Pass a two-dimensional array from MQL4 to dll - page 6


As they say, if you can't get the work done in eight hours you are a bad worker.

It's the same here, if you write a lot of code, you're not a bad programmer, but a bad or worthless algorithmist.

But you can also be a brilliant programmer, which is not the same thing.

To summarize, all of the above, you don't have any problems with arrays. All of this is bogus.


No one doubts that Vadim is a clever head, that's not what I mean.

If the algorithm works, it works, and that's it.

If it doesn't, you can make miscarriages or shapeshifters, but the end will be the same.

Every problem has (at least) 2 types of solutions: private and general. In the first case, the solution, most often low-cost (in time and resources) - did and forgot (this approach is used by most), in the second case, time and resources spent exponentially more, depending on the "scope of the problem. The difference between them: in the possibility of multiple use in solving one-type tasks (once you have spent time, created a tool, and then use it "without limitations"). "Singularity" (the range of assignable tasks) is directly linked to the primary labour and resource input in the initial "task coverage". You don't need to be able to work on the second option (even if you don't understand "what is it about?") to "feel the difference"... :)

P.S. And "at the end" (if you have nothing else to do) you can "hang" (load) the task "with two fingers". :)))


Every problem has (at least) 2 types of solutions: private and general

Don't blather on. Every problem has normal solutions and through the *ass. To brag about the number of functions is to sign up in advance for your incompetence.
There's no need to blather on. Every problem has normal solutions and through the *ass. To brag about the number of functions is to sign up in advance for your incompetence.

Exactly! STL and Boost creators are total suckers and totally incompetent. Only Andrey is a super-duper-programmer - one function for everything :-))
There's no need to blather on. Every problem has normal solutions and through the *ass. To brag about the number of functions is to sign up in advance for your incompetence.

So I do not understand: you are a specialist in what? Normal specialists work, and they do not scratch their tongues about the work of others! :)))
Normal professionals work, not bitching about the work of others! :)))

One does not interfere with the other. I also have time to trade.

Here you go -- show your skills --

At the same time, let's have a look at your "guru" code.

Where I can go out (while I'm still on my feet) is "fist-fighting" (you can't beat all the **dickoffs, but there'll be one less), the rest of it makes no sense to me. It's my system of life priorities that I don't need to get into, just don't "bump into".
it's a "fistfight."
Makes sense, you don't have any fists, you start waving them around. Dirty.
It is easier (and more interesting) for me to try to prove Junko wrong, for example, by arbitrarily changing WinUser32.mgh, than even to explain (not to prove) something to those who have to be Gulliver in life (though among Lilliputians). :)))