer is ready to refuse access to Freelance in particular or to in general for saving 10%, then why keep them here? Delete the account and goodbye.

Rashid Umarov:

Why doesn't the contractor want to run such an order through Freelance? Because he's sorry to give up the commission, apparently.

Then customers come to us complaining that the contractor has broken deadlines/commitments and so on. If before they were simply sent back to where they did the work (back home), now it's time to take a closer look at such "calculating" performers. If a developer is ready to refuse access to Freelance in particular or to in general for saving 10%, then why keep them here? Delete the account and goodbye.

What does the contractor have to do with it, re-read my post carefully. "And how the deal will be concluded (through the site or past the site) is primarily comes from the customer. Not all (customers) is convenient to replenish the balance of the existing ways. Can we expand ways of refilling?

And the customer what will happen. Ban for a week at most? Now in freelance customers on a permanent basis offering payment outside the service. I do not think any of the performers now purposefully bypassing freelancing.

Rashid Umarov:

Why doesn't the contractor want to run such an order through Freelance? Because they are sorry to give up the commission, apparently.

Then customers come to us complaining that the contractor has broken deadlines/obligations and so on. If before they were simply sent back to where they did the work (back home), now it's time to look closely at such "calculating" performers. If a developer is ready to refuse access to Freelance in particular or to in general for saving 10%, then why keep them here? Delete the account and goodbye.

Does this mean that all payments between the members registered at should necessarily be performed only using the Freelance service, regardless of where the customer found the performer (even on the street)?
Rashid Umarov:

Why doesn't the contractor want to run such an order through Freelance? Because he's sorry to give up the commission, apparently.

Why not all of a sudden? I have never once told a client, no matter where they are coming from, they don't want Freelance - give them the money. Just because somehow it does not look solid if you say "send money", I always offer the customer guarantees.

Well, no problem, as I wrote above - all with the LS will send only for freelance, the more they are more likely to bite on the profile.

The only thing for the work is tired of worrying -"Delete the account and goodbye.

If so judge then everyone can be pinned down. For example, was last week, the customer wrote in the PM - made an order on a freelance - made. Then he wrote another one - placed the second order on freelance - I signed up but wrote that I'm busy. Thought that's why I was not confirmed. Yesterday seemed to write that he was free and silence. Already can put the claim "and not on the side of the order.

Galina Bobro:


You have a contact in your profile, so if the customer has a head on his shoulders he will find you, everything else is provocation, ignore it.

Artyom Trishkin:
The only way to make it compulsory is to use the freelance service, no matter where the customer found the contractor (even on the street) ?

This suggests that if a performer does not want to search for a customer on the street, he or she should weigh the pros and cons of services.

It's very convenient to say "it's not my fault, he came by himself". And then suddenly it turns out that the man almost nothing through Freelance, but customers find him on the site somehow. And it's massive and embarrassing.

Galina Bobro:

Why not all of a sudden? I have never once told a client, no matter where they are coming from, not to freelance - give them the money. Just because it doesn't look solid to say "send money", I always offer guarantees to the client.

Well, no problem, as I wrote above - all with the LS will send only for freelance, the more they are more likely to bite on the profile.

The only thing for the work is tired of worrying -"Delete the account and goodbye.

If so judge then everyone can be pinned down. For example, was last week, the customer wrote in the PM - made an order on a freelance - made. Then he wrote another one - placed the second order on freelance - I signed up but wrote that I'm busy. Thought that's why I was not confirmed. Yesterday seemed to write that he was free and silence. Already can put the claim "and not on the side of the order.

If you pick on them, you can ban and deprive access to freelance all who have contact information in the profile - on them, many Skype questions ask. But what if it is not a question, but an order?
Galina Bobro:

The only thing I'm tired of worrying about is"Delete the account and goodbye".

And what to do is clearly stated in the rules:

The administration may as a result of internal investigation deprive the offender of the right to participate in the service "Freelance" without explanation.

You can be disqualified from freelance service at any time and for any reason.


You won't believe it - a lot of people add to Skype and write to it, more than to email, although I purposely removed Skype from my contacts everywhere.

When my article was translated into Chinese - a lot of emails in Chinese started coming in)


If freelancing will be:

1) video calls;

2) maybe some express orders (insert an alert to a regular customer or something) and

3) TOR template (many customers ask for this, difficulties are caused). For example, I talked to the customer on the video, created the TOR myself, he reviewed it and placed the order.

4) Guarantees for the performer that he/she won't be deleted so easily. Maybe a fine for breaking the rules, but without deprivation of the rights.

If you do not know what to do, then Skype will go to hell, too. I will gladly give it up.