selecting the hardware (computer) to use - page 4

Yuriy Zaytsev:
Well its the right idea to buy cheaper Intel as soon as it comes out.
AMD is not so trustworthy.

amd fx 6100 has been with me for 5 years, no problems ) i don't feel any lack of performance either, i also swapped the video card and cd and everything flies ... (or rather the old card I just burned) and the CPU can be overclocked to the top in the line, but also no need ) his cache is slow, you need to speed up the bus, and otherwise all super

The funny thing is that a few years ago there were very few normal multithreaded applications, and these multithreaded processors are starting to open up only now ) So there's a ton of performance to spare.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
Well that is the right idea, as soon as this ryzen will be released and market will rush to the new 'raw' processor from AMD, that's when to buy cheaper Intel.
Well AMD does not arouse confidence.
AMD got rid of its old ills a long time ago, but people got used to "trust" Intell. Intell is a slow-moving tycoon, standing only on its own earned authority and nothing more. It is now full of companies which dream about removing Intell from its pedestal, and unless Intell changes its pricing policy this will happen. A recent example is that Intell lost the battle for the mobile market to Qualqomm and other lesser-known manufacturers.
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

amd fx 6100 has been with me for 5 years, no problems ) also do not feel lack of performance, videocard and cd also changed and all is flying ... and the overclock can be uprated to the top in the line, but also no need to ) his cache is slow, need to speed up the bus, but otherwise all super

The funny thing is that a few years ago there were very few normal multithreaded applications, and these multithreaded processors are starting to open up only now ) Therefore, there is a ton of performance margin

Once in one company they had a huge batch of AMD CPUs, everything was fine champagne, great deal,
On the difference - evidently dachas, cars, houses, flats were bought to pay for whims of mistresses. Bonuses were paid for ingenious solutions - because they were not expensive!
But a serious problem arose, one very important corporate software that crashed just on the machines with AMD processors and did not work, while it worked perfectly on the Intel platform.
"The "managers" who made the decision to buy cheaper AMD hardware were horrified, but, rather, secretly happy, they took another decision, to buy the same batch, but already on Intel,
In fact it is one more time - the RETURNS - villas, cars, flats (but without mistresses).
No one has thought of or decided to find the reason in software and change the software (taking into account the charms of rollback - why search for it).
It was easier (and more profitable) for them to buy a new batch of hardware already from Intel and the problem disappeared. Of course, perhaps, this example is not an indicator.
It seemed to be logical to fix the problem with the software. But no one promised that the issue wouldn't occur in other programs as well.
Well, what to say positive, but they have sponsored both Intel and AMD, while twice raised their welfare on kickbacks.
(for example, there is less Woods, Aluminum, Coal, Oil and Gas - for the difference, pensions - also less)

Yuriy Zaytsev:
Once in one company a huge batch of AMD CPUs was purchased, everything was fine champagne, excellent bargain, the difference WAS bought summer cottages, cars, houses, flats, paid whims of mistresses, bonuses were paid for ingenious solution - because it is an inexpensive solution!
But a serious problem arose, one very important corporate software that crashed just on the machines with AMD processors and did not work, while it worked perfectly on the Intel platform.
The "managers" who made the decision on purchase of more "cheaper" AMD hardware were horrified, but more likely even secretly gladdened, they took another decision, to buy the same batch but already on Intel, after all it once again - ROADS - villas, cars, flats (but already without mistresses).
No one has thought of or decided to find the reason in software and change the software (taking into account the charms of rollback - why search for it).
It was easier (and more profitable) for them to buy a new batch of hardware already from Intel and the problem disappeared. Of course, the example may not be an indicator.
It seems that it was logical to fix the problem with software. But no one promised that this issue would not occur in other programs as well.
On the positive side, they sponsored both Intel and AMD, andraised their welfaretwice by kickbacks.
And in what year of the Nativity did this cautionary tale come true? )))
Andrey Dik:
And in what year of the Nativity did this cautionary tale occur? )))
want a repeat?
well, ryzen will be out soon, so we can try again.
Yuriy Zaytsev:
Do you want a repeat?
well, ryzen will be out soon - we can try again.
Stereotypes are a poor guide to making the right decision, for one thing. And secondly, normal managers start by taking equipment to test a single copy, and then place large orders for delivery. But kickback lovers do things differently, of course).
Andrey Dik:
Stereotypes are a poor guide to making the right decision, for one thing. And secondly, normal managers start by taking equipment to test one-offs, and then place large purchase orders. But kickback lovers do things differently, of course).
Do we have any normal "managers"? - If so, why are we still unable to produce a normal car, for example.
If we have them, there are very few of them and they often are not listened to bymore powerful managers (ie those who love kickbacks).
I am not an Apple fan but since 1998 when Steve Jobs came in the company made all the right decisions which took it from total collapse to being the biggest company in the world.
One of the decisions in 200x was to move to an Intel platform.
Not AMD but Intel , just another example of the right decision.
I think you have to wonder why he chose Intel
Yuriy Zaytsev:
Then why are we still unable to produce a decent car?
Do we have any normal "managemen"? - If we have them, they are very few and often not listened to by more powerful managers.

I'm not an Apple fan but since 1998 when Steve Jobs arrived in the company they have been making the right decisions which took it from total collapse to being the biggest company in the world.
One of the decisions in 200x was to move to an Intel platform.
Not AMD but Intel , just another example of the right decision.
I think it's worth asking why he chose Intel
Who cannot produce a normal car? And what is considered a "normal" car? Look what is going on in Europe - sales of VAZ are growing, and local producers are falling.

I wouldn't cite the example of Apple, which uses slave labour, and which emphasises "feelings" rather than technology. I know many apple owners who are always suffering from file transfer, music, always some kind of difficulties, but they can't just throw away their device and buy themselves a normal working device - it's not fashionable! Maybe tell us how .... LandRover, Jaguar owners? Give more examples?

Well of course if you buy Intell processors in the same way as Apple products, then yes, no discussion.

Back to processors. I have had computers with AMD and Intell processors, using not only office applications World and our favorite MT, but also very heavy 3D graphics packages and CAD/CAE systems, I have practical experience with these resource demanding software and I can say that AMD users do not have more problems than with Intell, while with the same performance AMD users pay half as much less, as well as Android users pay half as much, unlike the fans "to be as good as your neighbour" - Apple product users.

The situation is complicated by the fact that modern business is built on "feelings" rather than on people's real needs. The winner in the competition is often not the one who has the best technology but the one who was able to play on users' feelings, this and branding and other tricks. In addition, in today's world thrives patent trolls and patent thieves, look at the company Nokia, I still could not understand how so, in theory the company should have folded long ago, but no! - They live and breathe and make multi-billion profits but not on sales of their hardware or products but on ... that's right, they live on patents. The world is ruled by patents and feel-good games, not by technology. But people free from stereotypes which have been drummed into them are free to do as they want and as it is more convenient, comfortable and cheaper after all. That is why there will always be companies like Apple and Intell, but there will always be more economical solutions not inferior in quality or functionality. And users are always free to decide whether to be a herd or live comfortably.
There will never be a winner in the argument between Intel and Amd. If you want to save money, take Amd, if you want reliability, take Intel. I sell and repair computers and know from my own experience that there are much more problems with Amd. Maybe ryzen will change this, but usually the more you praise it beforehand, the worse the results.
Andrey Dik:
Who can't produce a normal car? And what is considered a "normal" car? Look at what's going on in Europe - VAZ sales are rising and local manufacturers are falling.

I wouldn't cite the example of Apple, which uses slave labour, and which emphasises "feelings" rather than technology. I know many apple owners who are always suffering from file transfer, music, always some kind of difficulties, but they can't just throw away their device and buy themselves a normal working device - it's not fashionable! Maybe tell us how .... LandRover, Jaguar owners? Give more examples?

Well of course if you buy Intell processors in the same way as Apple products, then yes, no discussion.

Back to processors. I have had computers with AMD and Intell processors, using not only office applications World and our favorite MT, but also very heavy 3D graphics packages and CAD/CAE systems, I have practical experience with these resource demanding software and I can say that AMD does not have more problems than with Intell, while AMD users pay half as much less, as opposed to "be as good as your neighbour" - Apple product users.
Funny thing about cars and Apple
You just want to say "VAZ is the best car in Europe". I thought it was funny to see the "testdrive with the biggest salesman" when the car would not even start - I threw it in the mail for a real pleasure :-)
Do they handcuff employees to their work places ? whip them ? only pay for food ?, do not let them go home in the evening from work ?, they say - you are not entitled to a holiday?
You mean the Chinese Apple factories? They're not the only Apple factories there.

If we come back to the processors - of course the AMD processor is a quite decent piece of hardware, and beats Intel, and competes successfully !

The price of the showed processor is just a guess. According to different leaks it`s roughly around USD 500-600. But taking into account AMD pricing strategy on graphics cards market, we should not expect dumping of the processor market by AMD. Still, SR7 is compared to i7 6900K which price (USD 1100) is 2 times higher than the expected SR7 price.
And in tests their performance is around the same level.
But the price will be definitely less than Intel's analogues. And the fact of worthy Intel competitor entering the market leaves good hopes for a little shake up of the market, and change of prices downwards.

If we look at the image with which the comparison is made which is pulled from a real shop 7 6900K 955,46 € 58 654 almost exactly , in retail it = 1000$
this AMD has reached only one of the many processors from the Intel line
Intell has another bunch of great hardware - which are still to crawl up to, e.g. an Intel Core i7-6950X 10 core unit , then there is the beast Intel Xeon E7-8890v4 CPU with 2.20 GHz
I have a good Intel Core i7-650X 10 core.
One of Steve Jobs' right decisions in 200x was to switch to the Intel platform
Intel Core i7-6900K Box - Процессоры - computeruniverse
Intel Core i7-6900K Box - Процессоры - computeruniverse
  • 955.46 None
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