Is there proof of profit from using Autotrading? - page 9

Theory without practice is dead. Practice without theory is blind.
George Merts:
Not convinced of what? That it gives stable profits until it's lost ? And by the right selection of parameters you can bring the probability of loss to such small values that the probability of "Earth hitting the celestial axis" is greater ?

By your standards the deposit should be so large that this strategy can hardly be considered a regular strategy. ((
Lilita Bogachkova:

By your standards the deposit must be so large that this strategy can hardly be considered a regular strategy. ((

Wait a minute, wait a minute...

What is your request?

You asked - "is there proof of profit taking by autotrading",

I gave you proof.

But you immediately changed the conditions and started picking on the deposit. It is clear that the owner of the deposit of 128M bets is not interested in winning 100K bets during his life. But, it is a profit that is close to a full guarantee. And if you want almost guaranteed profit in the hundreds of percent per annum - there is only one answer: "It is impossible". One of two things - either a high percentage of profit, but a low chance. Or a good chance, but a modest percentage.

George Merts:

Wait a minute, wait a minute...

What is your request?

You asked - "is there proof of profit taking by autotrading",

I gave you proof.

But you - immediately changed the terms, and started picking on the deposit. It is clear that the owner of a deposit of 128M bets is not interested in winning 100K bets in a lifetime. But, it is a profit that is close to a full guarantee. And if you want almost guaranteed profit in the hundreds of percent per annum - there is only one answer: "It is impossible". One of two things - either a high percentage of profit, but a low chance. Or a good chance, but a modest percentage.

this got me thinking... if 100% a month guaranteed profit is impossible, then the question arises:

but is there an opportunity in trading to make say 0.5% per quarter, but with a probability close to 100%

that was at least a partial answer to the branch's question...

ps: just don't say why, isn't it easier with bank interest's a theoretical question....can't do it...

small clarification: excluding martin...


A little clarification: excluding martin...

Why ? It's not clear, why keep adding new conditions ?

At first they just wanted a proof. It was given - and then it turned out that a certain deposit is needed. Then - we did not like the martin either. Then the bank interest rate started to interfere...

Friends, are you playing the game of "yes, but..." ?

And 0,5% per quarter is quite realistic with almost 100% probability, just a bank deposit to help.

George Merts:

Why? It's not clear, why keep adding new conditions?

At first they just wanted proof. It was brought - then it turned out that a certain deposit was needed. Then - we did not like the martin either. Then the bank interest rate started to interfere...

Friends, are you playing the game of "yes, but..." ?

And 0,5% per quarter is quite realistic with nearly 100% probability, just a bank deposit to help.

On positive swaps, it could probably be done.
George Merts:

Why? It's not clear, why keep adding new conditions?

At first they just wanted proof. It was brought - then it turned out that a certain deposit was needed. Then - we did not like the martin either. Then the bank interest rate started to interfere...

Friends, are you playing the "yes, but..." game? ?

And 0,5% per quarter is quite realistic with nearly 100% probability, just a bank deposit to help.

i will explain why: because few people have diamonds and martin implies too big a ratio of deposit to min stake...only then it's utopia...

But what if a person has a deposit limited to say 10000 USD and the min rate is 0.01 and he is wondering...he is not interested in bank deposit in this context, because his question is a theoretical curiosity for further strategy search...

but can he make 0.5% per quarter with such a deposit / lot ratio with a very high probability... There is a saying in trading: first you need to learn not to lose, and then ... so 0.5% is the same not to lose... but is it possible to do it in trading, or it's the same lottery as chasing high percentages?


I will explain why: because few people have diamonds and martin implies too big a ratio of deposit to min rate....only then it's utopia...


The only way it works is for those who will "sit by the fire, day after day, and look longingly at the lifeless balloon cloth lying around"... and wait to be rescued".

Whoever manages to "revive the orb with the warmth of the fire - will get off the ground ... and will find FREEDOM... " (I give you that... )

You don't need an exorbitant deposit for Martingale !!!


I will explain why: because few people have 128 million and martin implies too high a ratio of deposit to min stake... only then it works... it's utopia...

but what if a person has a deposit limited to say 10000 USD and a 0.01 min stake and he asks himself this question...he is not interested in a bank deposit in this context, as his question is a theoretical curiosity for further strategy search...

but can he make 0.5% per quarter with such a deposit / lot ratio with a very high probability... There is a saying in trading: first you need to learn not to lose, and then ... If you've learned not to lose 0.5%, you've learned not to lose ... But is it possible to do this in trading, or it's the same lottery as in the pursuit of higher percentages?

Now the deposit is limited as well... Well, if the deposit is limited to ten kilobucks, you can provide 64M bets on a cent account.

And, rightly pointed out to you about swap strategies. 0.5% per quarter - you can do on positive swaps with a very high probability of winning.


This is utopia only for those who will "day after day, sitting by the fire, gazing longingly at the lifeless cloth of a balloon lying nearby... and wait to be rescued".

Whoever manages to "revive the orb with the warmth of the fire will get off the ground... and will find FREEDOM... " (I'll give you that).

You don't need an exorbitant deposit for Martingale !!!

Let me guess: it's the MOTION that counts!!!)

"Whoever manages to 'revive the ball with the warmth of the fire will get off the ground... ...and will find FREEDOM... " (I'll give you that).

------------ or burn it down altogether...

you're on, kent......