Registration for the Real Accounts (Cents) Championship July 2017 . - page 105

Олег avtomat:

"they were just offered them and didn't write them themselves" --- who offered them? from above? ;))

Give your version of the definition of "Efficiency" for a single account. Given that "Efficiency" is a standard concept and universally used.

It was suggested, if I'm not mistaken forum member with the nickname Andrey Dik.

Second question, I'm not quite sure what Efficiency we're talking about.

"Efficiency" is just a name of the nomination. I don't know why it's called that.

Kirill Belousov:

It was suggested, if I'm not mistaken, by a forum member with the nickname Andrey Dik.

Second question, I'm not quite sure what "Efficiency" indicator we're talking about?

"Efficiency" is just the name of the nomination. Why it's called this way I don't know.

Originally the second nomination was called "Reliability" or "Stability", I don't remember exactly, then for some reason it was renamed "Efficiency".

Kirill Belousov:

It was suggested, if I'm not mistaken, by a forum member with the nickname Andrey Dik.

Second question, I'm not quite sure what "Efficiency" indicator we're talking about?

"Efficiency" is just the name of the nomination. Why it's called that way I don't know.

This officially accepted indicator is called "Efficiency".


Kirill Belousov:


The second question I'm not quite sure what "Efficiency" we're talking about?


Can you determine the effectiveness of the TS for your account? (autonomously, without reference to any contests)

Kirill Belousov:

It was suggested, if I'm not mistaken, by a forum member with the nickname Andrey Dik.


Strange how you do it, Lord...


As it turned out, "member with nickname Andrey Dik" is also the curator of the contest (it's been known recently, info from the host).

And what about this:"they were just offered to do it and they didn't write it themselves".

Were they or weren't they? did they or didn't they? did they or didn't they?

All in all, it's a tangled mess... ;)))


Hold your horses ..........

Олег avtomat:

Strange how you do things, Lord...


As it turned out, "the forum-person with nickname Andrey Dik" is also the curator of this contest (it's become known quite recently, info from the organizer)

And what about this:"they were just offered to do it and they didn't write it themselves".

Were they or weren't they? did they or didn't they? did they or didn't they?

All in all, it's a tangled mess... ;)))

Here was the beginning, after that there was a very long continuation, now Andrew is a bit busy, but I'll join you later.

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Server Muradasilov:

Hold your horses ..........

Hmmm... What part of what I have said is untrue? Are you calling for not mentioning what part of the above information?

Or is there a change in the story and something I don't know yet?

Олег avtomat:

Um... What part of what I have said is untrue? Are you urging me not to mention what part of the above information?

Or has something changed in the layouts that I don't know yet?

Andrey Dik is still since April the founder of the rules, proposals on the formulas are his, formulas are also his. If you did not know about it, you know by now. You did not know about it because you did not follow the threads from the beginning.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Here was the beginning, after that there was a very long sequel, Andrei is a bit busy at the moment, but I'll join you later.

I will refresh my memory very carefully now.