Where can I buy a book on EA programming? - page 27


Well.... to start with ..... the MQL 4 language consists of an Alphabet

The alphabet of MQL4 consists of letters and symbols.

Letters make up words. Certain words correspond to certain commands to action in the machine language.

Letters are more or less clear.

But it is still unclear with symbols. ...... By pointing at one of the symbols and pressing F 1 you can see a whole page of descriptions.

whole page of descriptions. I look up almost every word on the internet and check what it means. Every word description is also done with very clever words. For example "enumerable" is an element that can be enumerated. What are the elements? Where to list? To whom should we enumerate? Why enumerate ? ............. or return ( 0 ) returns the int operator function zero ... and what is this ... ?( .... I will not say anything ...)

This is a handbook, not a textbook!
Why do you keep talking to him, don't you have something better to do? The dude's just being funny, he's bored, or he doesn't have the attention span. Or he wants to have a smart conversation. That's it, he doesn't, can't and won't learn anything.

Oh, tell me about it! What's the public looking at? And it's called a house of high culture! While two tape recorders! Two cigarette cases from abroad! Two suede jackets (three)! All the hard-earned goods ! They took it all away !

And for people with a calm mind, I'll tell you. A man came to the court on the front pages and advised a video course on C++ for twenty dollars a month. For an initial acquaintance with programming .

I think he was right when I pressed F1 to get the Reference Guide, not the Tutorial.

My Skype account got messed up. Video courses are problematic without it.

How do I repair it? The questions are..." Did you buy it? "I didn't buy it. They installed it for me at ...... They're their names on Skype! How am I gonna write them down?

How do I get Skype back now? Some kind of international pest conspiracy.


Oh, tell me about it! What's the public looking at? And it's called a house of high culture! While two tape recorders! Two cigarette cases from abroad! Two suede jackets (three)! All the hard-earned goods ! They took it all away !

And for people with a calm mind, I'll tell you. A man came to the court on the front pages and advised a video course on C++ for twenty dollars a month. For an initial acquaintance with programming .

I think he was right when I pressed F1 to get the Reference Guide, not the Tutorial.

My Skype account got messed up. Video courses are problematic without it.

How do I repair it? The questions are..." Did you buy it? "I didn't buy it. They installed it for me at ...... They're their names on Skype! How am I gonna write them down?

How do I get Skype back now? Some kind of international pest conspiracy.

"Home of the High Culture of the Household"

Andrei Novichkov:

"Home of the High Culture of the Household"

There, there!

By the way, the MQL5 book is somewhere in the middle of the thread . I ordered it. Two weeks later I got it. I did not print it out yet. After all, MQL 4 is much easier to write. I can't ask .... questions in this book. I need help in recovering Skype. I uninstalled it and downloaded it again. I had to restore my account. In the head of the new year. So in the next couple of months, the question of restoring Skype.

Bought another book by Schildt C ++ Step by Step. Got to polymorphism . Is there a lot of morphine in the field? Otherwise it would be more logical to polyFORMism?
I bought another book by Shildt C ++ Step by Step. Got to polymorphism . Is there a lot of morpheme in the field? Otherwise it would be more logical to use polyFORMism?

Polymorphic (Greek, from polys, many, and morphe, species)

Bought another book by Schildt C ++ Step by Step. Got to polymorphism . Is there a lot of morphine in the field? Otherwise it would be more logical to polymorphism?
Don't forget to practise everything in parallel, otherwise the morphine will run out and it will hurt)).
Dmitry Fedoseev:

POLYMORPH (Greek, from polys, many, and morphe, species)

hmm, Fast polymorphe bot, not bad)

Ivan Ovchinnikov:
Who knows where to buy a book on EA programming? I need a table-top book, and it needs to be written in a simpler way.

Have you found a book?