Do books help you in trading? - page 13

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

You can't do it without books, your brain might dry up)

Trading without an understanding of the world around you is a lot like theanalysis)

Schumpeter Josef Socialism, Capitalism and Democracy

Debt - 5000 years of history, can't remember who the author is.

About Buffett - a book with the right direction.

Williams with extremes.

There is a speculator's library in the cart, sometimes I download it to read)

Warren Buffett - which books do you find interesting?
Maksim Levashov:
Warren Buffett - what books are interesting in your opinion?

Robert Hagstrom_Warren Buffett. How to turn $5 into $50 billion. Simple rules of a great investor

Also, a good one by Gunther Max. Axioms of a Stock Speculator.

If anything, I can send)))

"Lefebvre's Memories of a Stock Speculator is a great book, it clears my brain and puts me on the path to making money. It was one of the first books I read, if not the first on trading.
Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Apparently you haven't noticed that books aren't for ... but sometimes for inspiration ))))

I didn't say anything about the Forex and Equity.)

Well, you're probably right, I personally try to be inspired by my own results, like when you understand why the position went in the plus and why in the minus, and the realization of the fact that it works brings more joy than the earnings themselves)
And yet in life, unlike in books, everything is different. There is a big responsibility, a lot of legal and technical aspects and so on.
So books are good, but from the point of view of usefulness for speculation it's almost useless, I mean books of technical analysis.
And essays, there is no sense in reading them...
All the same it will not coincide with your life path. No?

Well, maybe you're right, I personally try to be inspired by my own results, when you understand why a position is in the plus or minus, and the very realization of the fact that it works brings more joy than the earnings)
And yet in life, unlike in books, everything is different. There is a lot of responsibility, a lot of legal, technical issues, etc.
Therefore books it is good, but from the point of view of usefulness for speculation it is practically useless, I mean books of technical analysis.
And essays, there is no sense in reading them...
All the same it will not coincide with your life path. No?

You should not coincide, it is very rare to find proof of your speculations in books. If something remains after reading it, it's already good, and if it appears, it's great)
"Lefebvre's Memories of a Stock Speculator is a great book, it clears my brain and puts me on the path to making money. I read it as one of the first, if not the first on trading.
Yeah, I must have got confused. I meant memories. And it's well written).
Valeriy Yastremskiy:
Yeah, I must have got confused. I meant a memoir. And well written)

a similar book Investor Dancer, also a good one.

Maksim Levashov:

a similar book, The Dancer Investor, is also good.

I'll read it. but the 50s are after the war. well, it's like the memoirs can do analysis of the aftermath of the 29 and 39 crises are well described. how the war helped too. After the war the analyses are more technical) Such a mix of the effects of natural disasters and technological progress.

Knorozov - the scientist has spent deciphering of writing of Maya, the developed method has received the name - "positional statistics". I wondered whether it is possible to use "methods" from other areas in relation to stock trading. And the questions 1) vowels - consonants (bay-sell), 2) their spatial relationship (the presence of vowels in the word and the time factor of duration, ie can not array data consist of only consonants), 3) interpretation of the patterns of positional statistics.
Veniamin Skrepkov:
V. Knorozov, a scientist led the deciphering of Mayan scripts, the developed method was called "positional statistics". And now I puzzled whether it is possible to use "methods" from other spheres with reference to stock trading. And the questions 1) vowels - consonants (bay-sell), 2) their spatial relationship (the presence of vowels in the word and the time factor of duration, ie can not array data consist of only consonants), 3) interpretation of the patterns of positional statistics.

You can't use almost anything for markets in principle. The whole difference is that almost any science has -> an object of research, that is, something that stands out in space and time, something that already exists and can be seen, no matter what it is, numbers, letters, particles, periodic fluctuations, seismological activity, but it is something already there. Roughly speaking, we must first find something, find the object of research, something that occurs constantly or is a stable statistical event, for example the transformation of flat into a trend and back, and only then, knowing the object of research, apply something applicable to it. Even the analysis of the flat transform into a trend is in itself an insoluble task for many people, not to mention the application of something to it.

For example, Oleg Avtomat has been trying to solve this problem for ten years on this forum. And of course he gets nothing. Because initially, he hasn't singled out the object of research on the chart of the quote evolution.

=> He doesn't know what he is investigating, he has no idea what to look for, so he doesn't know what he is getting, he just gets something average <=

So the most important step for the speculator, trader or investor is not the books. It is their own ingenuity and talent. And then everything else.