An imbalance of subscribers among signal providers - page 5

Serhii Lendych:
We need to work on the quality of trading, not begging the administration for equalisation and communism.
Potential subscribers do not see quality signals, because they remain outside the first pages if they do not have subscribers. The ranking gives priority to signals that already have subscribers.
5 million lemmings -- can't be wrong.....:)

This question is not exactly on the subject, so as not to multiply the threads.

I have a signal with cent account, I see the refill, I point my mouse and it says refill of $135.

Is it real $135 or cent, i.e. really $1.35?

Alexey Volchanskiy:

This question is not exactly on the subject, so as not to multiply the threads.

I have a signal with cent account, I see the refill, I point my mouse and it says refill of $135.

Is it real $135 or cent, i.e. really $1.35?

All absolute values in signal statistics are in one currency: account currency. If the account balance is in USD, then the deposits are in the same USD. If the USD balance is "fake", then follow the same logic
All absolute values in the signal statistics are in one currency: the currency of the account. If the account balance is in USD, then the deposits are in the same USD. If the USD balance is "fake", then follow the same logic
I.e. if the account balance is cent and it says"Subscribers funds:5.5M USD" -- is it really 55 000 USD?
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
So if the account is cent and it says"Subscriber funds:5.5M USD" -- is that really 55,000 USD?
Subscriber funds are not trading statistics. They are always in one currency - USD.

There is no need to make up your own figures.

The truth is always better than disguise.

The ranking has to be earned.

The first positions are rightfully occupied by the signals, as they have gone the same way as everyone else...

Renat Akhtyamov:

Truth is always better than disguise.

Illusion is often confused with truth -- there is even a wisdom that says "all that glitters is not gold".

So that illusion in the guise of truth does not bring disappointment in the end, they use disguises, which is what this thread is about.

p.s. "Number of subscribers" and "signal quality" are not directly proportional.

"Number of subscribers" cannot be used as an expert opinion, as most are always incompetent.

"Signal quality" should be an objective assessment and in this assessment subjective indicators should be excluded or have little weight.

Subscribers' funds are not trading statistics. They are always in the same currency - USD.
I asked about this once too, then forum members gave their opinion, but there was no clarity. Thank you.
A profitable signal does not need subscribers.