selecting the hardware (computer) to use - page 7

Yuriy Zaytsev:
And I asked you a question that you didn't answer. Why is the price of the same games and software different for iOs and Android? It's not about the reliability we're talking about. The point is that Apple is a cult, Intell is the same cult. And cult things have a higher price tag.

Label on the product costs more than the product itself, and it doesn't matter what's inside the product. There's milk for 25 roubles and milk for 120 roubles, but it's the same cow's milk. But a glamour chick can't afford to stand at the till with a carton of milk for 25 roubles, that's the whole story. And the guys won't understand if there's a Kia outside the supermarket and not a Mercedes, in Moscow they don't count Kia owners as people at all.
Andrey Dik:
That's the thing, no one wants to look into the issue, they just take for granted whatever the manufacturers feed them. If I give you links to read, you just think I'm imposing information on you again.

Look it up, start your search for information with this one. There's a list of manufacturers at the bottom. In a nutshell, you can say this: the modern market of computer manufacturers is represented by the companies that won the war that lasted about 30 years. It is a war of patents, takeovers and mergers, a war of deliberate destruction of competitors. It is a dirty war in which the most unscrupulous participants are the winners , and the products of these winning companies are not always the best on the market.

The same is true of the entire consumer market. There is a global war going on for the consumer, nurturing a reverent attitude and the very "loyalty" to brands. Do you really want to be a donkey chasing a carrot? No? - Then think about it.
Here's the thing about video, video cards from AMD are very good.
They are always dirty and black, I don't know white pure wars, maybe in the era of knights and musketeers, but rather an image inspired by fiction.
It will be 500 years - the descendants if they survive and the world does not destroy itself - will lay down legends about the beautiful image of unprincipled victors in these wars.
Of course I do!!! what is the question ?, I want to get the best product that won among the worthy, and those defeated before that mediocrity.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
Here's the thing about video, AMD video cards are very good.
Wars are always dirty and black, I don't know a pure white war, maybe in the era of knights and musketeers, but rather an image inspired by fiction.
It will be 500 years - the descendants if they survive and the world does not destroy itself - will lay down legends about the beautiful image of unprincipled victors in these wars.
of course i want it !!! what's the question ?, i want to get the best product that has won among the worthy, and those have beaten the mediocrity before it.
so there is already freedom of choice. there is no need to wait for the wars to end. you just need to understand what quality is and how much it can really cost rather than judging by the words of the ignorant and the advertising avenues of the leaders of manufacturers.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
AMD ryzen is coming out soon. there is no point in buying Intel for three times the price. It will be possible to build productive hardware 1.5-2 times cheaper. Well Intel should lower the price as there will be competition.
They are promising the release tomorrow, on March 2nd. It is very interesting to see the test results of the sales copies rather than engineering ones.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
I'm curious too, I've hardly ever heard of any problems with processors at all )
It's a fine processor. The only problem is it's chasing the leader.
Its main advantage is that as soon as it reaches the level specified by Intel the price for Intel analogues goes down.
Thus Intel immediately starts to move all its resources to give birth to the next breakthrough, which AMD again starts to reach for.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Promised a release tomorrow, March 2nd. Very interesting to see the test results of the sales copies rather than the engineering ones.

Great news, for those who want to upgrade their processor.
AMD users - will be getting another top-of-the-line crystal.
Intel users - will get some price drop on some rocks. It is a pity not on all Intel Xeon E7-8890v4 CPU with 2.20 GHz

6,691.60410,785 rub 01.03.2017

And everyone will be fine, but at the same time according to Swift the pointy-headed and the dumb-headed will continue to throw eggs at each other

Intel Xeon E7-8890v4 tray - Процессоры - computeruniverse
Intel Xeon E7-8890v4 tray - Процессоры - computeruniverse
  • 6.69 None
Kaufpreis entspricht dem Nettodarlehensbetrag (Produktpreis + Versand). Angaben zugleich repräsentatives Beispiel i. S. d. § 6a Abs. 4 PangV. Vermittlung erfolgt ausschließlich für den Kreditgeber Commerz Finanz GmbH, Schwanthalerstr. 31, 80336 München.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

Great news for those who want to upgrade their processors.
AMD users - will get a new top-of-the-line crystal.
for Intel - they will get a price drop on some of the processors. it is a pity not for all Intel Xeon E7-8890v4 CPU with 2.20 GHz

6,691.60410,785 rub 01.03.2017

And everyone will be fine, but at the same time, according to Swift, the sharp-tongued and the dumb-tongued will continue to throw eggs at each other

Andrey Dik:
Not to be a pain in the neck, what exactly is the bigger problem with AMD?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
I wonder too, I've almost never heard from anyone about the problems with processors in general )

and if you could give me an example where such solutions are required and irreplaceable, such as for half a yen.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
I'm curious too, I've almost never heard of any problems with processors in general )
You're right. Problems with the processors themselves are extremely rare. I meant that the problems are more with the Amd platform in general. In a nutshell, there are two or three Amd computers per broken Intel computer. Note that there are more intellites selling. I will not describe all the details of failures, it would not be appropriate to write them on this forum.
Although there is one problem with Amd CPUs that only affects newbies to the build and that is jamming and then breaking off the legs.

Andrey Dik:
And if you can, an example of where such solutions are needed and irreplaceable, such as for half a million.

Caught the U-turn, got out of the village.

I have no idea, but if there is a processor, then there are buyers, there are probably even companies that need even cooler processors than this one.

When I found out how much the server - which was bought in one company, 24 cores 128 gig, I almost choked, but today I will not voice it.

But I can tell you how much a little-known company in 19XX bought a 286 with 1 meg RAM for $240,000.

And once ( I will not say where and on whom) - came across a contract - a little over a million dollars on the site of 24 objects, ie 24 million, while the amount of work that needs to be done - one person could do at each site for 3-4 hours.

Even our ministers charge less in 2016, and it was in the 90s, so 6 thousand fucking euros is nothing for such geniuses.

---- is bullshit in general - never mind ---

I have another question, do the managers and engineers of AMD have an analogue of this beast? Do they have something to compete with this monster ?

no ? - here is the answer - who better to choose, what products, who is more talented, who is more competitive, who has more resources and who employs the best engineers?

Where to expect breakthroughs in technology - who is more capable of bringing the product to perfection.

Viktor Korablev:
You're right. Problems with the processors themselves are extremely rare. I meant that the problems are more with the Amd platform as a whole. In a nutshell, there are two or three Amd computers for every one broken Intel computer. Note that there are more intellites selling. I will not describe the details of failures, it will not be on this forum to write.
But there is one problem with AMD processors that concerns only those who are new to assembly - they jam with subsequent breaking off their stems.


;-))))) this is the answer to the practice

All in all RAIZEN is FOREVER!!!

Come on it's ok - buy AMD - no problem, it is necessary to push AMD horse in the right direction creating competition and not to let the top producer to doze off and rest on their laurels.

At the end of the day there is crisis, unemployment, but legs are thin and you want to live!

AMD is not the worst processor, in principle, the price tag is quite decent...

But for some reason I wanted to buy an INTEL.