and wandering around randomly again... - page 51


Of course - equal probability... And that's why a coin can with absolute certainty do both 2 steps down, 1 step up in a cycle; and 3 steps down, 2 up; and so on,... and so on,... and so on,... That is, she has an infinite number of trajectories, any one of which she will NEVER reach the +500 level

For the same reason, the graphs of such trajectories will NEVER tend to zero.

It will be very interesting to see how you will justify your "ban" on the existence of such trajectories

Why the ban? Anything is possible, and for 5000 in a row in one direction, and it's unknown when, so is 5000 times in a row +1, -1.

But it still ends up tending towards zero - to an equal amount both up and down.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why the ban? Anything is possible, and for 5000 in a row one way, and it's unknown when, so is 5000 in a row +1, -1.

But it still ends up tending towards zero - an equal amount both up and down.

Please note that a trajectory that infinitely alternates between 2 steps down and 1 step up will NEVER come to ZERO, no matter how much you claim otherwise

Please note that a trajectory that infinitely alternates between 2 steps down and 1 step up will NEVER come to ZERO, no matter how much you claim otherwise

A coin will not produce such a trajectory.

Don't you understand that you are embarrassing yourself in front of the whole world?

I could be wrong about something. So correct me... But, no... You're spewing mud without showing any of my mistakes.

Let's be lenient, a man's life is not good. Life in a foreign land is not easy, in the West Russian-speakers are considered second-class citizens, even if you know German, because you can't hide an accent. Moreover, apparently he is nostalgic, he does not live on Russian-language sites for nothing, he feels more comfortable here. Here, in the status of a foreigner, he feels as if he is above the others).

Dmitry Fedoseev:

A coin will not produce such a trajectory.

Above, one of your own like-minded people said: "All trajectories are EQUAL".

You can agree among yourselves somehow...


Above, one of your own colleagues said: "All trajectories are EQUAL".

You should at least agree among yourselves...

And equal probable and all are present. Infinity comes in different orders. A coin has 1/2 probability - as many up, as many down, but if you make an infinite number of flips, there will be an infinite number of different trajectories (also infinite), but these infinities are of a smaller order than infinity of the total number of flips. Since the probability is 1/2, the end result is as many up as down, i.e. - 0.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Both are equally probable and present. Infinity comes in different orders of magnitude. The probability of a coin is 1/2 - as many up, as many down, but if you make an infinite number of throws, there will be an infinite number of different trajectories including also infinite, but these infinities are of a smaller order than the infinity of the total number of throws. Since the probability is 1/2, the end result is as many upwards as downwards, which is - 0.

Are you going to argue that EVERY trajectory"2 down, 1 up in an infinite cycle" is NOT POSSIBLE?

by any of which it will NEVER reach the +500 level

What joy. It's a clandy. Knowing that you won't have +500 makes the game limited.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Why the ban? Anything is possible, and for 5000 in a row one way, and it's unknown when, so is 5000 in a row +1, -1.

But it still ends up tending towards zero - an equal amount both up and down.

Thank you dear man, I was beginning to think I was losing my mind. If you're talking heresy in droves, sometimes you wonder if I'm stupid. That's exactly what I was going to say, I thought I said that.


Note that a trajectory that has an infinite alternation of 2 steps down and 1 step up will NEVER come to ZERO, no matter how much you claim to the contrary

If infinity had such an alternation, it would no longer be a coin. Shit, and I've inserted a picture of it already. Sumary trajectories, a cloud.