MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 147

Hello, Who can tell me where I can download MT4 terminal with build 568? I have on my DC from F4Y - there is a build 509.

Do you want to read the branch from the very beginning?

2) This is a beta-version. What do you need it for? There are people here to test it.

Otherwise, there are those who will put a beta and then spit in this branch for no reason...

The next beta build will be released after January 5th. In the meantime, many thanks to all the beta testers and a Happy New Year!
Next beta build will be released after January 5. In the meantime, many thanks to all beta-testers and a happy New Year!

That's it - Hooray for the holiday?

Happy New Year! Health to all, happiness and good luck!

The next beta build will be available after January 5. In the meantime, many thanks to all beta-testers and a happy New Year!

Renat, when are you planning the mass update of users to the new MT4? I understand that the exact date is unlikely, but if possible, please let me know if it will be within a week :)

Happy New Year to all!


Renat, when is the mass update of users on the new MT4 planned? I understand that most likely there is no exact date, but if it's possible, please, guide me at least with an accuracy of a week :)

Happy New Year to everyone!

Around the 600 build :)

Most likely to be released in the second half of January. Public beta on MetaQuotes-Demo will be released after January 5. The release is close.

Many thanks to the beta testers, especially for their patience!

Around the 600 build :)

The 666th build will be the release

Now I am writing the observed bugs MT4 build 509, maybe they are still uncorrected...

When writing code in ME509,write for example OrderTotal, immediately pops up a window with hints, press "Enter", the word OrderTotal appears in the text, but for some reason without parentheses, and help syntax OrderTotal(), add pliz automatically brackets in all functions, it will be much easier to write code ...

Thank you, it's funny.

I see no reason to argue.

Good luck in life.


Complete sadness with MQL5 Storage:

1) No re-saving using PKM ==> "Fix" of data previously poured into MQL5 Storage.

A window with the process starts, but it never finishes.

2) If you try to delete the data previously saved in MQL5 Storage using PKM=>MQL5 Storage=>Delete

the physical deletion of the data from the PC is done without any confirmation window and not MQL5 Storage

3) If you are lucky and there are copies of files (for example, opened in editor), then during compilation you will see the "CANNOT SAVE FILE XXXXX, because it is write-protected.

If you select "Save as...", the only type for any data to be saved other than all files will be *.mq5, which is strange for 4.

4) After saving a deleted file, it won't show attached in MQL5 Storage, but actually it will, as it has properties that can be opened using PCM.

5) Clicking on " Fix" this time the window will open with deleting the file from the MQL5 Storage and not saving it.

6) Now clicking PKM ==> MQL5 Storage ==> add, then PKM ==> "Fix" will resave previously uploaded data to MQL5 Storage

Happy Holidays. Keep a copy of all data and you won't have so much trouble!


Have you pre-synchronised (even if empty) the repository via "Eject" at the root of the tree before uploading files to the repository?

Without pre-synchronisation the repository will not work. And the MQL4 and Projects root folder should be synchronized separately.