Would anyone be willing to work in a group? - page 9


I have written to you on the PM, but haven't received a reply. I am interested in what will concern me as a programmer:

1. what rights and responsibilities I will have in the group

2. What will be my interest in giving my code to the group?

3. What will be the expression of my interest, fulfilling the tasks of the group

These questions will anyway arise as you yourself have already written about some kind of security system. I.e., if everything is done correctly in terms of security, I, as a programmer will not have access to the code of the group, so as not to steal them surreptitiously)) So it turns out as described above - the programmers write code without getting anything in return.

Therefore it would be desirable to receive all the same a more articulate description about the group, without a general formulation, at least an approximate charter with a description of the rights and duties of members of the created community. And then in my inflamed brain at once comes up a story about grief-programmers, who were invited in the same way in a closed group, but as it turned out they were used for breaking into a well-known banking system )))

Let's wait for the formation of a group for a while to outline a plan for further work.

Are you interested in participating in the group as a pure programmer or are you interested in trading?

First of all I am interested in traders who are good at coding.

I do not want to hire anyone at this stage, I can do it myself. I am looking for companions to create a state of the art product.

Employees and companions are very different concepts and attitudes. You need to create a "critical mass" like in physics.

Those who know at least a little bit about it will understand.

That's what it looks like in a nutshell.

Vitalii Ananev:

It's cheaper to buy components in bulk and assemble them.

Wouldn't it be easier to use mine-farm technology with 4-5 cards. Each modern card has more than 1000 shaders on board, and the implementation itself can be done in OpenCL or CUDA, the same https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/ will give a good increase in performance.
API Documentation  |  TensorFlow
  • www.tensorflow.org
TensorFlow has APIs available in several languages both for constructing and executing a TensorFlow graph. The Python API is at present the most complete and the easiest to use, but other language APIs may be...
Uladzimir Izerski:

Are you interested in participating in the group as a pure programmer or are you interested in trading?

I am primarily interested in traders with coding skills.

I have sent you my experience, I am interested in what I see)) but on condition that my interests are respected, but they have not been indicated yet. If you have something to offer please let me know beforehand, I have been sitting here too long).
Alexandr Andreev:
A bit of an afterthought - I've been involved in the development of a project for 6 years where there are only 3 programmers... And every day as a job purely on the enthusiasm (bless kayoe have the money to live and other things to do), but now the project is complete and our goal is to buy 1000 computers - the market value of over 50 million, can anyone suggest how cheaper, well also preferably more tick history for 25 years inexpensive market value of 1.5 K per simvol rather expensive given that the planned purchase of 1000 characters. So as if the project is, and there are funds in the control ... but it's incomplete.

There are also 10-dollar computers think with a large batch can be taken for free.
Alexandr Andreev:
A bit of an afterthought - I've been involved in the development of a project for 6 years where there are only 3 programmers... And every day as a job purely on the enthusiasm (bless kayoe have the money to live and other things to do), but now the project is complete and our goal is to buy 1000 computers - the market value of over 50 million, can anyone suggest how cheaper, well also preferably more tick history for 25 years inexpensive market value of 1.5 K per simvol rather expensive given that the planned purchase of 1000 characters. So as if the project is, and there are funds in the control ... but it's incomplete.

I can congratulate you on the completion of the project). Just do not understand why 1000 computers? I even got a morbid curiosity.
I have written to you in the PM my experience, my interest from what I see ))) but subject to my interests, and they have not yet indicated. If you're ready to offer something write to the PM, otherwise I'm already sitting here))

Ok. I have marked everything. We'll have to wait a little longer. Alas, it's not going to happen that fast. The process is only in its infancy. People need to figure out what's being asked of them. Everything weighs up. It's a normal process. And there is no need to rush into it.

I am willing to help the group to develop a graphical interface for the trading system they will be creating, free of charge.

Please do not hesitate to contact me when it is relevant.

Uladzimir Izerski:

We will create a team of ordinary fans of trading, which will be a level above any single tough pro.

There are some people who cannot achieve a high result on their own. Why? Because they simply cannot cover the full range of required knowledge in that field of work that is needed to achieve the goal. The collective does it lightly.

A fallacy woven from the naive assumption that Logic can grasp the immensity. In order to discern trends in the chaos of the market, you need at least a talent for finding clues, and you want to come together with ordinary people, consumers who have not come here in search of truth, but for the money.

Simply put, in order to see an algorithm that works, you need to be a genius, and ordinary consumers of pleasures is not available, so even 1000 people will decide to unite together they do not work. There are a few geniuses and thousands of research institutes with tens of thousands of employees, but the return on their work is zero.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Let's remember how rockets were built))) But there it was partly under duress, partly on orders. But they built it.

The idea of the rocket was created by one genius, Korolev, the others just finalised the details.


I would like to bring to the attention of all concerned that there can be no instant enrichment, because it cannot exist in principle. Let's not take into account the lottery, casinos and other scams with a ratio of 1 to 10000000000:)))))))))))) including financial markets if you approach them as a lottery.

The difference between the financial markets and the lot... and brosmonets is in the more probabilistic outcome of the prediction. There are many reasons to change probability, but they are literally all in plain sight, which attracts a large number of participants. But not everyone has the ability to grasp such hidden, seemingly invisible strokes in market behaviour.

Without analysis you end up playing the lottery minus the spread on every bet.

My experience allows me to say that the financial market is predictable and can provide a stable profit in exchange operations. And the advantage is for those who can do it with quality and in the early stages.

By combining our efforts it will not be a big problem to be a few steps ahead. It is a question of determination and will.