How many times did you manage to increase your deposit? - page 2


a very successful trader...but for some reason the real trading signals say otherwise...sorry...purely factual...

The market has changed.

I know another ex-trader - he quit trading, and lost considerable part of capital. Although in 2008 he withdrew the same amount of money.

A branch for the IRS. Here you can draw information to estimate how many times you can increase taxes on traders.)))

Will they go to the tax office with the stats?

If it is legalized, then all expenses must be dropped, such as the purchase of production tools: - computers, routers, eventually checks for the Internet.

Expenditures for business trips, for trips to forex fairs, with a stay at a RADDISON-class hotel.

How else? Where there is income, there is always an expense.

And with an annual turnover of less than 25,000 dollars, they will not charge any income. And then the scheme is clear, the account to open a friend - a brother - a mistress - a son - a daughter - a son-in-law - a mother - a wife.

Or do you want to feed the insatiable horde that drives dogs on planes and buys up vineyards?

George Merts:

The market has changed.

I know another ex-trader - he quit trading, having lost an important part of capital. Although in 2008 he withdrew the same amount of money.

Maybe so...

ps: 2008 - the crisis... a paradox, but nevertheless a fact... at a time when investors, businessmen, companies and all economic structures based on investments in value are losing huge amounts of money, thanks to the possibility of short sales, some people are getting very rich by making money out of thin air... as they sell what they do not own...

When you think about it, it makes your hair stand on end)

oops: soros might have gotten rich...on the crisis...on the fall of the pound...shorted it)


well maybe so ...

ps: 2008 - the crisis... a paradox, but nevertheless a fact... at a time when investors, businessmen, companies and indeed all economic structures based on value investments are losing huge amounts of money, thanks to the possibility of short sales, some people are getting very rich by making money out of thin air... as they sell what they do not own...

when you think about it, it makes your hair stand on end)

oops: soros got rich that way...on the crisis...on the fall of the pound...shorted it)

Crisis is a poet's dream. With my knowledge and TS i would have been thrown into crisis times.... when i tested my TS in crisis times, i was crying)
Dmitiry Ananiev:

Depends on the office.

I made a lot of withdrawals with NordFX. For example, in 2009 I withdrew 10,000 dollars from a $100 deposit and paid it in 36 hours.
I also withdrew 15 thousand dollars from a $60 deposit.
In 2012, with a deposit of 100-200 dollars withdrew 18000.

I also withdrew $500-1000 from a $100 deposit a dozen times.

GFX is already a closed firm, with $200 withdrawn 60,000.

In 2008, I withdrew $2,000 from a $100 cent account. I withdrew it because a car dealer put a terrible pressure on me.
In 2010 with RVD the total deposit was $500. Withdrew more than 3000.

Justforex the end of 2016. Total deposit was about $300 withdrew 3000.

All money was withdrawn to webmney/

Life Capital. with 200 dollars withdrew 3000. 46000 did not pay out and thanks to active anti-advertising on forums and reviews in a year closed the fuck out !



I maxed out at 22x, the rest less.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Why increase it? Once you have earned it, you withdraw it.

The deposit should be of an optimal size for trading. There is nothing to do with "extra" money.

Judging by your posts, before you go somewhere by car, you first calculate the distance to find out how much gas it will cost. Then you come to the gas station and say: "I want 2.3 litres of 95 petrol. That's right, don't keep extra petrol in the tank.

If you plan to have lunch, you go to the shop and buy 170 grams of pasta, 2 sausages and 35 grams of butter. That's right, you don't keep extra food in the fridge.

Somehow it's not funny, but somehow it's funny.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Judging by your posts, before you go anywhere by car, you first calculate the distance to find out how much petrol it will cost. Then you drive up to the petrol station and say: "I would like 2.3 litres of 95 petrol". That's right, don't keep extra petrol in the tank.

If you plan to have lunch, you go to the shop and buy 170 grams of pasta, 2 sausages and 35 grams of butter. That's right, you don't keep extra food in the fridge.

Somehow it's not funny, but somehow it's funny.

Judging by your posts, you are working with 10% of the deposit, and the rest of the money is lying there as dead weight - to be, and because you have been taught so. Your flat, cottage, garage is stocked with inventories for the future and other unnecessary things, you have at least 5 years of Macaroni and everything else. You can live autonomously for months, like in a submarine. In the boot of your car there are a couple of cans of petrol that you never use and have forgotten when and why you bought it.

"Somehow it's not funny, but somehow it's funny."

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Judging by your posts, you are working with a 10% deposit, and the rest of the money is lying there dead weight - to be, and because you have been taught so. Your flat, cottage, garage is stocked with inventories for the future and other unnecessary things, you have at least 5 years of Macaroni and everything else. You can live autonomously for months, like in a submarine. In the boot of your car there are a couple of cans of petrol that you never use and have forgotten when and why you bought it.

"Somehow it's not funny, but somehow it's funny."(c)

In any case, if there is money, it is lying somewhere. If it's in a wallet, there's a better chance of losing it than if it's in an account, but at least the account will do some good, like they said above. If you don't have any money, then the only thing left to do is to make 20-30 dollars if possible.

If you buy 100 grams of food, the cost will be more than buying 1 kg in advance.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Will they go to the tax office with the stats?

If it is legalized, then all expenses must be dropped, such as the purchase of production tools: - computers, routers, eventually checks for the Internet.

Expenditures for business trips, for trips to forex fairs, with a stay at a RADDISON-class hotel.

How else? Where there is income, there is always an expense.

And with an annual turnover of less than 25,000 dollars, they will not charge any income. And then the scheme is clear, the account to open a friend - a brother - a mistress - a son - a daughter - a son-in-law - a mother - a wife.

Or do you want to feed the insatiable horde that drives dogs on planes and buys up vineyards?

Stop being jealous of our boys, you backwater fodder... complain in the english thread about the jobes and bills and soros, boogunok... ...or do they hurt your feelings and put you in a corner so you can't say a word?
Vitaly Muzichenko:

In any case, if there is money, it is lying around somewhere. If it is in a wallet, there is a greater chance of losing it than it is in an account, but at least the account will be of some use, as already written above. If you don't have any money, then the only thing left to do is to make 20-30 dollars if possible.

If you buy 100 grams of groceries at a time, the cost will be more than buying 1 kg in advance.

So you guessed it)).