Profit percentage for the week


Share your experiences, how much profit you take as a percentage of the deposit...

And what percentage per week/month do you think would suit you?


Share your experiences, how much profit you are taking as a percentage of the deposit.

And what percentage per week/month do you think would suit you?

It never hurts to dream © Folk proverb

- Tell me, Shura, honestly, how much money do you need to be happy? - Ostap asked. - Just calculate it all.
- One hundred roubles, - replied Balaganov, regretfully taking his eyes off the bread and sausage.
- No, you haven't understood me. Not for today, but in general. For happiness. Do you understand? So that you can be happy in the world.

Balaganov thought at last, smiling softly, and at last he announced that he needs six thousand and four hundred rubles to be happy and that he will live happily ever after with this sum.

Golden Calf © Ilf and Petrov

Is 5 per cent a week over the course of a year realistic?
Is 5 per cent a week over the course of a year realistic?
Not guaranteed, but on average.

Share your experiences, how much profit you take as a percentage of the deposit...

And what percentage per week/month do you think would suit you?

A trader is tested by how he gets through the hard times, not by the percentage in the fat years))
Only not guaranteed, but on average.

How are you doing?

I didn't even get 5 per cent a week... No system)

100 points a day okay?

Can you do it without that attitude?

No kidding.


How are you doing?

I didn't even get 5 per cent a week... no system)

In minus easily)
In minus easily )
Also without any guarantees. Sometimes Friday is over and the depo is still in profit from Monday.

Can we not have an attitude like that?

No kidding.

No jokes.

If you are trading, it means you have money. There is no system.

On the link you will find someone who has the opposite, there is a system, but no money.