An advisor has been stolen! Tell me who to complain to ... - page 5


At least the date it was uploaded to my site, and the date it appeared on the pirate forum.

And the documents ... I once knew a programmer who made patents for every mq4... went bankrupt on the patents

You can take my word for it - you'll have a hard time proving anything to anyone!

Your site - you can put there anything and anytime, even change the date and in general WHAT was uploaded there is a big question - maybe under the name there was some rubbish, and he gratuitously uploaded his own whole advisor to a pirate forum with a library and a librarian in addition ...

At best the demagoguery can last for years, at worst the court will simply send him away...

I had a dry cleaner once ruined a sheepskin coat - so in the presence of all the documents, down to the receipt of purchase on the sheepskin coat - the trial lasted 11 months!

I won the trial, but it's only for the stubborn... And in your case - for the insane. )))


The main thing is that customers don't know that the grail has been scolded by the market more than once-)-)

And to hell with it! The new one will be ready by then! ))))) Even more beautiful and expensive! ))))
What a mess. If they give you bullshit instead of signals, you can just use it for PR.

Better not, it'll cost you money.

Reshetov used to be a decent man. Now he flouts like a pimply teenager. As the saying goes, who's the better for it...

Don't hold a grudge, Reshetov, hold the balls...


A new idea has arisen - what if we hire a hacker to crash that abominable forum?

Does anyone, by any chance, know anyone like that? Can you give me a phone number?


A new idea has arisen - what if we hire a hacker to crash that abominable forum?


A new idea has arisen - what if we hire a hacker to crash that abominable forum?

It would be much cheaper to hire a gang of trolls to take a big shit in the comments on that forum.)

Calm down webmaster. Your profitable Expert Advisor will soon cease to be so.
Sell while it's on sale, but sell as much as you can before it gets hacked.
Use other online shops


A new idea has arisen - what if we hire a hacker to crash that abominable forum?

Does anyone, by any chance, know anyone like that? You got a phone number?

Sure do. Hackers, killers, hustlers, grifters, pimps and pimps, plus a couple of whores and a Hamburg cock as a bonus. They're all a match - there's no place to put the branding. I'm just gonna look in my address book and burn down the names and addresses.

Nothing's too bad for decent people.

Do you happen to know if there will be boobs on this channel today? Or am I screwing up my eyesight in vain?

Here you go! ))))

Mischek & Boobs.