Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1888

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

The ChartApplyTemplate function will load the required template. If the template has the required EA, then it will run.

If the buttons of the EA are made by standard objects, then it is possible (but not certain, this is done for work in the visual tester, and not all) that it will respond to ObjectSetInteger(chart,desired_button,OBJPROP_STATE,1)

maybe you will get lucky :-)


Andrey Sokolov #:

It was correct there, I was watching incorrectly because the data here sometimes didn't update with new candlesticks if I didn't move the mouse

Maybe I didn't get it right, but if you need to keep track of the latest data, it's better to turn it on separately

In the tester it's the same.

Alexey Viktorov #:

Maybe I didn't get it right, but if you want to keep track of the latest data, you'd better switch it on separately

In the tester it's the same.

Thank you

Hey guys, where can I find structured information on changes in MQL4? I coded 7-8 years ago and got pretty good at it, so I decided to try again... I'm looking through new codes and feel like a sheep at a new gate! I don't want to spend much time on re-reading them all, so I need some tips on changes! Suggest a quality source please.
Валентин #:
Hey guys, where can I find structured information on changes in MQL4? I coded 7-8 years ago and got pretty good at it, so I decided to try again... I'm looking through new codes and feel like a sheep at a new gate! I don't want to spend much time on re-reading them all, so I need some tips on changes! Suggest a quality source, please.
The most reliable information here.
Валентин #:
Hey guys, where can I find some structured information on the changes in MQL4? I coded 7-8 years ago and everything was good, I decided to renew it... I'm looking through new codes and feel like a sheep at a new gate! I don't want to spend much time on re-reading them all, so I need some tips on changes! Suggest a quality source please.

It is understood that by '16, almost everything from the five was added to the four. Except for orders, tester, external bibles like R. In general, everything is there that is needed. And we should look at the input and return parameters. There are functions where they are different in 4 and 5.

Thank you very much! I'll be looking into it!
Can I make the trading levels in the MT5 terminal not STYLE_DOT but STYLE_ SOLID, for example???

Please help with the code

made an indicator

In the tester it works correctly

When I put it on the chart it does not show correctly

I don't understand why

//|                                                        Oscil.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property  indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_plots   5

#property  indicator_color1  clrNONE
#property  indicator_color2  clrRoyalBlue
#property  indicator_color3  clrPink
#property  indicator_color4  clrAqua
#property  indicator_color5  clrYellow

#property  indicator_width1 1
#property  indicator_width2 5
#property  indicator_width3 5
#property  indicator_width4 5
#property  indicator_width5 5

double MainLine[];
double UpLine[];
double DnLine[];
double muls[];
double x,y,z;
double price;
double mulSum=0;
double Pi   = 3.1415926535;
bool LastUp = false;
bool GoUp   = false;
input bool otl    = false;
int    Length             = 3;
int    MajorRangeStrength = 4;

double MajorRangeBuy[];
double MajorRangeSell[];

double RangePrice  = 0.0,
       SweepB      = 0.0;
int    Switch2     = 0,
         SwitchB     = 0;
double Price2BuyA  = 0.0;
int    Price2BuyB  = 1.0;
double Price2SellA = 0.0;
int    Price2SellB = 0.0;
bool   BuySwitchB  = false,
       SellSwitchB = false;
int hendlMA_1;
double MA_1[];

int hendlMA_2;
double MA_2[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
   PlotIndexSetDouble(0, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(MainLine, true);
   PlotIndexSetDouble(1, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(UpLine, true);
   PlotIndexSetDouble(2, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(DnLine, true);
   PlotIndexSetDouble(3, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(MajorRangeBuy, true);
   PlotIndexSetDouble(4, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   ArraySetAsSeries(MajorRangeSell, true);
   ArrayResize(muls, 99);
   mulSum = 0;
   for (int i0 = 0; i0 < 98; i0++) {//повторяем в цикле 98 раз
      if (i0 <= 18) y = 1.0 * i0 / 18; //если это первые 18 повторений
      else y = (i0 - 18) * 7.0 / 79.0 + 1.0; //иначе
      x = MathCos(Pi * y);
      z = 1.0 / (3.0 * Pi * y + 1.0);
      if (y <= 0.5) z = 1;
      muls[i0] = z * x;
      mulSum += muls[i0];
   if(otl)Print(" Распределение создано muls[20]=",muls[20]);
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
  if (PeriodSeconds() <60*60 || PeriodSeconds() >10080*60) return(0);
   int depth=0;

   int l_ind_counted_8 = prev_calculated; //Возвращает количество баров, не измененных после последнего вызова индикатора.
   int bars=Bars(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT);
   if (l_ind_counted_8 < 0) return (0);
   if (l_ind_counted_8 == 0)
         depth = bars - 98;
         for(int a=0;a<bars;a++)
               MainLine[a] = 0;
               UpLine[a] = 0;
               DnLine[a] = 0;
   if (l_ind_counted_8 > 0)  depth = bars - l_ind_counted_8;
   if(otl)Print(" количество баров, не измененных после последнего вызова индикатора= ",l_ind_counted_8,"  Количество баров на текущем графике Bars=",bars,"  depth= ",depth);
   if (l_ind_counted_8 < 1) {
      for (int i2 = 1; i2 < 100; i2++) {
         MainLine[bars - i2] = 0;
         UpLine[bars - i2] = 0;
         DnLine[bars - i2] = 0;
   for (int i1 = depth; i1 >= 0; i1--) 
      price = 0;
      for (int i2 = 0; i2 <= 98; i2++) 
            if(i2 + i1>=bars)break;
            price += muls[i2] * MA_1[i2 + i1];
      if (mulSum > 0.0) MainLine[i1] = price / mulSum;

     GoUp=MainLine[i1 + 1] > MainLine[i1] ;
      if (GoUp) 
         if (!LastUp) DnLine[i1+1] = MainLine[i1+1];
         DnLine[i1] = MainLine[i1];
         UpLine[i1] = 0;
         if (LastUp) UpLine[i1+1] = MainLine[i1+1];
         UpLine[i1] = MainLine[i1];
         DnLine[i1] = 0;

   }//  for (int i1

 //  return (0);

/***************** Range **********************/

  int counted_bars=prev_calculated;
  if(otl)Print(" Range counted_bars = ", counted_bars);
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   int position=bars-counted_bars;
   if (position<0) position=0;
   if (position==0) position=1;
   int rnglength = 250;
   double range = 0.0, srange = 0.0;
   if(otl) Print(" position=",position);
   for (int pos = position; pos >=0; pos--)
   {/***************** MAIN Range **********************/
      srange = 0.0;
      int j = 0;
      for (int i=0;i<rnglength;i++)
         int posr = pos + i;
         if (posr >= bars) break; 
         srange = srange + (High(posr) - Low(posr));
      range = srange / j * Length;
      int BarNumber = bars-pos; //??????????
      if (BarNumber < 0)  BarNumber = 0;
          //Print(bars," - ",pos);
      if(pos<bars)RangePrice = MA_2[pos];  //Moving Average MODE_SMMA
      else RangePrice = MA_2[pos-1];

      if (BarNumber == 1)
         SweepB  = range *  MajorRangeStrength;
         Price2BuyA = RangePrice;
         Price2SellA = RangePrice;

      if (BarNumber > 1)

         if (Switch2  >  - 1)//проверка цикла на покупку
            if (RangePrice < Price2BuyA) //если средняя цена ниже
if (BuySwitchB ) MajorRangeBuy [pos +BarNumber - Price2BuyB] = 0;                                                                //OUT
                           Price2BuyA = RangePrice;
               Price2BuyB = BarNumber;
               BuySwitchB = true;
            else if (RangePrice > Price2BuyA)
                            SwitchB = BarNumber - Price2BuyB;
MajorRangeBuy [pos +SwitchB] = MainLine[pos + SwitchB]*1.0005;                                                                                                                          //OUT
                BuySwitchB = true;

                              if (RangePrice - MA_2[pos + SwitchB] >= SweepB && SwitchB >= 1)
                     Switch2 =  - 1;
                     Price2SellA = RangePrice;
                     Price2SellB = BarNumber;
                     SellSwitchB = false;
                     BuySwitchB = false;
         if (Switch2  < 1)//проверка цикла на продажу
            if (RangePrice  > Price2SellA )
if (pos +BarNumber - Price2SellB<bars&&SellSwitchB ) MajorRangeSell [pos +BarNumber - Price2SellB] = 0;                                                         //OUT
                           Price2SellA = RangePrice;
               Price2SellB = BarNumber;
               SellSwitchB = true;
                       else if (RangePrice < Price2SellA)
               SwitchB = BarNumber - Price2SellB ;

         if(pos+ SwitchB<bars)MajorRangeSell[pos + SwitchB] =MainLine[pos + SwitchB]*1.0005;                                                                                                                             //OUT
                SellSwitchB = true;             
                              if (pos + SwitchB<bars&&MA_2[pos + SwitchB] - RangePrice >= SweepB && SwitchB >= 1)
                                     Switch2 = 1;
                     Price2BuyA = RangePrice;
                     Price2BuyB = BarNumber;
                     SellSwitchB = false;
                     BuySwitchB = false;

   //   MajorRangeSell[pos] = 0;
    //  MajorRangeBuy[pos]  = 0;  
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
double High(int index)
   if(index < 0) return(-1);
   double Arr[];
   if(CopyHigh(Symbol(),timeframe, index, 1, Arr)>0) 
   else return(-1);
double Low(int index)
   if(index < 0) return(-1);
   double Arr[];
   if(CopyLow(Symbol(),timeframe, index, 1, Arr)>0) 
   else return(-1);
Mikhail Rudyk #:

Please help with the code

made an indicator

In the tester it works correctly

When I put it on the chart it does not show correctly

I can't figure out the reason why.

Did you use the debugger to find the cause?