Synchronised running of the script/advisor on the slave terminal - page 14

Well, if you know everything, then do it.

I don't know. Had I known, I wouldn't have come here.

These options were dumped to me verbatim on a third-party site.

That's why there was no "substantive conversation" - you don't want to see/hear anything you're told.

It's elementary. I am not a programmer. I can modify some of the source code, but no more than that.

If someone has a desire to bring a solution to a finished product, a subject for conversation.

But the common phrases like "go there, I don't know where, bring this, I don't know what"... That's not why I'm here...


I don't know. Had I known, I wouldn't have come here.

I got these options verbatim from a third-party site.

Yeah, so they're kind of smart and they're kind of stupid? The way data is exchanged is not the problem at all in this case, it's a working point. For more than 10 pages there was discussion about what to use it for, what to do with it and what to exchange (and when). Have you not noticed that? Amazing!


If anyone has a desire to bring the solution to a finished product, a subject for conversation.

So, fuck it.
Watch how much is poured in as soon as you get to the constructive part.
It's a lot tougher than that.

This sucks. Interprocess events -- that's cooler.
This sucks. Interprocess events - that's cooler.

:)) boys, don't fight...
This sucks. Interprocess events are cooler.

That's what it is.