and wandering around randomly again... - page 58

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О случайном блуждании замолвите слово...
  • 2010.03.17
На форуме часто в пылу дискуссии утверждается, что блуждание цены абсолютно случайно. Пускай не всегда. Но случайность и не...
You can't do without sigmas.
a task on the subject of random walks:

there are 100, generated in excel, charts. each of them has a percentage of profitable trades = 60%.

What is better, to take the top 10 and build a portfolio out of them?

or just take the best of the 100 charts.

in which case we will get a better chart?

Think about it. I'll do an experiment later.

best graph.

portfolio from the best 10.

a portfolio of all 100 charts.

even better.

best schedule.

portfolio of the best 10.

portfolio from all 100 charts.

even better.

We can see that the chart is lower and the stability is higher.

Choose what's more important.


I've been on these forums for over ten years.

It's the same thing. As soon as a new smart player appears on the forum, the first thing he will discuss eagle. No until the banya to prove that only he is right, and the others have nothing on the subject without him.

Remember! If he is arguing for orlando it is a newcomer. Agree, smile, you will not regret it, they are usually inexperienced and confused.


You think so because you're so stupid and sprawled all over the forum...

I wanted to add some more examples to explain the simple and simple phenomenon... but I changed my mind... because it will just start another round of stupidity on three pages which will only be annoying...

Didn't you have at least one example in your examples where the outcome of a new coin toss would be influenced by the results of previous tosses... Otherwise, without such influence, the trajectory would not seek zero...

Ah yes,... with this influence, the outcome of a future throw is no longer considered random... That's the problem... and this thread is about random walkabout .


nowi, until you explain on what basis you will declare some point of sequence as ZERO, and all others as dependent on it, no sane person will take seriously the stories "about trajectory aspiration to zero". For all perfectly understand that without a connection of the next throw with the previous ones, EVERY NEW throw will BE also the NEW ZERO point...

Which of all of them should the trajectory then aim for?


nowi, until you explain on what basis you will declare some point of sequence as ZERO and all others as dependent on it, no sane person will take seriously the stories "about aspiration of a trajectory to zero". For all perfectly understand that without a connection of the next throw with the previous ones, EVERY NEW throw will BE also the NEW ZERO point...

Which of all of them should the trajectory then aim for?

The point before the first throw. Where he started, there will be a return. If someone starts the second one after 100 throws, so the end must be 100 throws later, even if infinity is ahead.


nowi, until you explain on what basis you will declare some point of sequence as ZERO, and all others as dependent on it, no sane person will take seriously the stories "about trajectory aspiration to zero". For all perfectly understand that without a connection of the next throw with the previous ones, EVERY NEW throw will BE also the NEW ZERO point...

Which of all of them should the trajectory then aim for?

I think they will give up soon, they are already exhausted they have nothing to cover, a couple more knockdowns and they will throw in the towel). And you can be congratulated on a well-deserved victory.)
I think they'll give up soon, they've run out of steam, a couple more knockdowns and they'll throw in the towel). And you can be congratulated on a well-deserved victory).

It's kind of weird. All arguments have been made. The passenger seems to have realised. Three hours go by and it's like he's forgotten everything. The impression of insanity.

And has been covered for a long time, now there is a process of charitable enlightenment of consciousness.