Any questions from newcomers on MQL4 and MQL5, help and discussion on algorithms and codes - page 595

Ihor Herasko:

There is no such function, but it can be done through WinAPI. However, we still have to deal with the logic of such an action: what is the difference between a button on the chart and a button on the toolbar? Why would it be more convenient for the user to press the button on the chart than the toolbar button?

So that you can quickly and easily customize style/color/thickness and other stuff with other buttons, because it's annoying to run through standard windows with PKM when you need to draw many objects.

you can monitor the mouse in the OnChartEvent, if the button of your tool is pressed, then catch the first click and start drawing something
Ihor Herasko:

I answer every day, but you never tire of repeating this mantra every day on every forum thread. Or should I only be answering your questions?

First of all, I would like you to answer my questions and then go to this thread : )

You see,

1. 2018.08.03 You are not answering me to what I asked immediately before.

2. further I emphasise this, but you 2018.08.06th continue to answer the wrong thing. i emphasise this again.

3. next, 2018.08.07 you reply to one of my ancient lines. Your reply is strange. it turns out i was hanging bashift on a chart with a missing price? i was hanging it on a normal brokerage instrument.

4. by this time my replicas have accumulated 6 problems in the form of zip archives, and a couple more comments. You stubbornly ignore them, despite the urgency I highlighted : )



First of all, I would like you to answer my questions and then go to this thread : )

You see,

1. 2018.08.03-you are not answering me to what I asked immediately before.

2. further I emphasise this, but you 2018.08.06th continue to answer the wrong thing. i emphasise this again.

3. next, 2018.08.07 you reply to one of my ancient lines. Your reply is strange. it turns out i was hanging bashift on a chart with a missing price? i was hanging it on a normal brokerage instrument.

4. by this time my replicas have accumulated 6 problems in the form of zip archives, and a couple more comments. You stubbornly ignore them, despite the urgency I highlighted : )


Why do you think it's everyone's job to sort out your problems? Everyone has their own thing to do. Ask your questions in the appropriate forum threads. Don't keep asking the same question in different threads. Address it to the BOD. The quality of your question to the BOD is directly proportional to the quality of the response. Do not blame the BOD for their silence, but rather answer your question first, as it may only be understandable and urgent to you and for you. Formulate your questions correctly. What you have written to me in private - just a stream of consciousness, not constructive questions. To such a thing do not respond. And there are few people I answer on stupid questions.

If you want a quicker answer, ask it on the forum instead of bombarding people in private. Everyone has their own thing to do. You are not their first priority - regardless of the urgency of your demands.

Artyom Trishkin:

1. Why do you think that everyone has to deal with your problems? Everyone has their own thing to do.

2. Ask your questions in the appropriate threads of the forum.

3 Don't keep asking the same question in different threads.

4 Address it to the BOD. The quality of your question to the BoD is directly proportional to the quality of the response. Do not blame the BOD for silence - first of all, think about your question, it may only be clear and urgent to you and for you. Formulate your questions correctly. What you have written to me in private - just a stream of consciousness, not constructive questions. I do not respond to such things. I do not respond to such questions and do not answer many stupid questions.

If you want an answer quicker, ask it on the forum instead of bombarding people in private. Everyone has their own thing to do. You are not the first priority for them - regardless of the urgency of your demands.

1. I don't think so.

2. It's not a question, but bugs in freelancer's indukes; I think a freelancer is more inclined to fix his own indukes first of all than to do some charity work in this forum thread : )

3. What if a freelancer replies only once a day for a week, and to the wrong (urgent!) question?

4. I do, but they don't want to tweak a (minor!) thing. They understand what I want them to do. If they didn't, they'd ask me again, as they sometimes do.

: )


1. don't count

2. it's not an issue, it's a bug in freelancer's indulgences; in my opinion, a freelancer is more inclined to tweak his indulgences first than to do charity in this forum thread : )

3. What if a freelancer replies only once a day for a week, and to the wrong (urgent!) question?

4. I do, but they don't want to tweak a (minor!) thing. They understand what I want them to do. If they didn't, they'd ask me again, as they sometimes do.

: )

I'm not a freelancer, but you've been throwing questions at me in the mail. What for?

The meta-quotas have their own priorities, not to pander to your wishes. They may or may not be added to the list of fixes, but that does not mean that everyone will immediately tinker with your little quirks.

Artyom Trishkin:

1. I'm not a freelancer, but you've been throwing questions at me in my email. What for?

2. The metaquotes have their own primary tasks, not to pander to your wishes. They may or may not be added to the list of fixes, but that doesn't mean that everyone is going to tinker with your small things.

I replied to your email.

Ihor Herasko:

There is no such thing as objects you create being invisible.

They may be inaccessible from one function or another, but they must be available in the object itself. This is the object where you need to clear the memory. This is usually done with the class destructor. To make sure, put Prints in all destructors and in OnDeinit.

How it does not happen? For example, I create objects in the loop using the new operator. They are not visible in Deinit(). I cannot delete them in the loop since they are used in the logic. How should I delete them?


How can it not be? For example, I create objects in the loop using the new operator. They are not visible in Deinit(). But I cannot delete them in the loop because they are used in the logic... How do I delete them?

When you create them, do you attach them to the list?

You know the name of the list. In OnDeinit() you run in a loop through the list, get an object from it, check for validity and delete it. When the loop is complete, the entire list of objects will be empty. That's all.

Artyom Trishkin:

When you create them, do you attach them to the list?

You know the name of the list. In OnDeinit(), you loop through the list, get an object from it, check it for validity and delete it. When the loop is complete, the entire list of objects will be empty. That's all.

All right. Let me delete them in OnDeinit(). But now I have an out of memory error already popping up during testing... That is, it won't get to OnDeinit().