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Controlling the array boundaries by specifying a string in the code is very useful. It used to be: divide by zero, and look where you want. And it's even worse if the error didn't show up.
Could you please give an example how to do this? Didn't find anything about this feature in documentation.
Exactly! You don't need to do anything now. Open the "experts" tab and read the logs. If an error appears, you will see a message about it. Like:
array out of range....... indicating the line number in the code.
Open the 'experts' tab and read the logs.
Try changing the case of the first letter of the script/indicator name. Been struggling once too
P.S: well, change string to char[]
Answer, Pavlik!
Good for you Pavlik!
Your code worked right away!
Now you can run the
It remains to be fitted into the indicator!
Your code has been inserted into the indicator!
there is only one small obstacle
indicator doesn't want to recognize the name
of the script. I wrote the name in the place
where the script should be called from.
All that's left is for the script to be
can you help me?
sincerely regards
Answer, Pavlik!
You're great, Pavlik!
your code worked right away!
now you can run the
the script!
It remains to be fitted into the indicator!
Your code has been inserted into the indicator!
there is only one small obstacle
indicator doesn't want to recognize the name
of the script. I wrote the name in the place
where the script should be called from.
All that's left is for the script to be
can you help me?
sincerely regards
I'll help if you need it
I'll help you if you need any help.
Hi, Vinin!
thank you so much
for wanting to help!
I'm sending you for an overview of how the
composter script call
Hi Pavlik!
I'd like to show you an example
how the script call was organized
composter, now it's not working.
for review
//|sample_execute_script.mq4 |
#import "user32.dll"
int RegisterWindowMessageA(string MessageName);
int PostMessageA(int hwnd, int msg, int wparam, string Name);
void keybd_event(int VirtualKey, int ScanCode, int Flags, int ExtraInfo);
int start()
int winHandle = WindowHandle( Symbol(), Period() );
if( signal < 0 && trigl==true && buy == true ) {StartScript( winHandle, "SchliesenProfitOrders" ); }
void StartScript(int hWnd, string ScriptName, bool AutomaticallyAcceptDefaults = false)
int MessageNumber = RegisterWindowMessageA("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message");
PostMessageA(hWnd, MessageNumber, 16, ScriptName);
if (AutomaticallyAcceptDefaults) { ClearConfigDialog(); }
void ClearConfigDialog()
keybd_event(13, 0, 0, 0);
Hi, Vinin!
thank you so much
for wanting to help!
I'm sending you for an overview of how the
composter script call
Hi Pavlik!
I'd like to show you an example
how the script call was organized
with the composter, now it's not working.
for review
Is it really hard to click on the SRC and paste the code?!
This should work fine:
And don't forget about the case of the first letter of the script, for example, if the script "test" doesn't start, you should try "Test".
Respectfully, Pavlik ))
This should work fine:
And don't forget the case of the first letter of the script, for example, if the script"test" doesn't run, you should try "Test".
Regards, Pavlik )))
Hi Pavlik!
Got your refinement and
tried to put everything in the indicator
but the indicator doesn't want to.
see what you can do
to make it work!
//|AltrTREND_Signal.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| ||
//|Ramdass - Conversion only|
#property copyright "Author - OlegVS, GOODMAN"
#property strict
#import "user32.dll"
int RegisterWindowMessageA(uchar &lParam[]);
int SendMessageA(int hWnd, int Msg, int wParam, char &lParam[]);
void keybd_event(int VirtualKey, int ScanCode, int Flags, int ExtraInfo);
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 DeepSkyBlue
#property indicator_color2 OrangeRed
#property indicator_width1 1
#property indicator_width2 1
//---- input parameters
extern bool Alert_message=true;
extern int Time_alert_minutes=60; // ????? ????? ?????????? ???? ??? ? 60 ?????.
extern int K = 30;
extern double Kstop = 0.5;
extern inttern Kperiod = 150;
extern int PeriodADX = 7; //14;
extern int CountBars = 100;
//---- buffers
double val1[];
double val2[];
double AlertTime;
//| Custom indicator initialisation function|
int init()
string short_name;
//---- indicator line
SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Bars - CountBars + PeriodADX );
SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Bars - CountBars + PeriodADX );
//| AltrTrend_Signal_v2_2|
int start()
int i, shift, counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
int i1, i2, t_per;
double Range, AvgRange, smin, smax, SsMax, SsMin, SSP, price;
bool uptrend, old;
if(Bars <=PeriodADX+ 1)
for(shift = CountBars - PeriodADX ; shift >= 0; shift--)
SSP = MathCeil(Kperiod / iADX(NULL, 0, PeriodADX , PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 1));
Range = 0;
AvgRange = 0;
for(i1 = shift; i1 <= shift + SSP; i1++)
AvgRange = AvgRange + MathAbs(High[i1] - Low[i1]);
Range = AvgRange / (SSP + 1);
SsMax = High[shift];
SsMin = Low[shift];
for(i2 = shift; i2 <= shift + SSP - 1; i2++)
price = High[i2];
if(SsMax < price)
SsMax= price;
price = Low[i2];
if(SsMin >= price)
SsMin = price;
smin = SsMin + (SsMax - SsMin)*K / 100;
smax = SsMax - (SsMax - SsMin)*K / 100;
val1[shift] = 0.0;
val2[shift] = 0.0;
if(Close[shift] < smin)
uptrend = false;
if(Close[shift] > smax)
uptrend = true;
if(uptrend != old && uptrend == true)
val1[shift] = Low[shift] - Range*Kstop;
if(uptrend != old && uptrend == false)
val2[shift] = High[shift] + Range*Kstop;
old = uptrend;
void StartScript(int hWnd, string ScriptName, bool AutomaticallyAcceptDefaults = false)
char buf[];
StringToCharArray("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message", buf;)
int MT4InternalMsg = RegisterWindowMessageA(buf);
StringToCharArray("fPlayer", buf);
SendMessageA(hWnd, MT4InternalMsg, 16, buf);
if (AutomaticallyAcceptDefaults) { ClearConfigDialog(); }
void ClearConfigDialog()
keybd_event(13, 0, 0, 0);
//---- Alert
if (Period()<Time_alert_minutes) t_per=Period(); else t_per=Time_alert_minutes; // ???? ??<Time_alert, ????? ????? ?????????? ???? ??? ? ??.
if (Alert_message==true && CurTime()>AlertTime && val1[0]!=0.0)
Alert(Symbol(), "+++ BUY !!! +++" , "//AltrTrend_Signal_v2_2_alert ");
AlertTime=CurTime() + (t_per - MathMod(TimeMinute(CurTime()), t_per))*60;
fPlayer ;//script
if (Alert_message==true && CurTime()>AlertTime && val2[0]!=0.0)
Alert(Symbol(), "+++ SELL !!!+++" , "//AltrTrend_Signal_v2_2_alert");
AlertTime=CurTime() + (t_per - MathMod(TimeMinute(CurTime()), t_per))*60;
// PlaySound("payment.wav");
fPlayer ;