How to explain to the customer that virtually all indicators are overridden - page 9

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I know people who have bought almost all the bots from this market... and they honestly admit they are sick of it and can't help themselves... That is, it's kind of a fundamental tilt in the head and no amount of narrating about redrawing is going to fix it.

I knew a man, whose intelligence and practicality in everyday life I never doubted. However, when he was trading according to various strategies read on the Internet and endlessly trying many indicators in different combinations, he was steadily losing thousands of real dollars.

Conclusion: common sense and practicality in life and on the market, alas, are different things.
Реter Konow:
I knew a man whose intelligence and practicality in everyday life I never doubted. However, when he traded using different strategies I've read on the Internet and endlessly tried many indicators in different combinations, he was steadily losing thousands of real dollars.

Conclusion: common sense and practicality in life and in the market are, alas, different things.

The thirst for profit is so strong that it clouds one's judgement) And if in the real world this thirst can lead to success, then in the market, alas)
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Have some of you people lost your minds? What kind of override does the average indicator have? None of the standard indicators in the terminal are not overridden.

Dima, parabolic likes to re-cross, fractals do - they are standard indicators.

And as for the averages :-) - well, excuse me, sorry, rascal ... I'm covering my head with ashes and taking off my hole-hat - the one that has been punctured with horns ...

I wipe off the sawdust from my bald head with freshly cut antlers - I did not write the test - I was too lazy - and the result is known.

But what fun it raised :-)
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Dima, parabolic really likes to re-draw, fractals do - they are standard indicators.

Yura, stop generating nonsense.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
Yura, stop generating nonsense.
Andrei, cutting off the horns for the second time in one day is too much. I'll wait a couple of days... let them grow back.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Dima, parabolic likes to redraw very much, fractals do redraw - they are standard indicators.


No, neither parabolic nor fractals are overdrawn.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
No, neither the parabolic nor the fractals are redrawn.
a little later
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Sometimes it is very difficult to explain to a newcomer to the financial markets that all indicators - especially based on averages - have an unpleasant feature - overrendering.

How to explain it?

Sometimes there are conflicting situations.

You should sacrifice the response speed and there will be no re-rating.