Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 1101

Yevhenii Levchenko:
How do I know if an order was closed manually or by a robot?

DEAL_OUT... 'manually' the robot will have ID=magic

If you search with a robot, then magic = 0 for a manual exit order (although a robot can also have 0, but this is more of an exception than a rule)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Screenshot please, never seen a mark in the logbook as the closure/deletion happened


in the experts tab it was meant to be

Andrey Sokolov:


in the experts tab meant

Thank you, I will have to pay attention to that for general development.


Why does this code draw the wrong arrows - MQL5

void ArrowCreate(ENUM_OBJECT             type,
                 datetime                time,
                 double                  price)
   string name = (type == OBJ_ARROW_UP ? "Arrow Up №"+(string)(up+1) : "Arrow Down №"+(string)(down+1));
   if(type == OBJ_ARROW_UP)  { up++; }
   else                      { down++; };
      ObjectSetInteger(ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,(type == OBJ_ARROW_UP ? 241 : 242));
            ": не удалось создать знак \"Стрелка\"! Код ошибки = ",GetLastError()); return;
   ObjectSetInteger(ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_ANCHOR,(type == OBJ_ARROW_UP ? ANCHOR_TOP : ANCHOR_BOTTOM)); 
   ObjectSetInteger(ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_COLOR,(type == OBJ_ARROW_UP ? a_color_buy : a_color_sell));

It should draw OBJPROP_ARROWCODE 241 or 242
... but instead it draws normal OBJ_ARROW_UP or OBJ_ARROW_DOWN

Sergey Likho:

Can MQL4/MQL5 be used to stretch a BMP image to the whole screen?

As far as I know - no.

Alexandr Sokolov:

Why does this code draw the wrong arrows - MQL5

It should draw OBJPROP_ARROWCODE 241 or 242
... but instead it draws the usual OBJ_ARROW_UP or OBJ_ARROW_DOWN


      ObjectSetInteger(ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,(type == OBJ_ARROW_UP ? 241 : 242));


      ObjectSetInteger(ChartID(),name,OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,(type == OBJ_ARROW_UP ? 225 : 226));

and check - so what is actually drawn?

Vladimir Karputov:



and check - so what is actually drawn?

these arrows are drawn, but why aren't the arrows coded 241 and 242 drawn?

Igor Zakharov:

DEAL_OUT... 'manually' the robot will have ID=magic

If you search with a robot, then magic = 0 for a manual exit order (although a robot might also have 0, but that's more the exception than the rule)

Thanks! But it's on mt5...
Andrey Sokolov:


in the Expert Advisors tab this means

Is there any way to get it out programmatically?
Igor Makanu:

I did not do it, or rather I did not search for it in the subwindow. In the KB I have laid out an example of clicking on the main window bars and displaying information about the bar - you can look it up

i have made an indicator for experimenting with the buttons - i checked if the buttons move the indicator line

to see if the indicator is moving put a horizontal line in the indicator subwindow ... that's pretty cool ))))

Thanks. Just don't understand how to attach this to my indicator.

Yevhenii Levchenko:
software can weed this out?

Then perhaps, as already suggested, by magicka