
This topic can look at algorithms and forecasting methods
In this topic you can consider algorithms and forecasting methods

Suggest at least one to start with, just not a completely trivial one.

By the way, many argue that indicators, that is forecasting.

This thread can look at algorithms and forecasting methods

I predict that this thread will not live long...
In this topic we can consider algorithms and forecasting methods

I predict that dimozg is just another freelancer who, without offering anything himself, wants to be given a "predictive algorithm", but his conscience doesn't allow him to pay for Freelance.

George Merts:

I predict that dimozg is just another freelancer, who wants to be given a "predictive algorithm" without offering anything, but his conscience doesn't allow him to pay for Freelance.

dimozg| 2010.08.20
Registered at

I hesitated for a long time...
But now you are ready?


Профиль трейдера

I wonder how long it will be before there are empty threads that clutter up the forum to the point of impossibility.

Maybe it's time to give moderators the right to check whether a topic deserves a birthright?

Good luck

to demolish...
the topic to be demolished...

And shoot the topic-starter, so that others don't have to open topics thatGhostMan andVladimir Perervenko don't like.
Vladimir Perervenko
Vladimir Perervenko
Профиль трейдера
This topic may look at algorithms and forecasting methods

There is an unspoken rule: the one who started a thread is the one who mainly posts there (according to that Vietnamese proverb - "the one whose leg the leech sucked, let him rip it off").
"The thread did not go" may be only in one case: the topic starter created a thread with a proposal and forgot about it.

So we are waiting for your algorithms, preferably with program codes together with methods, based for example on CodaBase (with examples, charts, etc.).
If not, I'm afraid the branch may be deleted.
This topic could look at algorithms and forecasting methods

The topic itself may be very interesting, but you have to give it the right starting point. This is too abstract a start.

If you are interested in this, give any example and then a business discussion will surely ensue. There is no way to do it without it.

I've already been beaten. Sens.