Mining. Is it still relevant or not? - page 6

Renat Akhtyamov:

This gold rush is not for me.

And on the outside, that is, from the Internet, your computer is a network program, nothing more. Moreover, you have downloaded this software for mining. It uses the coolest CPU to work, i.e. graphics.

What else is there to understand....?

Well, to say that a cooler CPU is being used is an understatement.

Roughly speaking, a normal computer processor, a boss is one, and a video card is a thousand employees.

The hardware to replace the software part at the moment can not be done, although it seems that in March something was done on the software.

As a matter of fact, mining is now like vaping - as long as it's fashionable. To make money, to repay at least a video card, you need knowledge and time, and for the time you spend on the knowledge and repayment of the price of video card - the enthusiasm will be over.


To say that a cooler CPU is being used is an understatement.

To put it crudely, a normal computer processor is one boss, and a video card is a thousand employees.

The hardware to replace the software part at the moment can not be done, although it seems that in March something was done on the software.

As a matter of fact, mining is now like vaping - as long as it's fashionable. To make money, to repay at least a video card, you need knowledge and time, and for the time you spend on knowledge and repayment of the price of video card - the enthusiasm is over.

The videocard processor probably uses a wider mnemonic of commands, which is not always understood without the dongles by the boss. This is most likely the problem.

Choose a video card, one of the cooler ones. It comes with hardware. We make virtuals on the computer. Above I wrote - how to get a multiprocessor computer, remains to estimate - how much RAM should be (should be enough to emulate the memory is exactly the same graphics cards in virtual machines). We plug in the miner software on virtual machines. Hopefully it will pay for itself in a short period of time. Also hope that they won't have time to write some virus which will rip or corrupt encryption algorithm from/in memory, especially with 10-th Windows.
They say ether is in vogue now - it's a cryptocurrency...
Renat Akhtyamov:

The video card processor probably uses a wider command mnemonic which is not always understood without the boss's drivers. That's probably the problem.

We choose a video card, one that's cooler than the other. It comes with hardware. We make virtual machines on the computer. Above has written - how to get a multiprocessor computer, remains to estimate - how much RAM should be (should be enough to emulate the memory is exactly the same graphics cards in virtual machines). We plug in the miner software on virtual machines. Hopefully it will pay for itself in a short period of time. Also hope that they won't have time to write some virus which will rip or corrupt encryption algorithm from/in memory, especially with 10-th Windows.

Mate, you're really stupid and talking nonsense. You need to figure out what bitcoin is and what mining is first. So... read it properly. Cause I'm reading you and I know you really don't know what you're talking about...

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Mate, you are really stupid and talking nonsense. You need to figure out what bitcoin is and what mining is first. So... read it properly. Cause I'm reading you and I know you really don't know what you're talking about.

Oh, yeah. Bitcoin's been abandoned, I know that.

What else is interesting here?

Except for the best of luck, I can't think of anything else to wish for. Besides, the probability of such luck tends to zero.

I'm sure that the topic will be strongly discouraged only by those who are already heavily invested in video cards.

Such comrades are naturally on the subject.

On the subject if - have you earned yourself, then tell me, what's the harm?

Mihail Marchukajtes:

All right, here's my breakdown. You really can't mine anything on videogears these days. The block is too complicated, you spend more electricity than you can mine. If you have free electricity, then mining is relevant at any time, even now.

There are different cloud services for mining with yield from 100 and up to 300% per year. Last year in September I put a symbolic amount of money to two services, one with 300% yield and another one with 100% yield. The one, that 300% was deflated after three or four months. Bluntly HYIP project. The one with 100% yield is still working and even managed to earn me some money. But all cloud services are in USA and so is your money if you are going to invest there. The risk is very high that one day it too will blow up and there will be no one to charge. If you have some spare cash that you don't feel sorry for, you can try. But I wouldn't risk much of it. So....

What (who) is in the U.S. is safer:

It turned out that a US citizen cheated the people (from different countries), me included. Sadly sad, people are pounding on the forum. Time passes, in the mail request from the U.S. Justice, that they say it is established that the citizen so-and-so you cheated (I did not write any complaints / applications, etc. - where the U.S. and where I am), please answer how much money you paid him. I replied and wrote an approximate amount. More time passes, in the post (ordinary paper mail) a letter from US justice - citizen so-and-so was sentenced to so-and-so years, sent to such a facility, officer in charge so-and-so, he owes you so much money (this was calculated in titel to titel).

Renat Akhtyamov:

For almost a week now I have been reading about new tokens, ICOs and everything related to these topics. The conclusion is that people have gone crazy. They're really fucking aliens, .......

I'll buy a soldering iron, trace the board and dig out the extra parts.) ,

Show me what kind of hardware this transistor is, how much it costs, what kind you need to buy... ?

10 серия 3 сезона мультсериала — «Южный Парк» в озвучке от МТВ | Чинпокомон | Смотреть «Южный Парк» онлайн в HD качестве
Описание Картман сидит дома и смотрит новое любимое телешоу из Японии, «Чинпокомон». Главный герой шоу мечтает стать «Коронованным Мастером Чинпоко» и говорит, что зрители тоже могут стать «Коронованными Мастерами Чинпоко», но только если приобретут Чинпокомонов и пройдут тренировку в специальном лагере Чинпокомон. Вся продукция Чинпокомонов...
Alexander Antoshkin:

Cryptocurrencies are chinpocomons.
Cartman, sten and keni - the average crypto dude.
Kyle - me(us).

For almost a week now I have been reading about new tokens, ICOs and everything related to these topics. The conclusion is that people have gone crazy. They're really fucking aliens, .......

I'll buy a soldering iron, trace the board and dig out the extra parts.) ,

show me what kind of hardware this transtutor is, how much it costs. ?

Try adding one virtual machine without buying anything.Get double the power on the video cards?

I was beginning to wonder...

Renat Akhtyamov:

Try adding one virtual machine without buying anything. Get double the power on the graphics cards?

I was beginning to wonder...

How do you allow for getting double the power?


How do you allow for the doubling of power?

Does each virtual machine have virtual hardware, including a virtual graphics card?

You can figure it out from there...