An advisor has been stolen! Tell me who to complain to ... - page 2

Looks like Friday
That's why it was on sale )

Good day!

The situation is that on one of the Russian forex forums the Expert Advisor that was stolen from me has been hanging for a few days.

(As you understand, I can not give you the link so as not to attract more attention to it.)

Administration of the forum ignores all my messages asking to delete the link. Where (to whom) can I complain to them?

How did this happen? Did hackers steal your owls from your computer? Or gopniks took away the flash drive with the advisor?


They have ruined the country. How long do we have to put up with it?


They have ruined the country. How long are we going to put up with this?

If you block WebMoney, you'll be singing a tune :)
That's why it was on sale )
The boob theme was not addressed.

If you get webmoney blocked, you'll be singing a lot more :)
Zenit champion
Is it the source code or the compilation?

Naturally, a decompile. So far, it doesn't work, because the DLL has not been cracked yet. They are making some nonsense there instead of signals from the DLL, but who knows when they will find a master who will crack it?

In general, as usual, there is a lot of flooding that is not interesting to listen to. I'll answer a couple of questions, but no more.

I have incurred losses because those who could have bought an EA are now waiting for it to be cracked. And I am selling them because they are for sale. Is that a satisfactory answer? It is not a grail, alas, you cannot make millions on it. I am telling the same to my customers, I am not promising them golden mountains.

And there's nowhere to complain, I take it? And what would you do in this situation? But no flooding, please.


What's going on... Where to run to?

A man may have had his last grail taken out of his pocket! You guys are evil... )))

Webmaster Is there nowhere to complain, I take it? What would you do in such a situation? Don't be flustered, please.

I've done it before - I posted it in codebase out of spite :)