Absolute courses - page 59


Nah, who's gonna bet on Dr. F. vs. grell?

I'll go 1 for 2.

I bet 10, you bet 5.

So far, five euro crosses have been bought and three dollar crosses have been sold. Now comes the fun part. I hope my position in terms of TP and SL will be understood by some people. In the long term the probability of profit is higher, but I don't feel like taking losses because of unnecessary price movement.


Your colleague goes to the website of the US Senate, or more precisely Senator Bernie Sanderswww.sanders.senate.gov
You can find information there about the audit of the Federal Reserve, the first in 100 years, which was pushed through by a group of senators. The reporting period is December 2007 to June 2011. Here's a direct link to the report.

Page. 131: "The total loan under the Fed's "Emergency Broad-Based Programs" is $16,115,000,000,000." Do you smell that? :-) The four largest recipients, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, each received more than one trillion dollars from the Fed. The fifth biggest recipient is Barclays PLC. The eighth is Royal Bank of Scotland, PLC. Ninth addressee is Deutsche Bank AG. Tenth is UDS AG. The last four institutions received between a quarter and half a trillion dollars each. None of them is a US bank.

Page 205 - Aside and apart from the loans under the "Emergency Broad-Based Programs" there was another $10,057,000,000,000 in "currency exchange deals". In "currency exchange deals", the Fed transferred dollars to foreign central banks to finance "bail-outs" in other countries. Loans under "currency exchange deals" and "broad-based emergency programs" total more than $26 trillion. That is nearly $100,000 for every man, woman and child in America. That's twice the Gross National Product of America.

What the audit revealed is staggering: $26 trillion was secretly transferred by the Federal Reserve to US banks, corporations and foreign banks around the world. Between December 2007 and June 2011, the Fed secretly "bailed out" thousands of banks, corporations, and governments around the world. Not a single cent of that money has been paid back, and the loans are at 0% interest.

How is it in the Talmud? Give to strangers at 0% interest, and print and give away as much as you want? :-)))

Do you have any idea what all this "raising the debt ceiling" is all about? Who will lend the states a trilk or two? No one has that kind of money. All these "loans" in the form of federal treasury bonds are "bought" by the "Federal Reserve" itself, with freshly printed dollars. Hence the advice - buy gold.

By the way:
Russia is now not only the largest oil producer in the world, but also the largest buyer of gold. In the last ten years the central bank has bought 570 tons of the metal, which is a quarter more than China, which came in second.

Everyone knows where things are headed:

Question: What are you doing to protect against the weakness of the US economy?

Malone: Well, my wife, who is very worried about all this, has taken all her cash out to Australia and Canada. She wants a place to get away to if things blow up here... We have a safe haven right on the Quebec border that we can get to at any time if we need to snowmobile.

John Malone, July 12, 2010, Bank of New York board member

Do you think everyone just abruptly started arming themselves?



Your colleague goes to the website of the US Senate, or more precisely Senator Bernie Sanderswww.sanders.senate.gov
You can find information there about the audit of the Federal Reserve, the first in 100 years, which was pushed through by a group of senators. The reporting period is December 2007 to June 2011. Here's a direct link to the report.

Page. 131: "The total loan under the Fed's "Emergency Broad-Based Programs" is $16,115,000,000,000." Do you smell that? :-) The four largest recipients, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, each received more than one trillion dollars from the Fed. The fifth biggest recipient is Barclays PLC. The eighth is Royal Bank of Scotland, PLC. Ninth addressee is Deutsche Bank AG. Tenth is UDS AG. The last four institutions received between a quarter and half a trillion dollars each. None of them is a US bank.

Page 205 - Away from and separate from the "Emergency Broad-Based Programs" loans was another $10,057,000,000,000 in "currency exchange deals". In "currency exchange deals", the Fed transferred dollars to foreign central banks to finance "bail-outs" in other countries. Loans under "currency exchange deals" and "broad-based emergency programs" total more than $26 trillion. That is nearly $100,000 for every man, woman and child in America. That's twice the Gross National Product of America.

What the audit revealed is staggering: $26 trillion was secretly transferred by the Federal Reserve to US banks, corporations and foreign banks around the world. Between December 2007 and June 2011, the Fed secretly "bailed out" thousands of banks, corporations, and governments around the world. Not a single cent of that money has been paid back, and the loans are at 0% interest.

How is it in the Talmud? Give to strangers at 0% interest, and print and give away as much as you want? :-)))

Do you have any idea what all this "raising the debt ceiling" is all about? Who would lend the states a trilk or two? No one has that kind of money. All these "loans" in the form of federal treasury bonds are "bought" by the "Federal Reserve" itself, with freshly printed dollars. Hence the advice - buy gold.

By the way:
Russia is now not only the largest oil producer in the world, but also the largest buyer of gold. In the last ten years the central bank has bought 570 tons of the metal, which is a quarter more than China, which came in second.

Everyone knows where things are headed:

Question: What are you doing to protect against the weakness of the US economy?

Malone: Well, my wife, who is very worried about all this, has taken all her cash out to Australia and Canada. She wants a place to get away to if things blow up here... We have a safe haven right on the Quebec border that we can get to at any time if we need to snowmobile.

John Malone, July 12, 2010, Bank of New York board member

Do you think everyone just abruptly started arming themselves?

Oh, that's terrible.

What do we do now?


Have you tried testing your strategy in the tester? ..... in MT5?

Oh, that's terrible.

What do we do now?

Buy gold.


More and more interesting reports are coming out of China. And, at first glance, they all seem exceptionally contradictory.


1. China Daily, China's newspaper with the largest foreign circulation, reports, "...Because of the launching of printing presses by developed countries, there could be a flood of money in the world... The risk for normal countries is that they will be unsustainable if a flood of waste paper comes flooding in, which could destroy their financial system... It is time for normal countries to coordinate efforts to reduce the shock caused by outside forces." Article dated 18.02.13

What is it about? It seems to me that China is clearly signalling that the world is about to plunge into hyperinflation, because there is no other way to continue the current world financial system. The very fact that China makes this statement to the world loudly shows that China is fully prepared for such a development and does not see anything personally threatening in it. Even in spite of its trillion-euro currency holdings.

2. Jin Zhongxia, head of the People's Bank of China Research Institute, in comments to the London Expert Forum of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions, said that the dollar will continue to dominate the world. "The dollar will remain the main reserve currency, complemented by four smaller currencies: the euro and British pound in Europe, the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan in Asia," the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph quoted Mr. Jin as saying.

There seems to be a clear contradiction between the first statement and the second. At first sight, if the Daoke-dao website published the information the day after the original statement, there is only a two-day difference between the first and the second one. At best. So does the second disavow the first? Not at all. Unlike in many other countries, information at such an official level from China is never randomly sidelined. The two statements are 200% consistent with each other. The first is simply that the world (the whole world) is going to be hit by hyperinflation. The second says that China is disappointed in the Euro, in Europe and in the stupidity of European politicians who are plunging the region into an abyss of chaos. And it will happen much more violently in Europe than in the US. That is the first point. The second is that China does not see this as a threat to itself and is ready to act in a common direction by systematically devaluing its own currency along with all the other players. And here's where this ironclad calm comes from, the third source will tell us.

3. "If you add up the secret, untraceable sources of gold - metal from the black market in Africa and South America (and possibly Iran), the volume of gold production around the world by parastatal Chinese companies, and the Chinese campaign to buy gold by its citizens - you see that the size of the Chinese hoard is 7,000 tons or even more!"

Isn't that quite a remarkable difference from the official thousand tonnes claimed by the latest official figures in 2009? About the time China decided to reduce its foreign currency holdings in US and European treasuries. And after all, what difference does it make to China how many grams or milligrams of gold the renminbi is worth when the hyperinflationary printing presses stop competing, if that same renminbi becomes "gold" at the same instant in whatever denomination? And China would be able to adjust the progressive reduction of the value of the paper yuan to precisely match the income growth of the population better than anyone else. With the same gold deposits in the state bank and a couple of other protective measures. But all the others won't be able to follow suit. Alas. Not enough resources.

Have you tried testing your strategy in the tester? ..... in MT5?

No. There is no need for that.

No. That's not necessary.

Of course it is.

Of course you do.

Why, may I ask? Would you "test in MT5", say, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation?
Yes, you have a lot of self-confidence.