MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 144

The 567 build is out.
No, I understand that you can make a suggestion or even repeat it several times. But why do you have to use that tone of voice? Or did you spill your coffee on the CapsLock key?

Thanks for the quick transition in classes (in particular) from declaration to description and vice versa,

is it possible to implement this functionality in the same way to overload operations???

class CMatrix {
   CRow              m_rows[];
                     CMatrix(void)      { ArrayResize(m_rows,rows);             }
                     CMatrix(int rows)  { ArrayResize(m_rows,rows);             }

   CMatrix          *operator=(const CMatrix &m);         //   A

CMatrix *CMatrix::operator=(const CMatrix &m){            //         B
 // ..................................
 // .................................. 

so that by clicking the mouse wheel in the area in front of the operator ( point A )

the navigator moves to point B ( and vice versa).

The 567 build is out.

Renat, could you please tell us when we can expect the PlotIndex* functions and new indicator styles?

And also indicator handles (Example from PlotIndexSetInteger function help )?

Thank you


Renat, could you please tell us when we can expect the PlotIndex* functions and new indicator styles?

And also indicator handles (Example from PlotIndexSetInteger function help )?

There will be no handlers for sure, because it is a completely different model of work of indicators in the system.
There will definitely be no handles, because it is a completely different model of indicators in the system.

ok. Then the help should be corrected (in the example of PlotIndexSetInteger function a handle is used).

There will definitely be no Handles as it is a completely different model of how the indicators work in the system.

As for the rest of the group functions (and indicator styles), is there an approximate (week/month/never) release date for the test?


Would be nice if there was a function that returns a string containing the denominator (base) currency of a symbol (so that there's no need for trickery such as symbol string parsing to extract the numerator and denominator currencies, and also to enable doing so for instruments such as for example "GOLD" or "RANDOMSTOCK").

Useful for calculating, say, exposure on a per-currency basis.

The 568 build is out.

Guys, please make sure data on open accounts is saved ...

Every time I open a new account !!!

The terminal is installed on a flash drive with the portable flag ...