What's new in MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 - big changes on the way - page 2


if the translation is in the nativ, then yes.

Oohoh ... what a mess we're gonna make of this...

Does this decision mean that MetaTrader5 has lost the competition to its predecessor and now its advantages will finally be levelled?

It means that those who are waiting for us to fail have been punched in the gut :)

So stop jackalizing and bending the line.


Cool twist! Will there be OpenCL in MT4?


Not all features will move. Definitely not OpenCL and MQL5 Cloud Network.


How about joining the beta testers team ?

In a couple of weeks we'll start publishing beta versions available to everyone.

We want to do a long public beta test to catch as many bugs as possible.


In a couple of weeks we will start publishing beta versions available to everyone.

We want to do a long public beta test to catch as many bugs as possible.


Powerful changes, is it necessary to register as a seller on this resource if there is already a registration on the resource 5 language?

Will it be necessary to redesign programs that are already written for mt4 or will the code structure remain, and it is enough to add the product to the market for sale?

I wonder, does it mean that the speed of languages will be the same, and MQL4 will be as fast as MQL5?

Yes, I forgot to mention that the code execution speed will be the same. That is, MQL4 will seriously speed up.

Another interesting feature is that it will be possible to mutually use the same EX4/EX5 libraries in different languages, as long as these libraries will not use specific functions of their languages. Since they have full byte-code compatibility (except for special functions), you can make math, calculation and other libraries fully compatible with MQL4/MQL5.

finally the assistant salesmen are getting a life.....................

Powerful changes, is it necessary to register as a seller on this resource if there is already a registration on the resource 5 language?

Will it be necessary to redesign programs that are already written for mt4 or will the code structure remain, and it is enough to add the product to the market for sale?

The shop will be located at MQL5.com with a separate section for MetaTrader 4 programs in the Market section. An existing MQL5 account will be sufficient.

The existing MQL4 code can be used without any changes, but we recommend providing it with a new icon, description, etc.


Tell me, will the new documentation for 4 be available during the beta testing phase?