What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 17

Of course we retain full compatibility of the old code.

Question: can I open to buy with an open sell while keeping my sell trades?

What about the minute history?

Everything is the same, the whole MT4 system is retained.

All trades and trading patterns remain exactly as they were in MT4.


Everything is the same, the whole MT4 system is retained.

All trades and the trading model remain exactly the same as they were in MT4.

Thank you.


I have a question about the OOP is now also available?


I have a question about the OOP is now also available?

yes, as recently as yesterday.

My question is this

Who needs this super protection when the web is full of open source, when those who write it for themselves do not need it in principle, when there is only

who need it, when only a small handful of dealers remain to sell it for some money. But as it turns out, once you write the code, after compiling it you get

which just hangs around in the terminal and nobody knows what can be expected from it.


A small group of traders to whom it could be sold for some money.

that's what it's for.

MT has 7e+6 users. Why not earn 1$ a month from each. You don't have to worry about your code getting out of hand.

Will stop-limit orders appear in the new mt4?

That's what it's for.

MT has 7e+6 users. Why not make $1 a month from each. You don't have to worry about your code getting leaked.

Just try to convince them to pay $1 per month :)


to convince these users

Does it hurt ?