Get an ePayments debit card for free - page 3

Ihor Herasko:

Do I still have to pay for the card? Or am I doing something wrong (promo code entered)?

Alexandr Saprykin:

Tried it. I also registered using the link with a promo code. And the same thing, the card costs 7.95.
First, write to the "Support" by creating a new ticket problems, penultimate line on the left of the screen in a private office. So-and-so, made ak on refsyli, free card promised and is the price is different from 0. They will answer quickly that and how to do further.
Andrey Dik:
First, write to "Support" by creating a new ticket problems, the penultimate line on the left of the screen in a private office. So-and-so, Zaregal ac on refsyli, free card promised and is the price is different from 0. Will answer quickly that and how to do further.

Yes, have already written. Awaiting an answer.
Alexandr Saprykin:

Yes, I've already written. Waiting for a reply.

OK. I won't repeat myself with this problem then.
Ihor Herasko:

OK. I won't repeat myself with such a problem then.


That's his problem. You have your own problem. If you don't create a ticket, no one will ever know about your problem.

Maybe the price tag on the card is the result of the same registration mistakes, or maybe it is a global glitch in the eP system, but support will not know about it and will not be able to make conclusions if the ticket will be only from one user.

Andrey Dik:

What did you do?

In my case it turned out differently, I already had an ac in eP, I went to eP tech support and told them about the promotion, they closed the ac and I opened a new one using the referral link, then tech support restored the verification I had passed before.

The mail went about 4 days with the track number. came to the post office and picked up the card. that's the whole story.

I got it to Odessa also quickly, within a week, I did not have to pay anything yet. I have not activated it yet.

Is this your first card? $35. From the second year, how will it be charged? Two a month?

Vasiliy Pushkaryov:

I got to Odessa quickly too, within a week, I haven't had to pay anything yet. I haven't activated it yet.

Is this your first card? 35 dol. from the second year of service how will be withdrawn? 2 per month?

There should be something like: "Dear customer, you have reached your due date (1 year) - it's time to pay" and you will be invoiced.
Vasiliy Pushkaryov:

I got to Odessa quickly too, within a week, I haven't had to pay anything yet. Haven't activated it yet.

Is this your first card? How will you be charged $35 starting from the second year? 2 per month?

Yes, it's my first card, I haven't used it before. Most likely they will warn you in advance and then write off 35 from the balance all at once, if of course there will be so much on the balance at the moment of writing off.

In general, I was struck by the fact that all transfers between participants are commission-free, this is the first time I have seen this among e-wallets.

Vladimir Karputov:
Andrey Dik:

Thank you for your answers.

Vladimir, your spreadsheet was very helpful, special thanks.

Does anyone use I understand it is a competitor to this ePayments. If so, which one is better?
Andrey Dik:
First, write to "Support" by creating a new ticket problems, penultimate line on the left of the screen in a private office. So-and-so, Zaregal ac on refsyli, free card promised and is the price is different from 0. Reply quickly that and how to do next.

I proceed from the fact that the service Desk and without me and not pushed. Therefore, without particular need, do not create requests there ))

By the way, as it turned out I did the right thing - the card order went free today. As they say, it's better in the morning ;)