selecting the hardware (computer) to use - page 8

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Caught the U-turn, got out of the village.

I have no idea, but if there is a processor, then there are buyers, there are probably even companies that need even cooler processors than this one.

When I found out the cost of the server bought by a company, 24 cores, 128 Giga, I almost choked, but I will not announce it today.

But I can tell you how much a little-known company in 19XX bought a 286 with 1 meg RAM for $240,000.

And once ( I will not say where and on whom) - came across a contract - a little over a million dollars on the site of 24 objects, ie 24 million, while the amount of work that needs to be done - one person could do at each site for 3-4 hours.

Even our ministers charge less in 2016 and it was in the 90s - So 6 thousand fucking euros is nothing for such geniuses.

---- is bullshit in general - never mind ---

I have another question, do the managers and engineers of AMD have an analogue of this beast? Do they have something to compete with this monster ?

no ? - here is the answer - who better to choose, what products, who is more talented, who is more competitive, who has more resources and who employs the best engineers?

Where to expect breakthroughs in technology - who is more capable of bringing the product to perfection.

I told him about the Thomas and he told him about the Erem... it is not a mass product, why should AMD compete with it? Why? Because there is an adequate buyer who can build a machine with some AMD processors, and the solution will be faster and cheaper and more economical than Intell. And for such monsters of course there are their own buyers, 1-2 unimportant ones for hundreds of thousands.
Andrey Dik:
I'm talking about Thomas and he's talking about Yeremma... It is not a mass product, why should AMD compete with it? Why? Because there is an adequate buyer who can build a machine with some AMD processors, and the solution will be faster and cheaper and more economical than Intell. And for such monsters of course there are their own buyers, 1-2 unimportant ones for hundreds of thousands.

AMD ? not mass, of course ... if you can not create such a line of products - of course not mass.

when there is no retail, of course we need some way to compete, dumping - the only way out in retail

yes - no question - there is AMD and Intel - take your pick! It's a pity that "elbrus" does not fit in this line - because it is below the most primitive skirting board.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

AMD ? not mass, of course ... if you can not create such a line of products - of course not mass.

when there is no retail, of course we need some way to compete, dumping - the only way out in retail

yes - no question - there is AMD and Intel - take your pick! It's a pity that "elbrus" does not fit in this line - because it is below the most primitive skirting board.

are you playing dumb already?
well, you can be proud now, you have grown up to be a perfect consumer.
Andrey Dik:
You're turning this around now, aren't you?
Well, you can be proud now, you've grown up to be the perfect consumer.

Do you think any consumer is going to be crying over the corpse of some dead company that lost the competition?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Do you think any consumer will be crying over the corpse of a dead company that lost the competition?

I dont really care who will be the winner, i meant about other things. the fact that products of market leaders are not always better and more practical. and Intell is a perfect proof of it. AMD processors can do the same job but for much less money. it is not a car to be proud of or to show off, it is a working tool that no one will ever see, and i don't see the point in paying more for something no one will ever see. you can understand apple fans, they try to be as good as everyone else, but in the case of processors it is stupid to buy more expensive.

If we were talking about it 15-20 years ago, I would agree with you, I know all sore points of AMD and I was the owner of such a processor at that time, but now I can't agree with you, it's stupid to overpay for a product that is not of higher quality than others - it's stupid, Yury, it's stupid at least to buy Intell processor intentionally.

Andrey Dik:

i don't really care who the winner is, i was talking about something else. i was talking about the fact that products from market leaders are not always better and more practical. and Intell is a perfect proof of that. AMD processors can do the same job but for much less money. It is not a car that you can be proud of or show off, it is a working tool that no one will ever see and I don't see the point in paying more for something that no one will ever see, apple fans can be understood, they try to be as good as everyone else, but in the case of processors it is just stupid to buy more expensive.

If we were talking about this topic 15-20 years ago, I would have agreed with you, all sore points of AMD I know and was the owner of such a CPU at that time, but now I can not agree with you, to overpay for a product that is not any better in quality than others- it's just stupid, Yuri, stupidity, at least consciously buy the processor Intell. We are not the teens who built a computer you have programmer and who do not even know what processor in their sysku.

You have an ironclad argument, it's hard to disagree.

"we'll see," that's what they say in Odessa.

Andrey Dik:
and, if you can, an example of where such solutions are in demand and indispensable, such as for a half a million.

Back in 2006-2009, when I worked at an Amov firm, we had guys in St. Petersburg designing digital TV chips. And they were sent servers with some crazy amount of Intel processors to model those chips. Well, the Google-Yandex stuff obviously does not have i-7*** desktops))
Andrey Dik:
и если сможешь - пример, где востребованы и незаменимы подобные решения, такие как за пол ляма.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Back in 2006-2009, when I worked at an Amov firm, guys in St. Petersburg were designing digital TV chips. And they were sent servers with some crazy number of Intel processors to simulate these chips. And on any Google-Yandex it is clear that the desktops on i-7*** are not standing)).

well, here's another real life story

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Back in 2006-2009, when I worked for an Amov company, guys in St. Petersburg were designing digital TV chips. And they were sent servers with some crazy amount of Intel processors to model those chips. Well, the Google-Yandex thing is obviously not a desktop on i-7***))

It is clear that not desktops, but even the top-of-the-line processors (from the top-of-the-line range Yura gave an example) nobody in their right mind sets, the increase compared to the previous ones in the range does not exceed 1-2% and the cost is higher by 2 or more times. That is why I was saying that these top-of-the-line processors are not a mass product, they are just the same stones as the lower in the line, but which have stood the test at a higher frequency and are being designed as a separate line of products. The consumers of such products are crazy morons, kickback lovers and those who take part in other dubious schemes to divvy up the company's or father's money.

Ask Renat if he will ever put the top-of-the-line processors in his cars).

Yuriy Zaytsev:

well, here's another real life story

What kind of real life story? It's a "friend of mine who has a friend of mine who has a friend of mine who has seen...")