Do books help you in trading? - page 8

Veniamin Skrepkov:
But what percentage of educational literature (information - courses) can be reclassified as waste paper?

For the introductory part, to understand a little bit with the subject fit many books. But tips or any patterns in these books like that in a straightforward way does not work. I think each of us has checked. It is impossible to know the regularities without studying the chart. Just me and the graph, the graph and me.

And friends on the forum sometimes give me ideas

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Many books are good for an introduction to the subject. But the hints of any regularities in these books do not work straightforwardly. I think each of us has checked. It is impossible to know the regularities without studying the chart. Just me and the chart, the chart and me.

And friends from the forum sometimes give me ideas.

It is difficult to imagine the formation of a trader without it. And it is constantly improving, people are adding their algorithms according to the acquired knowledge, scalping technique for "exact entry", money management can be presented in a separate section, and only after that one can expect results.

Veniamin Skrepkov:

only afterwards can you expect results.


I saw a Hitchcock movie recently. There's a memorable scene. The detective writer is asked, "Why don't you put your knowledge into real practice?" He replied, "You can write it all straight in a book, but in life one nuance and the whole scheme goes to hell.
Igor Makanu:

if you are not cheating yourself, it's like this:

if the drawdown on an order is significantly greater than the profit on the close of that order - this is overlapping

If an unprofitable order remains in the market for a longer time than the other orders in the TS, we are in overdoing it

if the "cut the losses but let profits grow" principle is broken quite the contrary - it is over-exposure.

The main feature of over sitting is the absence of a stop loss in a strategy.

If the strategy has a stop-loss and has been tested over a long period of 2-3 years with no complaints, then there is no question of "overshooting", because all the pullbacks fit into the concept of the strategy itself... (and there have always been and always will be pullbacks - the saw-toothed law of price movement)...


Serqey Nikitin:

The main sign of "overhosting" is that there is no stop loss in the strategy.

If the strategy has a stop-loss and is tested over a long period of 2-3 years without any complaints, then we are not talking about "over-sitting", because all the pullbacks fit into the concept of the strategy itself... (and there have always been and always will be pullbacks - the saw-toothed law of price movement)...

If overstaying fits into the concept of the strategy itself, it does not stop being overstaying. Igor is absolutely correct.

Serqey Nikitin:

The main sign of "over-exposure" is the absence of a stop loss in the strategy.

There may be no stop loss. A position may be covered from the market by conditions or a counter position may be opened followed by a CloseBy. So the presence/absence of a stop loss is not an indicator. Especially if there is a stop, but it is 10,000 pips.

Serqey Nikitin:

The main sign of "overshooting" is that there is no stop loss in the strategy.

Not necessarily, grids, averages, and other MM games often do not use a stoploss, but I have seen and written grids with a loss limit - even in pips ;) - it's very easy to write a limit in the currency of deposit

it is not a fact that the presence of a stoploss is not formal, I have often seen TS profit/loss ratios with a large skew towards losses

Serqey Nikitin:

If the strategy has a stop-loss and tested for a long period of 2-3 years without problems, then we are not talking about "oversleeping"

Test, your tests are not interesting, but interested in the real states, at least from $ 1000 - if not, and ... test on and dream on ))))))))))))

There may be no stop loss. A position may be covered from the market by conditions or a counter position may be opened followed by a CloseBy. So the presence/absence of stops is not an indicator. Especially if there is a stop, but it is 10,000 points.

Closing a position according to the algorithm is the main point of the strategy. And the stop is a protection against force majeure!

Using a stop when closing instead of the algorithm is a sign of a lack of understanding of trading...


Igor Makanu:

Your tests are not interesting, but I am interested in the real-estate, at least from 1000$ - if not, then ... keep testing and dreaming ))))))))))))

Naive! Do you think that testing differs from real trading?

Of course, this is the business of every trader, but how much effort and time you will waste with such an attitude...