Nostalgic for the past? - page 22


But it is not that uncommon. It's just that looking at the market chart is initially "inured" to a certain angle. I'm not talking now about all sorts of conspiracy theories where claims, that it's done on purpose to make traders lose money, it's just the way the trading books have it, I guess. And you can't do without reading these books at the beginning, you have to startwith something, some kind of a clue. Then you have to get rid of what you've read for a long time.


Marina, trans?


The words of Ecclesiastes come to mind:

Род уходит, и род приходит,

and the earth remains forever.


Sometimes they say:

"This is new, look!"

But it's also been

in centuries gone by.

They no longer remember those who have gone,

but those who will come later,

those people who will live after them..,

who will live after them.

Our era is over. Everything that could have been said has been said, everything that could have been done has been done. The narrow circle of bright, unconventional thinkers has disintegrated and its place has been taken by so-called "social trading". From now on, it is a vast, impersonal amorphous group of people who likes, downloads "content" and amuses themselves with "signals" from AppStore services. The MQL Community is becoming a part of Facebook, of Twitter, of contact, of our smartphones. But it will never again become what it once was: part of our souls and our thoughts. Old-timers will go on and on, the frequency of their posts will fall. Some of them will be converted into "content providers", fortunately they have the knowledge to do so like no other. This process has already started and is in full swing :(


The words of Ecclesiastes come to mind:

Our era is over. All that could be said has been said, all that could be done has been done. The narrow circle of bright, out-of-the-box thinkers has disintegrated, to be replaced by so-called "social trading". From now on, it is a vast, impersonal amorphous group of people who likes, downloads "content" and amuses themselves with "signals" from the AppStore. The MQL Community is becoming a part of Facebook, of Twitter, of contact, of our smartphones. But it will never again become what it once was: part of our souls and our thoughts. Old-timers will go on and on, the frequency of their posts will fall. Some of them will be converted into "content providers", fortunately they have the knowledge to do so like no other. The process has already begun and is in full swing :(


I agree. I couldn't explain this process to myself in any way... One fiver and others like it will not be enough for this, as I myself used to think.

You did... Helped me figure it out.

Thank you.

There can only be one ray coming from the point of extremum with the condition of touching at one point at any given moment. What are the options here?

Any. Such, for example:

The white ellipse marks the price touch point with two lines (thin green dotted line) drawn from the start of the trend lines.

The price has stumbled and it is visible almost in real time.


Whatever you like. Such, for example:

The white ellipse highlights the price touch point with two lines (thin green dashed line) drawn from the trend line start points.

Price has stumbled and you can see it almost in real time.

I do not see on that chart any refutation of my statement that only one ray can be drawn from any point of an extremum with the condition of touching only one point. It is not clear by what rules the thin green dotted line is drawn.


I do not see in this graph any refutation of my statement that only one ray can be drawn from any point of extremum with the condition of touching only in one point . It is not clear by what rules the thin green dotted line is drawn.

Some of the bars are ignored, that's all.

A reversal in the white ellipse area could also be predicted by such a channel.

Close bar exit outside the channel does not exceed 5%.


A reversal in the white ellipse area could also be predicted by such a channel.

Close bar exit outside the channel does not exceed 5%.

What's it like here?

ZS I am running away until the evening.