An imbalance of subscribers among signal providers - page 10

Ivan Butko:
Because it was a joke. We are all actually very happy for the top and he is an example that everything is transparent on this site and that one can be as successful and one should strive for it.

And another one calls me a jealous man, I've run out of fingers to count :-D)))

That when I will be as successful, I will point fingers at you all and say "envy!"

P.S. Screen it and show it to me in a year)))
Accepted) a year later will show) about envy - nothing personal - just so it looks from the outside)

I would like to make a suggestion for the Service. If I and the signal taker have the same deposit and the drawdown is not more than 10%, then I want to increase the risks and am willing to allow drawdowns up to 50%. Service does not allow me to do so. Why not make the risk the client's choice with an appropriate warning ?

Otherwise I have to copy trades to another channel via copier and additional account. Also need to add the ability to work on one account with several signals.

Dmitiry Ananiev:

I would like to make a suggestion for the Service. If I and the signal taker have the same deposit and the drawdown is not more than 10%, then I want to increase the risks and am willing to allow drawdowns up to 50%. Service does not allow me to do so. Why not make the risk the client's choice with an appropriate warning ?

Otherwise I have to copy trades to another channel via copier and additional account. Also need to add the ability to work on one account with several signals.

Dmitiry Ananiev:

I would like to make a suggestion for the Service. If I and the signal taker have the same deposit and the drawdown is not more than 10%, then I want to increase the risks and am willing to allow drawdowns up to 50%. Service does not allow me to do so. Why not make the risk the client's choice with an appropriate warning ?

Otherwise I have to copy trades to another channel via copier and additional account. Also need to add the ability to work on one account with multiple signals.

And all the bumps will fall on the provider's head, right? When accounts begin to fail because subscribers exceeded the Provider's risk and began to copy from several signals at once, they won't be blamed. The providers will be blamed. The subscribers will not publish their errors related to risk increase and all the dirt will be accumulated in the signal feedback saying it is the Provider's fault that my account is zeroed.

There have already been such suggestions and it's a good thing they were not taken up by the creators of the service.

Vitalie Postolache:

And all the bumps will fall on the provider's head, won't they? When accounts start to leak because subscribers exceeded the provider's risk and started copying from several signals at once, they won't be blamed, no. The providers will be blamed. The subscribers will not publish their errors related to risk increase and all the dirt will be accumulated in the signal feedback saying it is the Provider's fault that my account was zeroed.

There have already been such suggestions and it's a good thing the creators of the service didn't take them on board.

And now you have my support. I rescind the previous "support"...
Афанасий Грозный:
And now you have my support. Last year's "endorsement" is cancelled...
Why so openly? :) It's better not to voice one's opinion in the open, it doesn't count these days.
Vitalie Postolache:

And all the bumps will fall on the provider's head, won't they? When accounts start to leak because subscribers exceeded the provider's risk and started copying from several signals at once, they won't be blamed, no. The providers will be blamed. The subscribers will not publish their errors related to risk increase and all the dirt will be accumulated in the signal feedback saying it is the Provider's fault that my account is zeroed.

There were already such suggestions and it is very good that they were not taken into account by the service creators.

As for the Provider, if he has a 30% drawdown and the trader has a full-fledged account, it is obvious that something is wrong with the trader's account. As an option, the signal provider can allow or prohibit exceeding of the volume and amount of signals.

Well, for those who argue about the signals rating, I suggest the following option: you need to sign up three signals for three accounts, copy all deals to the 4th account and get a super profitable account that you set up in the signals service.

Dmitiry Ananiev:

If the provider has a 30% drawdown and the trader has a full drawdown, it is obvious that there is something wrong with the trader's account. As an option, the signal provider can allow or prohibit exceeding of the volume and amount of signals.

Well, for those who argue about the signals rating, I suggest the following option: you need to sign up three signals for three accounts, copy all deals to the 4th account and get a super profitable account that you set up in the signals service.

If you do not know how to make a profit, you will get a lot of subscribers!
Do not develop other ideas in these threads.
Ivan Butko:
Why be so open about it? :) It's better not to voice one's opinion in the open, it doesn't count these days.
Why would...? I'm just a man with a flexible opinion. Not stubborn - willing to agree with convincing evidence and assertions... that's all.