What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 64


I made a couple grand on that white noise in a week, but it's a pity the demo

I've been catching bugs in my codes, I had to open my positions often, so I didn't take a small loss.

Right! No one will tolerate the noise of quotes skewed to the purple spectrum. You don't even need to predict anything there. Just place orders around the edges and catch :-))
Exactly! No one will tolerate the noise of quotes skewed to the purple spectrum. You do not even need to forecast anything there. Just place orders around the edges and catch :-))

Come on, the dude's off the subject, let him sit on D1, but you shouldn't be pushing advice.

We respectfully stay out of your dnafs and you don't touch our ticks :)

The man is out of the loop, let him sit on D1, but it would not be a good idea to give him advice.

We respectfully do not interfere in your day, and you do not touch our ticks :)

The forum topic is something like What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes are coming

not "How to raise 2000 virtual vittles in a week chasing ticks on a demo account".

You may miss 54367 ticks on a real account and you will have 5 missed connections.

Get yourself a separate thread and don't get in anyone's way.


The topic of the forum is what's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes are coming

Not "How to raise 2000 virtual vittles in a week chasing ticks on demo account".

You may miss 54367 ticks on a real account and you will have 5 missed connections.

Get yourself a separate thread and don't get in anyone's way.

Drained the Depot? :D

The topic of the forum is what's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes are coming

Not "How to raise 2000 virtual vittles in a week chasing ticks on demo account".

You may miss 54367 ticks on a real account and you will have 5 missed connections.

Start a separate thread and don't get in anyone's way.

In fact, people are fighting for pings in milliseconds, VPS is placed in the same building with dealing (and they in turn in the same building with the world's liquidity giants), and you're talking about 54367 ticks.

In what century did you enter the real? In this century or in the past. Even the most run-of-the-mill kitchens don't have this kind of performance. Three to five seconds at the most.

Leaders in general ping+50-100 milliseconds of performance.

So everything is OK, your interference as a moderator is not required.

In fact, people fight for pings in milliseconds, VPS is placed in the same building as dealing (and they in turn are in the same building as the world's liquidity giants), and you are talking about 54367 ticks.

In what century did you enter the real? In this century or in the past. Even the most run-of-the-mill kitchens don't have this kind of performance. Three to five seconds at the most.

Leaders in general give ping + 50-100 milliseconds performance.

SZS and actually on the topic so we are just talking about the changes and that was that will be than calm the heart :) so all ok your interference as a moderator is not required.

But you actually went to him (on the real), then? It looks like you just read "Our performance is the best!" on the main page of the DC.

I have 5 terminals with different brokerage companies on 3 different VPS, and not the kitchen ones, and paid, with thick channel and optical directly to the dealer's brain, and absolutely no matter what is the ping, the strong movement of brakes are the same as from a home PC, and the thin market 1 tick in 20 seconds and 2-3 times the spread. And the same "No connection" in the logs occasionally. So much for the "world's liquidity giants".
And you say ticks-milliseconds.


Did you even go into it (to the real), then? It looks like you just read "Our performance is the best!" on the DC's homepage.

I have 5 terminals with different brokerage companies in 3 different VPS, and not the kitchen ones, and paid, with thick channel and optical right to the dealer's brain and absolutely no matter what is the ping, the braking on heavy traffic is exactly the same as with home PC, and on a thin market 1 tick per 20 seconds and 2-3 times spread. And the same "No connection" in the logs occasionally. So much for the "world's liquidity giants".
And you say ticks-milliseconds.

I've heard it all before. Yeah, right here.

You've been to it (the real one)? It looks like you just read "Our performance is the best!" on the brokerage company's home page.

My 5 terminals with different brokerage companies are connected to 3 different VPS, and not the kitchen ones, but to a paid one, with thick channel and straight to dealer's brain, whatever is the ping, on heavy traffic I get exactly the same slows as with home comp, and on thin market 1 tick every 20 seconds and spread widening 2-3 times. And the same "No connection" in the logs occasionally. So much for the "world's liquidity giants".
And you say ticks-milliseconds.

I've lost three deposits (I'm not bragging, but you can't hide a fly in the ointment) and happily went to programming :)

My first one was in 2006 in a small kitchen (Teletrade) and the last one last year. After that I confess that I have never tried real trading (I could trade but I have very little time to do it).

On the last microreal in Alpari the execution was up to 3 seconds on my home computer (with mobile internet).

I've got 5 terminals of different types, i.e., terminals with different terminals.

And I don't run 5 terminals, it's a tantrum (although of course you can run a dozen, but there are problems), like in the tale of the furrier (you can't make 7 big hats out of one sheepskin). You should set a P4 for each pair of terminals, hook up a router and you will be in luck.

So get your hardware up and running, the dillings are way up against the old days.


"It's all down to the broads again!" Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! -Tiki!


To the Developers - already asked here, (as opposed to the tiki flub - on topic branch it seems) - is there somewhere to find out details about the forthcoming MT4 Market?

I don't know, it's not really described in the Rules, and the discussion thread is kind of stagnant...


"It's all down to the broads again!" Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! -Tiki!


To the Developers - already asked here, (as opposed to the tiki flub - on topic branch it seems) - is there somewhere to find out details about the forthcoming MT4 Market?

I don't know, it's not really described in the Rules, and the discussion thread is kind of stagnant...

The MT4 market will work according to the same rules as MT5, there is already a separate section in beta test mode. The codes can be added now. There will not be a separate resource for MT4 (the market is common).

All the codes written on the old mql4 compiler will be supported by the new compiler. The new compiler has not even entered beta (yes, we are waiting too).

Instead of calling important questions as floods, you should better go to the beginning of this thread, it is all explained there.