what is the right way to learn? - page 18


Where have you seen non-linearity in the expressiony = k*x ??? It is a linear relationship, any high school student will tell you that, as will a more experienced mathematician.

I don't see non-linearity in that expression either.

What I was saying was that I was checking the linearity of the relationship in the behaviour of the price. (I amended the text of that post - it seems to make more sense that way)


What a joy, he'll get off our backs.

You rejoiced too early, once again carried seven versts to the sky and all to the woods. What a lover of twisting things around... and throwing words into the wind.

On the 15th page of this thread he says that Forex is an inevitable loss, different beasts eat all the winnings:

And already on this page 17 claims the opposite

So you read all your posts and identify your position and then prove it.

And before you write something new, check the old. Otherwise it turns out like ... (do you understand me?)

I concede that I may not always be able to convey information accurately. But, the fact that market makers will not give traders an opportunity to make money on some REVOLUTION (that is, to constantly successfully PREVENT price movements) - it does not mean that "Forex is an inevitable loss". (there's something wrong with your logic).

And therefore, I especially for you to clarify that I speak negatively about your trading strategy (and not about Forex trading as such)

(Does it suit you?).

prikolnyjkent:   Я ... clarify that I am speaking negatively about the trading strategy you have chosen... (is that ok with you...?)
only you are satisfied with such an arrangement. It is obvious that you have no information about the strategy you have chosen. Stop confusing and interfering, it's time to learn without you.

Let's begin our first practical lesson. It is easiest to teach when you see it for the first time yourself. The presentation will be clear, without extraneous details.

Those who know how to do it work. Those who do not know how to work, teach how to work. Who does not know how to work, teaches how to teach how to work. And so on recursively.

The easiest thing to do is to adjust the appearance of the MT4 or MT5 terminal. Let's start with the top left hand corner - the icons.

It is especially important for those, who open several copies of the terminal at once - different icons allow to distinguish terminals unmistakably. Download many icons, take the one you like and copy it to the terminal folder. And there already is an icon with the name terminal.ico - rename it to terminal-old.ico - and the new icon, of course, to terminal.ico At the next startup the new icon will be displayed in the upper left corner of the terminal.


But, the fact that market makers will not allow traders to make money on some kind of AWESOME (i.e., to continually successfully PREVENT price movements)

Can you elaborate on this point? How exactly, in your opinion, does a market maker prevent traders from making money on some kind of dependency - how is this implemented in trading? And by the way, how does he, the market maker, know what kind of dependency the trader uses ? And what should he, the market maker, do if different groups of traders use different dependencies?
Can you elaborate on this point? How exactly do you think the market maker prevents traders from making money on some kind of addiction - how is this implemented in trading? And by the way, how does he, the market maker, know which dependency the trader uses ? And what should he, the market maker, do if different groups of traders use different dependencies?

If you've tried to find a consistent pattern in quoting, you've probably noticed that whichever trading signal source you've tested, you've always got 50/50 statistics on the outcome over a long enough distance.

I read about found regularities that "lived" for a year or more. Well, I haven't yet heard of a permanent dependence (of the Grail)

Maker is just "littering" the quotidian with the REMARKABLE noise,... that's all... And he doesn't need to worry about different bands...


whichever trading signal source you test, you always get 50/50 statistics over a long enough distance. ... Maker just "fills up" the quoter with REMARKABLE noise... that's all... And he doesn't need to worry about different bands...

Once again, the claim that it's impossible to make money on forex is being made. How long will it go on? And instead of a specific answer - vague expressions. Especially it sounds paradoxical after promising to leave us alone:


If you don't want to learn from others' mistakes, learn from your own... I won't interfere any more.

Some children are incontinent. There's something similar here - incontinence of the tongue


I haven't heard anything about permanent addiction yet.

If you stop interfering with the learning process, the learning process will be accelerated - after two years in the learning process a self-learning robot = grail will be born




whichever trading signal source you test, you always get 50/50 statistics over a long enough distance. ... Maker just "fills up" the quoter with REMARKABLE noise... that's all... And he doesn't need to worry about different bands...

Once again, the claim that it's impossible to make money on forex is being made. How long will it go on? And instead of a specific answer - vague expressions. Especially it sounds paradoxical after promising to leave us alone:

What kind of a Young Lovers of Logic convention...


How can one interfere with the other?!


... It sounds especially paradoxical after promising to leave us alone:...

And my post about "accidental noise" was not written to you...

And I promised not to prevent you from learning from your own mistakes...
Not all of them are willing to learn from theirs...


How can one interfere with the other?!

If random noise is indifferent, how can it interfere with earning?

.... Maker is just "littering" the quotidian with the REMARKABLE NOISE,... that's all...

Again you have a contradiction. Read your past posts. Print them, show them to people you know, ask their opinion of the author. They'll probably say full fool.