Synchronise Windows local time with the MT5 server - page 7

2017.01.13 10:00:03.979 Trades  'xxxxx': failed sell limit 1.00 ED-6.17 at 1.0813 [Market closed]

Broker's response

2017.01.13 09:59:58.100               * reject (Market closed) for '*' (sell limit 1.00 ED-6.17 at 1.0813)(1.0641 / 1.0814 / 1.0695)

Apparently, you want to see the same time in local log as in exchange log. It's high time for developers to write not only local but also server time of event into log. Then synchronization is not needed.

However, you have sent a limit, not a local time, but server time. And server time was already, as if it was 10:00. So the server time was not synchronised with the exchange time.


Only, today, after 10:00 (synchronisation was in pre-market)

local time differed from the time in the Market Watch by 7 sec. :(

Try my code, added self-liquidation after synchronisation, I'll put it in kodobase so it won't get lost.
Sergey Chalyshev:

A new quote has come and the market has changed - these are different events. If a bid higher or lower than ask or bid is added (removed), OnBookEvent() event is received, but it is not a new quote and it does not get into tick history, hence the last known server time does not change.

I don't know how else to explain it, are you kidding? ))

Geez, that's right, I messed up, the quote may not be the best!

Then I should useSymbolInfoTick()

Thanks, Sergei!


MqlTick curr_tick;
         if(SymbolInfoTick(symbol, curr_tick))

Apparently, you want to see the same time in local log as in exchange log. It is high time for developers to write not only local but also server time into log. Then synchronization is not needed.

However, you have sent a limit, not a local time, but server time. And server time was already set to 10:00 a.m., as if it was the open time. So, the server time was not synchronized with the exchange time.

The synchronization of time will not save you from[Market closed], the exchange can start trading later and suspend trading at trading time.

You have to take a different approach here.


Apparently, you want to see the same time in local log as in exchange log. It is high time for developers to write not only local but also server time into log. Then synchronization is not needed.

However, you have sent a limit, not a local time, but server time. And server time was already, as if it was 10:00. So, the server time was not synchronized with the exchange time.

And how can I get the server time?

I check the server time like this

//| Expert Check traiding time function                              |
bool CheckTradingTime(MqlDateTime &tick_time)
  datetime lk_time = TimeTradeServer(tick_time);
  if ( ( tick_time.day_of_week == int(FirstDay)) ||
       ( tick_time.day_of_week == int(SecondDay)))//выходные
#ifdef DEBUG
  if ((tick_time.hour >= 0) && (tick_time.hour < 6))   // DEBUG 6-00
if ((tick_time.hour >= 0) && (tick_time.hour < 10))
// 13 * 3600 + 59 * 60 + 30 = 50370 - 13:59:30
// 14 * 3600                = 50400 - 14:00:00
// 14 * 3600 + 30           = 50430 - 14:00:30
// 14 * 3600 + 60           = 50460 - 14:01:00

// 18 * 3600 + 44 * 60 + 30 = 67470 - 18:44:30
// 18 * 3600 + 45 * 60      = 67500 - 18:45:00
// 18 * 3600 + 45 * 60 + 30 = 67530 - 18:45:30
// 18 * 3600 + 46 * 60      = 67560 - 18:46:00

// 19 * 3600                = 68400 - 19:00:00
// 19 * 3600 + 60           = 68460 - 19:01:00  

// 23 * 3600 + 49 * 60 + 30 = 85770 - 23:49:30
// 23 * 3600 + 50 * 60      = 85800 - 23:50:00
// 23 * 3600 + 50 * 60 + 30 = 85830 - 23:50:30
// 23 * 3600 + 51 * 60      = 85860 - 23:51:00
  ulong trade_time = tick_time.hour * 3600 + tick_time.min * 60 + tick_time.sec;  
//---                    //10:00:02                      
  if(((trade_time >= time_st_mon) && (trade_time < 50370)) ||
      ((trade_time >= time_st_day) && (trade_time < 67470)) ||
      ((trade_time >= time_st_evn) && (trade_time < 85770)))




gives local time, and TimeCurrent() may have "old" time :(


But the difference in my approach and yours is huge.

In my case, using an EA for a low-liquid instrument (for example UUAH) you can add ALL the futures glasses and

it is GUARANTEED to obtain a tick in the premarket, without worrying about the work of other Expert Advisors in the terminal.

I.e. all new quotes will "go" to a separate EA.

Added by

It will "deal" only with synchronization and will not interfere with anyone else's work.

Also, we can receive ticks from other symbols into a separate EA. This must be done through custom events.

But I think it is unnecessary, at least, I don't need it.

Sergey Chalyshev:

It is also possible to receive ticks from other instruments in a separate EA, this should be done through custom events.

But I think it is unnecessary, at least, I don't need it.

And you should try mine (it is not liquidated).

Synchronisation before trading every day

//|                                              Time_sync_forts.mq5 |
//|                                      Copyright 2017 prostotrader |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2017 prostotrader"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.01"
   ushort            wYear;
   ushort            wMonth;
   ushort            wDayOfWeek;
   ushort            wDay;
   ushort            wHour;
   ushort            wMinute;
   ushort            wSecond;
   ushort            wMilliseconds;

_SYSTEMTIME loc_time;

#import "kernel32.dll"
void GetLocalTime(_SYSTEMTIME &sys_time);
bool SetLocalTime(_SYSTEMTIME &sys_time);
bool     is_sync;
string   symb_rts;
string   symb_si;
string   symb_gold;
string   symb_br;
string   symb_gazr;
string   symb_sbrf;
input string           BrInstr   = "BR-2.17"; //Brent
input ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK FirstDay  = SATURDAY;  //Первый выходной
input ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK SecondDay = SUNDAY;    //Второй выходной
//| Expert set second symbol function                                |
string SetSecSymbol(const string a_symbol,const string prefix)
   int str_tire=0;
   ushort let_symbol;
   int str_size=StringLen(a_symbol);

   for(int i=0; i<str_size; i++)

      return(prefix + StringSubstr(a_symbol, str_tire, str_size - str_tire));
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
      MessageBox(symb_rts+" not found in the Market watch!","Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
   else MarketBookAdd(symb_rts);
      MessageBox(symb_si+" not found in the Market watch!","Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
   else MarketBookAdd(symb_si);
      MessageBox(symb_gold+" not found in the Market watch!","Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
   else MarketBookAdd(symb_gold);
      MessageBox(symb_gazr+" not found in the Market watch!","Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
   else MarketBookAdd(symb_gazr);
      MessageBox(symb_sbrf+" not found in the Market watch!","Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
   else MarketBookAdd(symb_sbrf);
      MessageBox(symb_br+" not found in the Market watch!","Error",MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR);
   else MarketBookAdd(symb_br);
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert Convert To Time function                                  |
bool ConvertToTime(const long n_value,_SYSTEMTIME  &a_time)
   ulong new_time=ulong(double(n_value)/1000);
   MqlDateTime cur_time = {0};
      a_time.wMinute= ushort(cur_time.min);
      a_time.wMonth = ushort(cur_time.mon);
      a_time.wSecond= ushort(cur_time.sec);
//| Expert On book event function                                    |
void OnBookEvent(const string &symbol)
      if((int(loc_time.wDayOfWeek) == int(FirstDay)) ||
         (int(loc_time.wDayOfWeek) == int(SecondDay))) return;
      if((loc_time.wHour==9) && (loc_time.wMinute>=50) && (loc_time.wMinute<=59))
         MqlTick curr_tick;
         if(SymbolInfoTick(symbol, curr_tick))
            MqlDateTime sv_time;
               if((loc_time.wDayOfWeek==ushort(sv_time.day_of_week)) &&
                  long last_ping=long(NormalizeDouble((double(TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_PING_LAST))/1000)/2,0));
                  long mls_time=long(curr_tick.time_msc%1000);
                     if(!ConvertToTime(mls_time, loc_time)) return;
                     loc_time.wMinute = ushort(sv_time.min);
                     loc_time.wSecond = ushort(sv_time.sec);
                     Print("Local time sync is done. Symbol = ", symbol, " Sync min = ", loc_time.wMinute,
                           " Sync sec = ", loc_time.wSecond, " Sync ms = ", loc_time.wMilliseconds);
      else is_sync=false;

Try mine (not eliminated)

The same code can be many times more succinct.
The same code could be many times more succinct.

Of course it can, everyone has different abilities and capabilities.

It's interesting to see yours.


Ran this code in the demo

MqlTick cur_tick, ct_tick[];
   if(SymbolInfoTick(symb_gold, cur_tick))
     int result = CopyTicks(symb_gold, ct_tick, COPY_TICKS_INFO, 0, 10);
       Print("SymbolInfoTick symbiol = ", symb_gold, " time = ", cur_tick.time, ".", cur_tick.time_msc%1000);
       for(int i = result-1; i >=0; i--)
         Print("CopyTicks symbol = ", symb_gold, " time ", string(i), " = ", ct_tick[i].time, ".", ct_tick[i].time_msc%1000);

and was a little puzzled by the result.

2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    SymbolInfoTick symbiol = GOLD-3.17 time = 2017.01.20 22:14:48.0
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 9 = 2017.01.20 22:13:36.774
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 8 = 2017.01.20 22:13:36.774
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 7 = 2017.01.20 22:13:36.774
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 6 = 2017.01.20 22:11:14.395
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 5 = 2017.01.20 22:09:47.452
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 4 = 2017.01.20 22:09:47.452
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 3 = 2017.01.20 22:08:34.290
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 2 = 2017.01.20 22:07:29.704
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 1 = 2017.01.20 22:07:29.704
2017.01.21 00:07:41.444 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 0 = 2017.01.20 22:06:35.386
2017.01.21 00:08:28.961 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    debugging terminated

It turns out that CopyTicks() doesn't save the last tick?


MqlTick cur_tick, ct_tick[];
   if(SymbolInfoTick(symb_gold, cur_tick))
     int result = CopyTicks(symb_gold, ct_tick, COPY_TICKS_TRADE, 0, 10);
       Print("SymbolInfoTick symbiol = ", symb_gold, " time = ", cur_tick.time, ".", cur_tick.time_msc%1000);
       for(int i = result-1; i >=0; i--)
         Print("CopyTicks symbol = ", symb_gold, " time ", string(i), " = ", ct_tick[i].time, ".", ct_tick[i].time_msc%1000);


2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    SymbolInfoTick symbiol = GOLD-3.17 time = 2017.01.20 22:14:48.0
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 9 = 2017.01.20 21:59:59.658
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 8 = 2017.01.20 21:57:54.512
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 7 = 2017.01.20 21:57:54.512
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 6 = 2017.01.20 21:57:54.245
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 5 = 2017.01.20 21:57:54.245
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 4 = 2017.01.20 21:57:00.562
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 3 = 2017.01.20 21:56:45.159
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 2 = 2017.01.20 21:56:13.601
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 1 = 2017.01.20 21:55:16.852
2017.01.21 00:15:54.670 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 0 = 2017.01.20 21:54:16.303
MqlTick cur_tick, ct_tick[];
   if(SymbolInfoTick(symb_gold, cur_tick))
     int result = CopyTicks(symb_gold, ct_tick, COPY_TICKS_ALL, 0, 10);
       Print("SymbolInfoTick symbiol = ", symb_gold, " time = ", cur_tick.time, ".", cur_tick.time_msc%1000);
       for(int i = result-1; i >=0; i--)
         Print("CopyTicks symbol = ", symb_gold, " time ", string(i), " = ", ct_tick[i].time, ".", ct_tick[i].time_msc%1000);


2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    SymbolInfoTick symbiol = GOLD-3.17 time = 2017.01.20 22:14:48.0
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 9 = 2017.01.20 22:13:36.774
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 8 = 2017.01.20 22:13:36.774
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 7 = 2017.01.20 22:13:36.774
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 6 = 2017.01.20 22:11:14.395
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 5 = 2017.01.20 22:09:47.452
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 4 = 2017.01.20 22:09:47.452
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 3 = 2017.01.20 22:08:34.290
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 2 = 2017.01.20 22:07:29.704
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 1 = 2017.01.20 22:07:29.704
2017.01.21 00:17:55.966 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = GOLD-3.17 time 0 = 2017.01.20 22:06:35.386

Can anyone clarify?


Same on RTS.

2017.01.21 00:20:42.464 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    debugging terminated
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    SymbolInfoTick symbiol = RTS-3.17 time = 2017.01.20 22:14:55.0
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 9 = 2017.01.20 22:12:41.619
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 8 = 2017.01.20 22:12:41.619
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 7 = 2017.01.20 22:12:41.619
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 6 = 2017.01.20 22:12:02.202
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 5 = 2017.01.20 22:11:00.754
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 4 = 2017.01.20 22:08:35.153
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 3 = 2017.01.20 22:08:23.548
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 2 = 2017.01.20 22:07:28.512
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 1 = 2017.01.20 22:07:28.512
2017.01.21 00:21:11.589 Time_sync_forts (ED-3.17,M1)    CopyTicks symbol = RTS-3.17 time 0 = 2017.01.20 22:07:28.512

Added by

And it's the same on the ref.

2017.01.21 00:44:21.893 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  SymbolInfoTick symbiol = Si-3.17 time = 2017.01.20 23:59:56.959
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 9 = 2017.01.20 23:54:35.904
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 8 = 2017.01.20 23:53:04.867
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 7 = 2017.01.20 23:51:55.889
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 6 = 2017.01.20 23:50:55.731
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 5 = 2017.01.20 23:49:59.296
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 4 = 2017.01.20 23:49:59.59
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 3 = 2017.01.20 23:49:58.937
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 2 = 2017.01.20 23:49:58.934
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 1 = 2017.01.20 23:49:58.933
2017.01.21 00:44:21.895 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  CopyTicks symbol = Si-3.17 time 0 = 2017.01.20 23:49:58.933
2017.01.21 00:44:24.151 Time_sync_forts (ALRS-3.17,H1)  debugging terminated