Who or what is stumbling around - page 12

This is a demo account. I put a sell (red dot). From here everything is visible. Buy (green dot). There is no further words. What am I doing wrong?
This is a demo account. I put a sell (red dot). From here everything is visible. Buy (green dot). There is no further words. What am I doing wrong?

A perfect plupervisor, I can make forecasts))) You should trade in minus as well, it is not so easy to plummet faster than the spread! Don't bury your talent, develop it!
This is a demo account. I put sell (red point). From here we can see everything. Buy (green point). There is no further words. What am I doing wrong?

everything is wrong!
tell me how you got the idea to buy after such a bounce up???? it's pure suicide... it's a sell signal...such a move is almost never uncompensated for and you have to expect a pullback...at the very least...

you have to understand that there are people behind this, including a large crowd of short-term longists....when they see such a rise they will immediately rush to fix their profits pushing the price down...

+ lots of shorts....


it's not like that!
tell me how you got the idea to buy after such a bounce up???? it's pure suicide... it's a sell signal...such a move is almost never uncompensated for and you have to expect a pullback...at the very least...

you have to understand that there are people behind this, including a large crowd of short-term longists....when they see such an upswing they will immediately rush to lock in their profits pushing the price down....

+ lots of shorts....

I've only been in forex for about a week. So far I only read, and try it out. It didn't end so bad. I closed long in the morning. I have closed the short by take (before 5 pm at work). Total for the day 26 th. Sber will wait until 160.

It is appropriate to recall the phrase of sire Voland: "And there are even worse cases: a man is about to go to Kislovodsk, a seemingly trivial matter, but he cannot even do it, because no one knows why, suddenly he slips and gets hit by a tram! Do you really think that he has managed it by himself? Isn't it more correct to think that somebody else managed it?" Also Strugatsky has a story "A Billion Years Before the End of the World".
It happens to me too. Not often, but it is quite noticeable. I have made a rule for myself - I do everything in my power to move towards the goal. Even if it's intermittent, even if it doesn't work out. When all options and all available resources are exhausted, I stop moving only then. Even if I don't reach the goal, my conscience will be clear - I did the best I could.
This is a demo account. I put a sell (red dot). From here everything is visible. Buy (green dot). There is no further words. What am I doing wrong?

This is a demo account. I put sell (red dot). I can see it from here. Buy (green dot). There is no further words. What am I doing wrong?

This is a demo account. I put sell (red dot). I can see it from here. Buy (green dot). There is no further words. What am I doing wrong?

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