Sparring on MetaQuotes-Demo demo accounts - page 88

Vitaly Muzichenko:
Guys, can we please stop the flooding?

Supported by
Vitaly Muzichenko:
Guys, can we please stop the flooding?
Excuse me.
Participants should take into account the experience ofVitaly Muzichenko, signal service, does not let many trades per day, the account is automatically moved to the archive. That is, whether we want it or not, we cannot change this rule.
Server Muradasilov:
Participants should take into account the experience ofVitaly Muzichenko, signal service, does not miss many trades per day, the account is automatically moved to the archive. That is, whether we want it or not, we cannot change this rule.

OK. we won't plant seeds, we will plant lightly-salted cucumbers.


Vitaly Muzichenko:

Alexei, here's what I've got:



It's not connecting for some reason.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Somehow it does not connect.


Login: 17600423
Investor: kgko4tk

Checked it, connects and works. I removed the bot today and will use my hands next.


IMHO, a sandbox in a sandbox... is too much... :-)

Not enough interest...

P.S. It needs to be hotter and hotter... That would be all the more cool. On this site.

P.P.S. I suggest that we bring in the heavy artillery...

P.P.P.S. IMHO - SHE watches and allows ... It is necessary - RETURN!


Status 06-04-2017

Brief review.

Throughout the 9 trading days, the leaders have entrenched themselves in the top which have started to feel distinctly uneasy!

In just a couple of trading days Natalia, with the nickname Granada25 , has confidently taken 6th place.

It's hard to imagine where Natalia would be now if she had started from the very beginning of the Championship.

Tomorrow, traditionally the first Friday of every month, is one of the strongest forex news stories that could make a big difference to the current state of affairs!

15:30 USD Number of new jobs created outside of agriculture High Mar
180K 235K

15:30 USD Average hourly earnings (YoY) Low Mar


15:30 USD Average hourly wage (m/m) Medium Mar


15:30 USD Average working week Medium Mar
34,4 34,4

15:30 USD Unemployment rate High March
4,7% 4,7%
Vitaly Muzichenko:


Login: 17600423
Investor: kgko4tk

Checked it, connects and works. I removed the bot today and will use my hands next

I cannot connect. I have no proxy, I typed the password by hands, I think, maybe I copied it wrong. Still gong and no connection. May be the signal problems come from the same place? Vitaliy, try to make another account and send me the data, some bullshit...

Alexey Volchanskiy:

This is the screenshot, I still cannot connect. I have no proxy, I typed the password by hand, I think I may have copied it wrong. I still have gong and no connection. May be the problem with signals from the same place?

Very strange, I connect from any terminal with no problem, and first of all I checked on

It is clear from the screenshot posted later, it is necessary to connect in MT4 )