Profit percentage for the week - page 11

Thank you.
So what's the problem - money on a ruble deposit at VTB. 0% risk, 0.1% profit per business day - you don't trade forex at the weekend

You mean 2% per month and 26% per year? Who will give you such a percentage of the Russian banks? I do not believe it, there has to be an explanation of the phenomenon. 26% per year for forex is considered good for Soros.

You mean 2% a month and 26% a year? Who would give you such a rate from Russian banks? I do not believe it, there must be some explanation for this phenomenon. 26% per year in forex is considered good for Soros.
There is a huge leverage! You squeeze a lot of interest from here! At the same time he loses a bit! As if that were true in practice!

You want to say 2% per month and 26% per year? Who will give you such interest from Russian banks? I do not believe it, there should be an explanation for this phenomenon. 26% per year in forex is considered good by Soros.
Actually Soros never played at forex, he is more of an expert in attracting funds from the outside, he buys securities, hedge and investment funds of all kinds, he uses the insider information (for which he was fined bo it is considered cheating). The tales about how he brought down the Bank of England in '92 are greatly exaggerated, although he picked pockets then, but again, only because he knew more than others)))
There is a huge leverage! Hence you squeeze out a big percentage! At the same time losing a bit! It may be so in practice!

Open a deposit of 100 million at some brokerage bank and demand a leverage of at least 50:1, surprise the bankers and they will surprise you ))))

If you do the dumbest thing in your life and open the same deposit in an offshore brokerage company, they will give you 1000:1 leverage without questions. Only you will not see your money)))


Open a deposit of 100 million in some bank-broker and demand a leverage of at least 50:1, surprise the bankers and they will surprise you ))))

Or do the dumbest thing in your life and open the same deposit in an offshore brokerage company, they will give at least 1000:1 leverage without questions, heh. Only you will not see your money)))

Very experienced and knowledgeable?
When you share examples from your life, give more earthly data, not from that air lock
Strongly experienced, knowledgeable?
When you share examples from your own life, give more earthly data, not from that air lock)
Banned from Google? If so, search through Yandex, the information is abundant, both about the maximum leverage for large deposits and about not very honest offshore firms ;)
Banned from Google? Well then search through Yandex, there's a lot of information ;)

Google and Yandex are helping your imagination... I didn't doubt it.


Open a deposit of 100 million in some bank-broker and demand a leverage of at least 50:1, surprise the bankers and they will surprise you ))))

Or do the dumbest thing in your life and open the same deposit in an offshore brokerage company, they will give at least 1000:1 leverage without questions, heh. Only you will not see your money)))

You are writing nonsense!
Google and Yandex are helping your imagination... I didn't doubt it.

And you probably only trust the grannies at the doorstep and the luring pages of the DCs? You don't use the search engine at all because it is guaranteed to lie?

Why are you so attached to me? As soon as I write something about brokerage houses you jump out and try to yell at me... Aren't you a representative of one of them? I didn't give you any names, don't get nervous ))))