Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass by. Nowhere without you - 6. - page 781


And nothing came out of it? At least something is written, show this something here, with explanations of what you want to get and what is wrong, someone will look at it and tell you what to do.

And to write for you the whole code "turnkey" - that's not here, that's in Freelance

i posted it to you and i didn't ask for a turnkey !!! i asked for a hint and i got a response look in the tutorial and some offered their services

The value of a newcomer is not in ignorance, but in freshness of outlook, ideas, unmediatedness! For that you have to learn many basic truths, be inquisitive and curious! In the meantime, you remind me of a loser looking for hints, peeks, hoping that this time you will sculpt an advisor and finally get some money and enjoy idleness.
i have an interest in cognition, but you can't get knowledge from a textbook! i will never believe that you professionals have got knowledge only from literature!!!!
i have an interest in cognition, and you can't get knowledge from a textbook! i will never believe that you professionals have got knowledge only from literature!!!!

I have already explained that I am not a pro, but I live with the interest to achieve it myself, then the logic, the system, the knowledge will be yours, and you will certainly be blessed with ideas, findings, through relentless trying, mistakes, searches, failures and deserved achievements! Isn't it interesting to write consciously yourself, to gain satisfaction from the process so far, and then from tangible results!

As I understand it, you just don't benefit from reading!!! :(((


I have already explained that I am not a pro, but I live with the interest to achieve it myself, then the logic, the system, the knowledge will be yours, and you will certainly be blessed with ideas, findings, through relentless trying, mistakes, searches, failures and deserved achievements! Isn't it interesting to write consciously yourself, to gain satisfaction from the process so far, and then from tangible results!

As I understand it, you just don't benefit from reading!!! :(((

Mmmmm yes, I'm talking to you about Thomas and you're talking to me about Yeroma!!!
Mmmm yes, I tell you about Thomas and you tell me about Yeremiah!!!
So stay with your Thomas!


I did not ask for a turn-key solution!!! I asked for tips and I was told to look in a textbook, and some offered their services.

You need to look in kodobase, there are many examples of break-even, I gave you the link in private correspondence. But you also need to read the textbook and documentation to understand at least something in those in the source code.


tell me what's wrong!

  if ( событие1 ){
 OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,NormalizeDouble( Lotpers,5),orderprisecell,0,0,0,NULL,MagicNumber,0,clrKhaki); 
 if( событие1 ) 
  if (OrderType() == OP_SELL){
  OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(), Ask, 3,clrIvory );  

  if ( событие 2 )
  OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,NormalizeDouble( Lotpers,5),orderprisebuy,0,0,0,NULL,MagicNumber,0,clrPlum);
 if ( событие2 )
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY){
  OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(), Bid, 3,clrIvory );  


in event 1 a pending order should open and Cell should close.

In event 2a pending order should open and close Buy.


everything works... The pending orders open. Cell is closing... But Buy is not closing. Why not?



tell me what's wrong!


in event 1 a pending order should open and Cell should close.

In event 2a pending order should open and close Buy.


everything works... The pending orders open. Cell is closing... But Buy is not closing. Why?

No error message like "order not found"?

does it never close silently? no "order not found" error?
nothing in the tester...
nothing in the tester...
OrderSelect() where is it written?