How to explain to the customer that virtually all indicators are overridden - page 8

Serqey Nikitin:
I didn't expect so many morons to be in one place at the same time...

Serqey Nikitin:
I didn't expect so many morons to be in one place at one time...

It's a well-known theme - you're the one who's an idiot.
Serqey Nikitin:
Didn't expect so many morons to be in one place at one time...

Really didn't expect more people than you thought to support your attitude to the marketplace as a breeding ground for ... rabbits?

Artyom Trishkin:

Really didn't expect more people than you thought to support your attitude to the marketplace as a breeding ground for ... rabbits?

You misinterpreted my point that, according to my estimation, in this market you need to have a brain and know how to use it... which I don't see in this thread...
Artyom Trishkin:

Really didn't expect more people than you thought to support your attitude to the marketplace as a breeding ground for ... rabbits?

Artyom Trishkin:

Really didn't expect more people than you thought to support your attitude to the marketplace as a breeding ground for ... rabbits?

He means that the programmer tried and wrote some indicator, and then decided why not to sell it... He's not promising any superprofits or anything like that, he's just selling it. This is called a free market. They do not force anyone to like it or not. In reality, a lot of unnecessary and even harmful things are sold, but someone also buys them for certain purposes. For example chewing gum is harmful, but people buy it and chew it because they just like it :)

I know people who bought almost all bots from this market... and they honestly admit they are sick of it and can't help themselves... That is, it's kind of a fundamental tilt in the head and no amount of narrating about redrawing will fix it.

Trading for many people is more fun than work, for example binary options or something else, if they do not they will go to play slot machines or poker. How can you fight this category of people, and should you fight them and educate them?)

Serqey Nikitin:
I didn't expect so many morons to be in one place at one time...

Did they teach you that in kindergarten?
Serqey Nikitin:
I didn't expect so many morons to be in one place at one time...
Good thing I'm not a moderator. I'd have banned you for insulting the community without a second thought.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Vitaly, can we do this on a first-come-first-served basis?

Didn't you see how the muvings change position after sharp movements even on closed bars ? after new data arrives - it's not about a zero bar

The muvings don't change anything apart from the 0-bar. I mean the standard muvings.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

From whom, whom, but from you, Yuri, I did not expect such idiocy.

I am completing an article on digital filters, if the cards fall, will be published in March. I'll deal with this redraw separately. About MA, just take a look at the code, what kind of redrawing is there? I'm not talking to you, Yura.

Ha, and five doesn't have the full MA source, just its filtering functions! You can look it up in four.