Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1212

Artyom Trishkin:
Don't get upset. I'm still not very good at maths.
Remember Henry Ford's words about the right knowledge.

You intrigue me. I can't remember because I've never heard him speak on the subject. And what did he say to reassure me?
If you're still on a first-name basis with maths...I understand that you're very good at it and understand it well. Especially since you are the MODERATOR !!!! And if at the same time you offer me not to get upset, I take it as a hint that you always, as a more experienced fellow, will help me find an answer to a difficult question on the subject of this forum for me.

Artyom Trishkin:
To make algorithms, it seems to me, you need logic. And this is far from mathematics. And I am not friends with it - only the right reference material and help from those who are.

You are very mistaken, without logic there is no mathematics.

We list what we have, we know what we should get and we construct a logical sequence of actions to achieve the goal.

Alexey Viktorov:

You are very mistaken, without logic there is no mathematics.

We list what we have, we know what we should get and we construct a logical sequence of actions to achieve the goal.

Oh, come on... Logic is not 2x2...

Petyka comes to Chapayev and asks what logic is?
Chapayev sends him to Furmanov.
- Furmanov, tell me, what is logic?
- Look. Do you have matches?
- Yes, I do.
- So you smoke. If you smoke, it means you fool around with girls. And if you fool around, it means you're a man. Makes sense?
- Makes sense.
- You get it now?
- Got it.
He comes to Chapaev. Chapayev asks him:
- Well, did you get it?
- I did.
- So what?
- Do you have matches?
- No.
- Then you're not a man.


You have intrigued me. I can't remember because I've never heard him speak on the subject. And what did he say to reassure me?
If you are still on a first-name basis with mathematics...I understand that you are very good at it and understand it well. Especially since you are the MODERATOR !!!! And if at the same time you offer me not to get upset, I take it as a hint that you are always, as a more experienced comrade, help me find an answer to a difficult question for me on the subject of this forum.

On the contrary. To use the word "you" implies an unfriendly attitude. Since ancient times, to address someone in a "you" way has meant to go on a raid against an enemy. Sending a messenger with a message about "coming to you".

That means I'm not good at maths. Where I need to, I use other people's knowledge - reference books, tips from friends and acquaintances. It is not shameful. Henry Ford:

Henry Ford completed six grades at school.
During World War I, a Chicago newspaper called him an "ignorant pacifist." Since Henry Ford took offence and sued, the newspaper had to prove that he was, firstly, ignorant and, secondly, a pacifist (i.e. an opponent of war).

The paper's lawyers thought it would be fairly easy to prove Ford's ignorance, since he had only completed sixth grade and, in their opinion, was not interested in anything but his cars. They prepared themselves very carefully and started asking questions in court along the lines of, "Who is Benedict Arnold?" or "How many soldiers were sent by Britain to America to suppress the 1776 rebellion?" At first Ford was in a good-natured mood and even tried to quip, answering the second question, that he did not know exactly how many Englishmen had been sent to America to suppress the rebellion, but knew for sure that far fewer came back.

When he was "wound up" with more insults, he broke down and, pointing his finger at his lawyer, said very sharply something like the following: "If I really have to give answers to your questions, all I have to do is push a button and I'll have a bunch of experts around me who can answer these and all your other stupid questions. Now, you tell me why I have to keep a bunch of unnecessary information in my memory when I have a bunch of assistants providing me with whatever knowledge I need whenever I need it.

There was no convincing answer to this question, and the court could not accept that Ford was an uneducated man. It is also quite clear to you and me that Ford, with his sixth-grade education, was able to form not only himself, but an enormous automotive empire, and in addition he formed a hundred great men and the finest professionals working in his firm. Moreover, Ford is considered a classic of management (one of the founders of the science of management).

Artyom Trishkin:

Oh, come on... Logic is not 2x2...

2×2 is arithmetic, not maths.

And I've heard the anecdote interpreted differently:

Does Anka eat herring? So she drinks water, hence the logical conclusion that she also ss***** and therefore she has ******. Well, that's it in a nutshell.

Artyom Trishkin:

On the contrary. To "you" means unfriendly. To go "you" has, since ancient times, meant going on a campaign against an enemy. You send a messenger with a message about "I'm coming."

That means I'm not good at maths. Where I need to, I use other people's knowledge - reference books, tips from friends and acquaintances. It is not shameful. Henry Ford:

Have you seen the movie Back to School? I love it.

About H.Ford - I advise to read at least Wikipedia (it was enough for me to be penetrated). There is no need to try on the words of the Man who made the first popular car, at least until you have patents, for a start, 10% in number from it or until a commensurable business yourself, from scratch, will not raise.
Vladimir Simakov:
About G. Ford - I advise you at least to read Wikipedia (it was enough for me to feel it). It is not necessary to try on itself words of the Man who has made the first national automobile, at least until you have patents, for a start, of 10 % by quantity from it or until comparable business, from zero, you will not lift.

What is this about? Are you saying that until a man (not Henry Ford) builds his corporation from scratch, he is not allowed to use reference books and consultants?

That's a hell of a way to put it... I understand self-isolation and all that... But don't isolate the mind as well.

Artyom Trishkin:

On the contrary. You" means unfriendly. To go "you" has, since ancient times, meant going on a campaign against an enemy. You send a messenger with a message about "I'm coming."

That means I'm not good at maths. Where I need to, I use other people's knowledge - reference books, tips from friends and acquaintances. It is not shameful. Henry Ford:

Nonsense... You are not good with logic, you are not good with mathematics ..... and at the same time you have long and successfully moderated a forum whose theme is permeated with both logic and mathematics.

Artyom Trishkin:

"..... I'll have a bunch of experts around me who can answer .... questions. ....why should I store in my memory a bunch of unnecessary information when I have a bunch of assistants providing me with any knowledge I need whenever I need it"

I think that the knowledge possessed by a bunch of specialists was not the knowledge of Ford himself and never became it. Moreover - he had no need for this knowledge, because he called it unnecessary. And if these experts tried to pass on their knowledge to Ford, he would not be able to assimilate it and use it for practical purposes. It is necessary to have more than a general idea of the subject, which is associated with new knowledge, in order to absorb it. In the example given above, the experts did not provide knowledge to Ford, but to lawyers.

And in your brain, as it seems to me, you have a sufficient amount of systematized knowledge in mathematics and logic and this set allows you to quickly and correctly make a search query for new and missing information and quickly and correctly interpret it. I am sure that in your brain can not be no such information, since every day for many hours spent on this forum and passed through his brain a lot of information associated specifically with mathematics and logic. It is like learning a foreign language by immersion. It is learned automatically, spontaneously and maybe even against the will of the learner.

If 100 academicians start explaining to me the rules of calculating the integral equations now, I will not learn how to calculate them, until they fill my head with all the maths and algebra textbooks, which I had to study at school before the teacher started explaining integral equations.

If you don't understand what a variable is and what it's for, it's hard to understand even knowing what a variable is, to say nothing of other not even very complicated concepts.